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Forked from gatlin/my_prelude.hs
Created September 19, 2017 23:36
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{- * Foundational functions -}
id :: a -> a
id x = x
const :: a -> b -> a
const x y = x
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
bottom :: a
bottom = fix id
{- * Foundational typeclasses.
The following definitions form the foundation for programming in psilo.
{- |
A type `m` is a Monoid if
- It has a default value; and
- You can combine two `m` values into a one `m` value.
class Monoid a where
empty :: a
combine :: a -> a -> a
-- | Shorthand for `combine`.
(<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
(<>) = combine
{- |
A type `f` is a Functor if it provides some context or structure for some base
type `a` and permits the internal a value(s) to be mapped to some other type
`b` by a unary mapping function.
The mapping function may only see each independently - not the whole structure;
it may also not change the structure. Just the values being mapped.
See the definitions of Monad and Comonad for extensions which permit localized
mutation and read-only global access to the structure, respectively.
The type signature is probably much clearer.
class Functor f where
map :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- | Shorthand for `map`
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$>) = map
{- |
A type `f` is an Apply if it is a Functor, and also permits the mapping
function to be value in the context of `f`.
More simply, this allows for chaining of computations inside some context.
Say the functor in question is the List type (defined below). If I have a list
of functions which take an integer and produce a boolean, and another list of
integers, then I can write
funcList <*> intList
to apply all the functions in the first list to all the ints in the second list
to produce a list of all results.
class (Functor f) => Apply f where
apply :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- | Shorthand for `apply`.
(<*>) :: Apply f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) = apply
{- |
A type `f` is Applicative if it is an Apply and also permits arbitrary values
to be lifted into the `f` context in a uniform way.
More simply this is a kind of functor for which initial structure may be
created for any arbitrary value, making it easier to then use `apply` on
arbitrary values.
class (Apply f) => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
{- |
A type `f` is Alternative if it is Applicative and monoidal. The name
"Alternative" suggests a common use case for this typeclass: functor
computations which allow for a limited form of choice.
How your Alternative decides between two values of `f a` is what defines it.
class (Applicative f) => Alternative f where
base :: f a
(<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
{- |
A type `m` is a monad if
- `m` is Applicative; and
- An `m` parameterized over some `m a` can be flattened into an `m a`.
This second requirement is called "joining" because it is like joining two
layers of type structure.
`map` and `join` permit the mechanical definition of a function called `>>=`.
`>>=` is like `map` except the mapping function creates an extra layer of
`m` on top of the existing value. These two layers of `m` will then be joined
together, producing a single monad value `m b`.
Intuitively this means that a Monad is a Functor which permits a mapping
function to alter the structure around each internal value.
class (Applicative m) => Monad m where
join :: m (m a) -> m a
return :: a -> m a
return = pure
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ma >>= f = join (map f ma)
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
ma >> mb = ma >>= \_ -> mb
{- |
A type `w` is an Extract if it is an Apply and also permits values of the base
type `a` to be extracted from a `w a`.
This is really the dual to Applicative.
class (Apply w) => Extract w where
extract :: w a -> a
{- |
A type `w` is a Comonad if
- It is an Extract; and
- A value `w a` may duplicate the `w` structure to produce a value
`w (w a)`.
We call this duplication a "fork" because the single layer of structure
is forked into an identical layer around it.
`map` and `fork` permit the definition of `=<<`. Whereas `map` only allows the
mapping to rely on each element individually, `=<<` allows the mapping function
to use the entire structure to produce each individual value.
More simply a Comonad is a Functor whose mapping operation can see the entire
structure but not alter it.
Comonads are duals to Monads.
class (Extract w) => Comonad w where
fork :: w a -> w (w a)
(=<<) :: w a -> (w a -> b) -> w b
wa =<< f = map f . fork wa
-- * Basic types
-- | A Box is the simplest functor. It has many uses.
newtype Box a = Box { unbox :: a } deriving Show
instance Functor Box where
map f i = Box $ f $ unbox i
instance Apply Box where
Box f `apply` Box a = Box (f a)
instance Applicative Box where
pure = Box
instance Extract Box where
extract (Box v) = v
instance Monad Box where
join (Box bx) = bx
instance Comonad Box where
fork (Box v) = Box (Box v)
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Box a) where
empty = Box empty
bx `combine` by = combine <$> bx <*> by
-- | A monoid of endomorphisms under composition
newtype Endo a = Endo {
appEndo :: a -> a
instance Monoid (Endo a) where
empty = Endo id
Endo f `combine` Endo g = Endo (f . g)
newtype Bool = Bool {
if :: forall r. r -> r -> r
true :: Bool
true = Bool $ \t _ -> t
false :: Bool
false = Bool $ \_ e -> e
-- * Utility typeclasses
{- |
A type `f` is Foldable if it permits the values inside it to be reduced or
"folded" down to some other value.
class Foldable t where
fold :: Monoid m => t m -> m
fold = foldMap id
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap f = foldr (append . f) empty
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo . f) t) z
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl f z t = appEndo (unbox (foldMap
(Box . Endo . flip f) t )) z
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' f z0 xs = foldr f' id xs z0 where
f' x k z = k $! f z x
filter :: (Monoid (t a), Applicative t) => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> t a
filter p = foldMap (\a -> if (p a) (pure a) empty)
foldlM :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
foldlM f z0 xs = foldr f' return xs z0
where f' x k z = f z x >>= k
-- * Utility types
-- | Const is like a Box which preserves its value
newtype Const a b = Const { getConst :: a }
instance Functor (Const a) where
map _ cnst = cnst
-- | A Pair is a structure containing two values of different types.
newtype Pair a b = Pair {
unpair :: forall r.
