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Created April 14, 2021 15:10
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Library for Vector-related calculations
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Do `python3 -i` to use it interactively
from vpython import vector as v
from vpython import *
from typing import Union, Type
import sympy as sym
from fractions import Fraction
def man():
origin = v(0,0,0)
To create a vector:
A = vector(0,0,0)
B = v(1,1,1)
k * A: scalar constant k multiplied to A
mag(A): magnitude of A
dot(A,B): dot product of A and B
cross(A,B): cross product of A and B
diff_angle(A,B): angle between A and B (in radians)
proj(A,B): vector projection of A onto B
A.equals(B): check if A and B have the same magnitude and direction
same_direction(A,B): check if A and B have the same direction
midpoint(A,B): midpoint of A and B
unit(A): unit vector in direction of A
Line(position_v, direction_v): Create a Line object
Line.point(t): Find a point on the Line using the given scalar t
Line.is_on(position_v): Check if point is on the line
Line.shortest_distance(position_v): Calculate the shortest distance from point to Line
Line.line_intersection(line): Calculate the point of intersection between both Lines
Line.is_same_line(line): Check if both Line are equivalent
Line.foot_perpendicular(position_v): Calculate the foot of the perpendicular from the given point to this line
Plane(position_v, normal_v, d=0, use_d=False): Create a Plane Object. If no d is given, you can just supply position_v and normal_v. If equation is in the form of ax + by + cz = d, set the d argument and set use_d to True and put origin/v(0,0,0) as the position_v.
Plane.is_on(position_v): Check if point is on the plane
Plane.shortest_distance(position_v): Calculate the shortest distance from point to Plane
Plane.line_intersection(line): Calculate the point of intersection between Line and Plane
Plane.plane_intersection(plane): Calculate the Line of intersection between both Planes
Plane.foot_perpendicular(position_v): Calculate the foot of the perpendicular from the given point to this plane
origin = v(0,0,0)
def midpoint(position_v1: vector, position_v2:vector) -> vector:
Calculates the position vector of the midpoint of the given 2 points
:param position_v1: position vector of the first point
:param position_v2: position vector of the second point
:return: returns position vector of the midpoint
print("Midpoint: ({}/2, {}/2, {}/2)".format(position_v1.x + position_v2.x, position_v1.y + position_v2.y, position_v1.z + position_v2.z ))
return vector((position_v1.x + position_v2.x)/2, (position_v1.y + position_v2.y)/2, (position_v1.z + position_v2.z)/2 )
def unit(direction_v: vector) -> vector:
Calculates the unit vector of the given direction vector
:param direction_v: given direction vector
:return: returns unit vector
magn_square = direction_v.x**2 + direction_v.y**2 + direction_v.z**2
print("{}/sqrt({})i + {}/sqrt({})j + {}/sqrt({})k".format(direction_v.x, magn_square, direction_v.y, magn_square, direction_v.z, magn_square))
return norm(direction_v)
def same_direction(direction_v1: vector,direction_v2:vector) -> bool:
Checks if the two given vectors are in the scalar multiples of each other
:param direction_v1: first vector
:param direction_v2: second vector
:return: returns True if vectors are in the same direction
k = sym.symbols('k')
x_eqn = sym.Eq(direction_v1.x, direction_v2.x * k)
y_eqn = sym.Eq(direction_v1.y, direction_v2.y * k)
z_eqn = sym.Eq(direction_v1.z, direction_v2.z * k)
result = sym.solve([x_eqn, y_eqn, z_eqn], [k])
return result != []
class Line:
def __init__(self, position_v: vector, direction_v: vector) -> None:
Construct a new vector equation of a Line.
:param position_v: a position vector of a point on the line
:param direction_v: the direction vector
:return: returns nothing
self.position_v = position_v
self.direction_v = direction_v
def point(self, t: Union[int, float]) -> vector:
Calculate a new point on the Line.
:param t: the scalar to be multipled to the direction vector of the line
:return: returns the calculated position vector
return self.position_v + t * self.direction_v
def is_on(self, position_v: vector) -> bool:
Checks if a given point lies on this Line.
