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Last active December 28, 2020 16:51
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Script to run queries against a WordPress site using Python. Install the library using `pip install python-wordpress-xmlrpc` before running this script. Run this script in the terminal using `python`
import sys
from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetPosts, GetPost
wp = Client('', 'username', 'password') # update the site address, username and password
# retrives the list of all posts in the blog. Optional: you can supply filters and fields to sort by.
print({'post_status': 'publish'})))
# retrives a single post in the blog. Required: postId. Optional: fields
# pass in postId when running this script, e.g python 1234
postId = sys.argv[1] # needs to be a valid post ID
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