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Created February 10, 2014 18:30
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#!/usr/bin/env coffee
fs = require('fs')
IMG_PATH = './www/img/'
IMG_REGEX = /(\/img\/[^ \t\r\n'"]*)/igm
images = []
addImage = (img, cb) ->
fs.stat img, (err, stat) ->
if stat.isFile()
cb img
else if stat.isDirectory()
getImages "#{img}/", cb
getImages = (path, callback) ->
fs.readdir path, (err, files) ->
i = 0
files.forEach (file) ->
addImage "#{path}#{file}", (img) ->
images.push img
callback() if i == files.length
SASS_PATH = './www/sass/'
readDir = (rootPath, cb) ->
fs.readdir rootPath, (err, files) ->
i = 0
files.forEach (file) ->
processFile "#{rootPath}#{file}", ->
cb() if i == files.length
processFile = (file, cb) ->
fs.stat file, (err, stat) ->
if stat.isFile()
readFile file, cb
else if stat.isDirectory()
readDir "#{file}/", cb
readFile = (filePath, next) ->
fs.readFile filePath, encoding: 'utf-8', (err, data) ->
while (imgPath = IMG_REGEX.exec(data)) isnt null
imgPath = imgPath[0].replace(/[())]/ig, '')
imgRx = new RegExp("#{imgPath}", 'i')
matches = images.filter (img) -> imgRx.test(img)
removeImg matches
removeImg = (img) ->
if typeof img is 'string'
index = images.indexOf img
images.splice index, 1
img.forEach removeImg
getImages IMG_PATH, ->
images = images.filter((img) -> !!img)
images = images.filter((img) -> !~img?.indexOf('.DS_Store'))
readDir(SASS_PATH, -> console.log images.join('\n'))
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