:param position_v: the position vector of the point to be checked
:return: returns True if the given point lies on this Line, False otherwise
t = sym.symbols("t")
eqn_x = sym.Eq(self.direction_v.x * t, position_v.x - self.position_v.x)
eqn_y = sym.Eq(self.direction_v.y * t, position_v.y - self.position_v.y)
eqn_z = sym.Eq(self.direction_v.z * t, position_v.z - self.position_v.z)
result = sym.solve([eqn_x, eqn_y, eqn_z], [t])
return result != []
# return (position_v.x - self.position_v.x) / self.direction_v.x == \
# (position_v.y - self.position_v.y) / self.direction_v.y == \
# (position_v.z - self.position_v.z) / self.direction_v.z
def shortest_distance(self, position_v: vector) -> Union[sym.core.mul.Mul, float] :
Calculate the shortest/perpendicular distance of a given point to this Line.
:param position_v: the position vector of the given point
:return: returns the shortest/perpendicular distance
temp = cross(position_v - self.position_v, self.direction_v)
num = temp.x**2 + temp.y**2 + temp.z**2
den = self.direction_v.x**2 + self.direction_v.y**2 +self.direction_v.z**2
print("Shortest distance: sqrt({})/sqrt({}) or sqrt({})".format(num, den, Fraction(num/den).limit_denominator()))
return mag(cross(position_v - self.position_v, self.direction_v)/mag(self.direction_v))
def line_intersection(self, line: Type["Line"]) -> vector:
Calculates the position vector of the point at which the given Line and this Line intersects.
:param line: the given Line to check with
:return: returns the position vector of the intersection point
t,s = sym.symbols('t, s')
x_eqn = sym.Eq(self.position_v.x + t * self.direction_v.x, line.position_v.x + s * line.direction_v.x)
y_eqn = sym.Eq(self.position_v.y + t * self.direction_v.y, line.position_v.y + s * line.direction_v.y)
z_eqn = sym.Eq(self.position_v.z + t * self.direction_v.z, line.position_v.z + s * line.direction_v.z)
result = sym.solve([x_eqn, y_eqn, z_eqn],(t,s))
if result == []:
raise AssertionError("Both Lines do not intersect!")
return self.position_v + float(result[t]) * self.direction_v
def is_same_line(self, line: Type["Line"]) -> bool:
Checks if the given Line is equivalent to this Line
:param line: the given Line to check with
:return: returns True if both Lines are equivalent
return same_direction(self.direction_v, line.direction_v) and self.is_on(line.position_v) and line.is_on(self.position_v)
def foot_perpendicular(self, position_v: vector) -> vector:
Calculates the foot of the perpendicular from the given point to this Line.
:param position_v: the given point
:return: returns the position vector of the foot of the perpendicular
diag = position_v - self.position_v
adj = proj(diag, self.direction_v)
return self.position_v + adj
def __str__(self) -> str:
String representation of the Line
:return: returns the string representation
return """
[{}i] [{}i]
r = [{}j] + t [{}j]
[{}k] [{}k]
x = {} + {}t , y = {} + {}t, z = {} + {}t
self.position_v.x, self.direction_v.x,
self.position_v.y, self.direction_v.y,
self.position_v.z, self.direction_v.z,
self.position_v.x, self.direction_v.x,
self.position_v.y, self.direction_v.y,
self.position_v.z, self.direction_v.z,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
Objection representation of the Line
:return: returns the object representation
return "<Line position_v={} direction_v={} >".format(repr(self.position_v), repr(self.direction_v))
class Plane:
def __init__(self, position_v: vector, normal_v: vector, d: Union[int, float] = 0, use_d: bool = False) -> None:
Construct a new vector equation of a Plane.
:param position_v: a position vector of a point on the plane
:param normal_v: the vector normal to the plane
:param d: the d value of ax + by + cz = d
:param use_d: True if you are using the d parameter
:return: returns nothing
self.normal_v = normal_v
if use_d:
self.d = d
self.d = dot(self.normal_v, position_v)
def is_on(self, position_v: vector) -> bool:
Checks if a given point lies on the Plane.
