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Last active December 16, 2015 23:21
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  • Save rix501/5513120 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rix501/5513120 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Because we needed a birdlog and a jvstinlog
# Description:
# Keep a variaty of logs
# Dependencies:
# Configuration:
# Commands:
# hubot logs - shows all logs stored
# hubot <name>log last <number> - show last number of logs
# hubot <name>log <message> - add a new log
# hubot <name>log #<number> - get entry at number
# hubot <name>log random - get random entry
# Author
# rix501
module.exports = (robot) ->
logs = new Logs robot
robot.respond /([a-z]+)log(?: last(?: (\d+)){0,1}){0,1}$/i, (msg) ->
logs.getLast msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (message) ->
msg.send "#{message}"
robot.respond /logs$/i, (msg) ->
logs.allLogs (message) ->
msg.send "#{message}"
robot.respond /([a-z]+)log random$/i, (msg) ->
logs.random msg.match[1], (message) ->
msg.send "#{message}"
robot.respond /([a-z]+)log #(\d+)$/i, (msg) ->
logs.find msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (message) ->
msg.send "#{message}"
robot.respond /([a-z]+)log ([^#]{1}.+)/i, (msg) ->
return if msg.match[2] is 'random' or /last(?: \d+){0,1}/.test(msg.match[2])
logs.add msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (message) ->
msg.send "#{message}"
# Classes
class Logs
constructor: (robot) ->
@_logs = {}
robot.brain.on 'loaded', =>
if not = {}
@_logs =
add: (logName, message, callback) ->
unless @_logs.hasOwnProperty logName
@_logs[logName] = []
log = @_logs[logName]
log.push message
callback "Log ##{log.length} added to #{logName}log"
random: (logName, callback) ->
unless @_logs.hasOwnProperty logName
callback "#{logName}log doesn't exist"
log = @_logs[logName]
number = Math.floor(Math.random()*log.length)
callback log[number]
find: (logName, index, callback) ->
unless @_logs.hasOwnProperty logName
callback "#{logName}log doesn't exist"
index = 1 if index == 0
log = @_logs[logName]
index = parseInt(index, 10) - 1
if index >= log.length
callback "Entry ##{index+1} doesn't exist in #{logName}log"
callback log[index]
allLogs: (callback) ->
unless Object.keys(@_logs).length > 0
callback "No logs exist"
lines = for own name, log of @_logs
entStr = if log.length == 1 then 'entry' else 'entries'
"#{name}log with #{log.length} #{entStr} \n"
lastLine = lines[lines.length-1]
lastLine = lastLine.substring(0, lines.length-1)
callback lines.join('')
getLast: (logName, n = 10, callback) ->
unless @_logs.hasOwnProperty logName
callback "#{logName}log doesn't exist"
log = @_logs[logName]
n = log.length if log.length < n
results = log.slice(log.length-n, log.length)
lines = for message,i in results
"#{message}#{if i < n-1 then '\n' else ''}"
callback lines.join('')
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