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Last active December 26, 2022 19:07
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Run a zrepl job and block/wait until it's finished.
# Author: Riyad Preukschas <>
# License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
# Run a zrepl job and block/wait until it's finished (with progress indication).
# Note: this is basically a hack until there's a properly integrated solution for this.
# see
set -o nounset # complain when reading unset vars
run-and-wait-for-zrepl-job-with-progress() {
zrepl_job_result='' # result
zrepl_error='' # result
local zrepl_job="$1"
echo "Running job ${zrepl_job} ..."
zrepl signal wakeup "${zrepl_job}"
local bytes_replicated_last=0
local bps_avg_last=0
local delta_t=1 # seconds between loop iterations
echo "NOTE: not all steps can be size-estimated, progress estimates may be imprecise."
while :
sleep "${delta_t}"
# The magic: zrepl status -> jq *something* -> bash eval()
# Everything comes together in the last line of the jq script. We use jq's text interpolation
# to define shell variables whose values are calculated by the functions defined before.
# The interpolated shell string is then eval()ed, defining/overwriting variables for the next
# loop iteration and printing the current progress.
# Output variables:
# zrepl_job_result: the state of all the stages unified into a single array
# bytes_replicated_last: bytes replicated until now
# bps_avg_last: bytes per second (weighted average)
# Notes:
# bytes_to_human_* adapted from
# LC_NUMERIC=C prevents errors like "printf: 174.39417266845703: invalid number" with locales where decimal separator is ","
eval "$( \
zrepl status --mode raw \
| ZREPL_JOB="${zrepl_job}" DELTA_T="${delta_t}" BYTES_REPLICATED_LAST="${bytes_replicated_last}" BPS_AVG_LAST="${bps_avg_last}" jq -c -r '
def job_results: .Jobs[$ENV.ZREPL_JOB].push | [.PruningReceiver.State?,.PruningSender.State?,.Replication.Attempts[-1].State] | map(tostring | ascii_downcase);
def steps_total: .Jobs[$ENV.ZREPL_JOB].push | [.Replication.Attempts[].Filesystems[].Steps[]] | length;
def steps_replicated: .Jobs[$ENV.ZREPL_JOB].push | [.Replication.Attempts[].Filesystems[].CurrentStep] | reduce .[] as $item (0; . + $item);
def bytes_expected: .Jobs[$ENV.ZREPL_JOB].push | [.Replication.Attempts[].Filesystems[].Steps[].Info.BytesExpected] | reduce .[] as $item (0; . + $item);
def bytes_replicated: .Jobs[$ENV.ZREPL_JOB].push | [.Replication.Attempts[].Filesystems[].Steps[].Info.BytesReplicated] | reduce .[] as $item (0; . + $item);
def bps_avg($bytes_replicated): (($bytes_replicated - ($ENV.BYTES_REPLICATED_LAST | tonumber)) / ($ENV.DELTA_T | tonumber)) as $rate | 0.5 as $weight | (1-$weight)*($ENV.BPS_AVG_LAST | tonumber) + $weight*$rate;
def bytes_to_human_number: if . == 0 then 0 else ((. | log2) / (1024 | log2) | floor) as $i | . / pow(1024; $i) end;
def bytes_to_human_unit: if . == 0 then "B" else ((. | log2) / (1024 | log2) | floor) as $i | ["B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB"][$i] end;
@sh "zrepl_job_result=\(job_results | tojson) bytes_replicated_last=\(bytes_replicated) bps_avg_last=\(bps_avg(bytes_replicated)); LC_NUMERIC=C printf \" Progress: %i / %i snapshots (estimated: %.1f %s / %.1f %s @ %.1f %s/s) ... \\r\" \(steps_replicated) \(steps_total) \"\(bytes_replicated | bytes_to_human_number)\" \(bytes_replicated | bytes_to_human_unit) \"\(bytes_expected | bytes_to_human_number)\" \(bytes_expected | bytes_to_human_unit) \"\(bps_avg(bytes_replicated) | bytes_to_human_number)\" \(bps_avg(bytes_replicated) | bytes_to_human_unit)"
' \
# error? .State in ["execerr", "filesystem-error", "planning-error", "planerr"]
if [[ "${zrepl_job_result}" = *err* ]]; then
#if [[ $(jq 'any(. == "error")' <<< "${zrepl_job_result}") = "true" ]]; then
# all done
[[ $(jq 'all(. == "done")' <<< "${zrepl_job_result}") = "true" ]] && break
echo # keep last progress string
if [[ -z "${zrepl_error}" ]]; then
echo "Running job ${zrepl_job} ... done"
echo "Error encountered while processing ${zrepl_job} job."
echo "Run the following command for details: zrepl status --job ${zrepl_job}"
echo "Running job ${zrepl_job} ... failed"
run-and-wait-for-zrepl-job-with-progress "$@"
# Author: Riyad Preukschas <>
# License: Mozilla Public License 2.0
# Run a zrepl job and block/wait until it's finished (without progress indication).
# Note: this is basically a hack until there's a properly integrated solution for this.
# see
set -o nounset # complain when reading unset vars
run-and-wait-for-zrepl-job() {
zrepl_job_result='' # result
zrepl_error='' # result
local zrepl_job="$1"
echo "Running job ${zrepl_job} ..."
zrepl signal wakeup "${zrepl_job}"
local delta_t=5 # seconds between loop iterations
echo "NOTE: not all steps can be size-estimated, progress estimates may be imprecise."
while :
sleep "${delta_t}"
# pluck the state of all the stages and unify them into a single array
zrepl_job_result="$( \
zrepl status --mode raw \
| ZREPL_JOB="${zrepl_job}" jq -c -r '
.Jobs[$ENV.ZREPL_JOB].push | [.PruningReceiver.State?,.PruningSender.State?,.Replication.Attempts[-1].State] | map(tostring | ascii_downcase)
' \
# error? .State in ["execerr", "filesystem-error", "planning-error", "planerr"]
if [[ "${zrepl_job_result}" = *err* ]]; then
#if [[ $(jq 'any(. == "error")' <<< "${zrepl_job_result}") = "true" ]]; then
# all done
[[ $(jq 'all(. == "done")' <<< "${zrepl_job_result}") = "true" ]] && break
if [[ -z "${zrepl_error}" ]]; then
echo "Running job ${zrepl_job} ... done"
echo "Error encountered while processing ${zrepl_job} job."
echo "Run the following command for details: zrepl status --job ${zrepl_job}"
echo "Running job ${zrepl_job} ... failed"
run-and-wait-for-zrepl-job "$@"
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