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Last active February 20, 2020 16:10
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  • Save rizkysyazuli/821972 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rizkysyazuli/821972 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[JavaScript - SPA Starter] Starter script for a single-page AJAX application.
* Extending Paul Irish’s DOM-ready execution for single-page AJAX application.
* This snippet executes methods based on URL hash values.
* Original implementation by Paul Irish & Viget Labs:
* Requires jQuery Address plugin:
* TODO: support HTML5 History API.
var doc_title = document.title;
var App = {
common: {
init: function() {
// application-wide functions
// prevent outgoing links from being AJAX-ified :)
UTIL.exec('common', 'external');
events: function() {
// catch all link events, replace with AJAX request
$(document).bind('click.ajax', function(e) {
var target =;
// except outgoing and anchor link
if (target.tagName==='A' && target.className!=='external' && (target.href.indexOf('#')==-1)) {
// get link href without the site address
// example: "" makes "news/important"
var url = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname;
var path = target.href.substring(url.length);
// change address hash values
// note: the UTIL.init method listens to this event
// block link click event
external: function() {
// add 'external' class to all outgoing links
return $('a[href^=http://]').addClass('external');
page: {
init: function() {
// global ajax page load handler
// check page address & configurations
var pathNames = $.address.pathNames(), config =;
// load page via AJAX
if (!pathNames.length || pathNames[0]==='home') {
// home page might have unique requirements.
// but implementation might differ. so i just leave this here.
} else {
// other pages
config: {
// default AJAX page request settings.
// see:
url: false,
data: { },
dataType: 'json',
complete: function() { }
title: function(path) {
// method to update document.title from URL hash
// reformat path names
var names = this.format(path);
// combine with document.title
var page_title = [doc_title].concat(names).reverse().join(' - ');
// return the new title
return page_title;
format: function(path) {
// placeholder for the reformatted path names.
// we don't want to break the original event.pathNames data
var names = [];
// loop each path names and capitalize them
for (var i=0; i<path.length; i++) {
// third level is *usually* a url slug,
// example: news/detail/the-news-title
// let's make it prettier
if (i==2) {
// remove 2nd level path name
var slug = names[1].split('-');
var title = [];
for (var j=0; j<slug.length; j++) {
title = title.join(' ');
names.pop(); // remove original slug from names
names.push(title); // add the newly formatted title
return names;
capitalize: function(txt) {
// make first letter uppercase
return txt.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1);
/* example methods */
news: {
init: function() {
// configure page-specific config & callbacks
var config =;
config.url = '/news';
config.complete = function() {
// the callback. do stuff when AJAX request complete.
// make the AJAX page request.
detail: function() {
// configure action-specific config & callbacks
var config =;
config.url = $.address.value();
config.complete = function() {
// the callback. do stuff when AJAX request complete.
// make the AJAX page request.
var UTIL = {
exec: function(controller, action) {
var action = (action === undefined) ? 'init' : action;
if (controller !== '' && App[controller] && typeof App[controller][action] == 'function') {
init: function() {
// enable Google crawlable URL hash values.
// this is where the magic happens.
// trigger method execution on address.change event.
$.address.change(function(e) {
var address = e.value, pathNames = e.pathNames;
// execute application-wide codes.
// execute page-specific controller & actions.
if (pathNames.length && pathNames.length > 1) {
UTIL.exec(pathNames[0], pathNames[1]);
} else {
UTIL.exec(pathNames[0] || 'home');
// update page title
if (pathNames.length) {
} else {
* Based on our example, the order of execution could be like this:
* App.common.init();
* or:
* App.common.init();
* see original article for details:
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