(a -> b -> r)
-> r
pair :: a -> b -> Pair a b
pair x y = Pair $ \f -> f x y
instance Functor (Pair a) where
map f p = unpair p (\x y -> pair x (f y))
fst :: Pair r b -> r
fst p = unpair p (\f _ -> f)
snd :: Pair a r -> r
snd p = unpair p (\_ s -> s)
newtype Opt a = Opt {
maybe :: forall r. (a -> r) -> r -> r
just :: a -> Opt a
just x = Opt $ \s n -> s x
none :: Opt a
none = Opt $ \s n -> n
instance Functor Opt where
map f o = maybe o (\x -> just (f x)) none
instance Apply Opt where
oa `apply` ob = maybe oa (\f -> map f ob) none
instance Applicative Opt where
pure = just
instance Alternative Opt where
base = none
ol <|> or = maybe o (\j -> just j) or
instance Foldable Opt where
foldr f z o = maybe o (\x -> f x z) z
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Opt a) where
empty = none
x `combine` y = maybe x (\x' ->
maybe y (\y' -> just (x' `combine` y'))
instance Monad Opt where
join ooa = maybe ooa id none
-- | List: a linked list of arbitrary length, which may be empty.
newtype List a = List {
listFoldr :: forall r.
(a -> r -> r)
-> r
-> r
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons x xs = List $ \c e -> c x $ listFoldr xs c e
nil :: List a
nil = List $ \c e -> e
split :: List a -> Pair (Opt a) (List a)
split xs = listFoldr xs f (pair none nil) where
f y ys = pair (just y) (List (\c e ->
maybe (fst ys) (\x -> c x (listFoldr (snd ys) c e))
car :: List a -> Opt a
car xs = fst . split $ xs
cdr :: List a -> List a
cdr = snd . split
append :: List a -> List a -> List a
xs `append` ys = listFoldr xs cons ys
zip :: List a -> List b -> List (Pair a b)
zip as bs =
let (ha, ta) = split as
(hb, tb) = split bs
in maybe ha (\a ->
maybe hb (\b -> cons (pair a b) (zip ta tb)) nil)
listFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
listFilter pred xs = listFoldr xs f nil where
f y ys = List $ \c e ->
if (pred y)
(c y (listFoldr ys c e))
(listFoldr ys c e)
instance Functor List where
map f xs = listFoldr xs (\y ys -> cons (f y) ys) nil
instance Apply List where
la `apply` lb = listFoldr la (\l ls ->
cons (f <$> lb) (ls `apply` lb))
instance Applicative List where
pure x = cons x nil
instance Monoid (List a) where
empty = nil
combine = append
instance Alternative List where
base = nil
(<|>) = append
instance Foldable List where
foldr c n xs = listFoldr xs c n
filter = listFilter
instance Monad List where
join xs = listFoldr xs append nil
-- * The free monad
class (Functor f, Monad m) => FreeMonad f m | m -> f where
wrap :: f (m a) -> m a
liftF :: (FreeMonad f m) => f a -> m a
liftF = wrap . map return
newtype MT f m a = MT {
runMT :: forall r.
(a -> m r) -- ^ terminal case
-> (f (m r) -> m r) -- ^ continue case
-> m r
instance Functor (MT f m) where
map f (MT k) = MT $ \a fr -> k (a . f) fr
instance Apply (MT f m) where
MT fk `apply` MT ak = MT $ \b fr -> ak (\d ->
fk (\e -> b (e d)) fr) fr
instance Applicative (MT f m) where
pure a = MT $ \k _ -> k a
instance Monad (MT f m) where
join (MT fk) = MT $ \u w -> fk (\d -> runMT d u w) w
instance Functor f => FreeMonad f (MT f m) where
wrap f = MT $ \u w -> w (map (\(MT m) -> m u w) f)
type M f = MT f Box
runM :: Functor f
=> M f a
-> (forall r. (a -> r) -> (f r -> r) -> r)
runM (MT m) = \u w -> unbox $ m (return . u) (return . w . map unbox)
data AskF r a = Ask (r -> a)
instance Functor (AskF r) where
map f (Ask ra) = f . ra
type Ask r a = M (AskF r) a
class (Monad m) => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
liftAsk :: Ask r a -> m a
ask :: (FreeMonad (AskF a) ((->) r), MonadReader r m) => m a
ask = liftAsk (liftF (Ask id))
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