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Last active April 8, 2019 07:01
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Introducing `f` – a simple formatter for complex strings
optimized for readability, inspired by Python's printf
✅ No need for new variable names
✅ Readable code
✅ Readable result string
// Usage
pf`{paneler blir montert} {i uke} {21} ({26.} - {31. Oct})`(
endOfWeek.format("Do MMMM")
// Implementation
const f = ([str] = fistArg) => (...args) => {
let counter = 0;
const s = str.replace(/(\{[a-z\d\s\.]+\})/gi, () => {
return args[counter++] || "";
// Alternative approaches
Template literal approach:
✅ No new variables
❌ Readable code
❌ Readable result string
const inline = `${prefix} ${intl.formatMessage(
)} ${_startDate.week()} (${startOfWeekStartDate.format("Do")} –
${endOfWorkWeekEndDate.format("Do MMMM")})`;
2001 approach:
✅ No new variables
✅ Readable code
❌ Readable result string
const inline =
prefix +
" " +
intl.formatMessage(m.installationDateInWeek) +
" " +
_startDate.week() +
" (" +
startOfWeekStartDate.format("Do") +
" – " +
endOfWorkWeekEndDate.format("Do MMMM") +
Alternative approach with variables
❌ Have to come up with new variable names
✅ Readable code
✅ Readable result string
const installationDateInWeek = intl.formatMessage(m.installationDateInWeek);
const startWeek = _startDate.week();
const startDate = startOfWeekStartDate.format("Do");
const endDate = endOfWorkWeekEndDate.format("Do MMMM");
const inline = `${prefix} ${installationDateInWeek} ${startDate} – ${endDate})`;
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