:param position_v: the position vector of the point to be checked
:return: returns True if the given point lies on the plane, False otherwise
return dot(position_v, self.normal_v) == self.d
def shortest_distance(self, position_v: vector) -> Union[int, float]:
Calculate the shortest/perpendicular distance of a given point to the Plane.
:param position_v: the position vector of the given point
:return: returns the shortest/perpendicular distance
num = abs(dot(position_v, self.normal_v) - self.d )
den = self.normal_v.x**2 + self.normal_v.y**2 + self.normal_v.z**2
distance = num/sqrt(den)
print("Shortest distance: {}/sqrt({}) or {}".format(num, den, Fraction(distance).limit_denominator()))
return distance
def line_intersection(self, line: Line) -> vector:
Calculate the intersection point of a given Line intersects with this Plane
:param line: the given Line to check with
:return: returns the position vector of the intersection point
t = sym.symbols('t')
x = (line.position_v.x + t * line.direction_v.x) * self.normal_v.x
y = (line.position_v.y + t * line.direction_v.y) * self.normal_v.y
z = (line.position_v.z + t * line.direction_v.z) * self.normal_v.z
eqn = sym.Eq(x + y + z, self.d)
result = sym.solve([eqn],[t])
if result == []:
raise AssertionError("The Line does not intersect this Plane")
return line.position_v + float(result[t]) * line.direction_v
def plane_intersection(self, plane: Type["Plane"]) -> Line:
Calculate the equation of Line at the intersection of the given Plane and this Plane
:param line: the given Plane to check with
:return: returns the Line at the intersection
x, y, z = sym.symbols('x, y, z')
p1_eqn = self.normal_v.x * x + self.normal_v.y * y + self.normal_v.z * z - self.d
p2_eqn = plane.normal_v.x * x + plane.normal_v.y * y + plane.normal_v.z * z - plane.d
eqn2 = sym.Eq(p1_eqn, 0)
eqn3 = sym.Eq(p2_eqn, 0)
result = sym.solve([eqn2, eqn3], (x,y,z))
if result == []:
raise AssertionError("These 2 Planes do not intersect")
results = {
"x": sym.solve([eqn2, eqn3, sym.Eq(x, 0)], (x,y,z)),
"y": sym.solve([eqn2, eqn3, sym.Eq(y, 0)], (x,y,z)),
"z": sym.solve([eqn2, eqn3, sym.Eq(z, 0)], (x,y,z))
print("If x = 0, then {}".format(results["x"]))
print("If y = 0, then {}".format(results["y"]))
print("If z = 0, then {}".format(results["z"]))
choice = input("Choose [x/y/z] to be 0: ")
position_v = v(results[choice][x], results[choice][y], results[choice][z])
direction_v = cross(self.normal_v, plane.normal_v)
return Line(position_v, direction_v)
def foot_perpendicular(self, position_v: vector) -> vector:
Calculates the foot of the perpendicular from the given point to this Plane.
:param position_v: the given point
:return: returns the position vector of the foot of the perpendicular
line = Line(position_v, self.normal_v)
return self.line_intersection(line)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return """
r . [{}j] = {} or {}x + {}y + {}z = {}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<Plane normal_v={} d={} >".format(repr(self.normal_v), self.d)
def test():
l1 = Line(v(1,2,3), v(4,5,6))
assert l1.point(0) == v(1,2,3)
assert l1.point(5) == v(21, 27, 33)
assert l1.point(0.54) == v(3.16, 4.7, 6.24)
l2 = Line(v(1,2,4), v(4,5,7))
assert l1.line_intersection(l2) == v(-3,-3,-3)
assert l2.shortest_distance(v(-3,-3,-3)) == 0
l3 = Line(v(2,3,4),v(-1,1,1))
assert l3.shortest_distance(v(7,4,2)) == 3 * sqrt(2)
p1 = Plane(v(1,2,3), v(-20,16,-4))
assert p1.d == 0
assert p1.is_on(v(1,2,3))
assert p1.is_on(v(3,4,1))
assert p1.is_on(v(-1,-2,-3))
assert Plane(v(0,0,0), v(2,1,-4), 4).line_intersection(Line(v(0,2,0),v(1,3,1))) == v(2,8,2)
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