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Forked from martindemello/stringtemplate.d
Created May 22, 2012 22:30
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string templating in D
// first version - code demonstrating the basic idea.
// see below for a fuller-featured implementation
import std.string;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;
/* A very simple string templating system. Placeholders of the form
* %{variable} are replaced by the corresponding variable in the current
* scope.
* Since this works via simple macro expansion you could use an expression
* in place of a variable, but it will be evaluated multiple times.
string formatTemplate(string tmpl)
string[] vars;
string ret = "";
while (!tmpl.empty)
auto i = tmpl.indexOf("%{");
if (i == -1)
ret ~= tmpl[0 .. i] ~ "%s";
tmpl = tmpl[i + 2 .. $];
auto j = tmpl.indexOf("}");
vars ~= tmpl[0 .. j];
tmpl = tmpl[j + 1 .. $];
string retval = `format(q"|` ~ ret ~ tmpl ~ `|", `;
retval ~= join(vars, ", ");
retval ~= ")";
return retval;
void main()
// variables
string foo = "answer";
int bar = 42;
/* $ cat template.txt
The %{foo} is %{bar}
enum tmpl = import("template.txt");
string a = mixin(formatTemplate(tmpl));
// line-oriented version, with conditionals
import std.algorithm;
import std.string : join, chomp;
import std.range;
import std.exception;
import std.stdio;
/* A very simple line-oriented string templating system.
* Placeholders of the form %{variable} are replaced by the corresponding
* variable in the current scope.
* Conditional sections can be marked off by
* <| if condition |>
* text
* <| fi condition |>
* note that the if/fi block has to have matching conditions. sections
* can be nested; proper nesting is checked at compile time.
* There is no <| else |> directive; you can use
* <| if condition |>
* text
* <| fi condition |>
* <| if !condition |>
* text
* <| fi !condition |>
* Since this works via simple macro expansion you could use an expression
* in place of a variable, but it will be evaluated multiple times. Conditions
* will be surrounded by parentheses, so you can use expressions there too.
* Also, since we are expanding the template into the current lexical scope,
* we have to explicitly pass in the name of a string[] variable to which to append
* the result (to sidestep any variable capture issues). [TODO: add gensym support]
* Sample usage:
* enum tmpl = import("template.txt");
* string foo = "hello";
* string bar = "world";
* bool enableFoo = true;
* bool enableBar = false;
* string result = [];
* mixin(formatTemplate("result", tmpl);
class Section
string condition;
string[] text;
bool close = false;
this(string c)
condition = c;
text = [];
bool isStartSection(string line)
return line.startsWith("<| if") &&
line.endsWith(" |>");
bool isEndSection(string line)
return line.startsWith("<| fi") &&
line.endsWith(" |>");
Section[] getSections(string[] lines)
Section[] sections = [new Section(null)];
Section[] open = [];
foreach( line; lines )
if ( line.isStartSection() )
if (!sections.empty)
sections.back.close = false;
string cond = line[6 .. $ - 3];
sections ~= new Section(cond);
open ~= sections.back;
else if ( line.isEndSection() )
string cond = line[6 .. $ - 3];
// balanced sections
enforce (!open.empty, "fi before if");
Section s = open.back;
enforce(s.condition == cond, "unbalanced fi: " ~ cond);
sections.back.close = true;
sections ~= new Section(null);
open = open[0 .. $ - 1];
sections.back.text ~= line;
enforce(open.empty, "open if: " ~ open.back.condition);
return sections;
string quote(string line)
return `q"|` ~ line ~ `|"`;
string formatLine(string text)
string[] vars;
string ret = "";
while (!text.empty)
auto i = text.indexOf("%{");
if (i == -1)
ret ~= text[0 .. i] ~ "%s";
text = text[i + 2 .. $];
auto j = text.indexOf("}");
vars ~= text[0 .. j];
text = text[j + 1 .. $];
string retval = quote(ret ~ text);
if (!vars.empty)
retval = "format(" ~ retval ~ ", ";
retval ~= join(vars, ", ");
retval ~= ")";
return retval;
string[] formatSection(string acc, Section section)
string[] ret = [];
if ( section.condition !is null )
ret ~= "if (" ~ section.condition ~ ") {";
foreach( line; section.text )
ret ~= acc ~ "~=" ~ formatLine(line) ~ ";";
if ( section.close )
ret ~= "}";
return ret;
string formatTemplate(string acc, string tmpl)
string[] ret = [];
auto sections = getSections(tmpl.chomp.split("\n"));
foreach(section; sections)
ret ~= formatSection(acc, section);
debug(stringTemplate) { ret = "writeln(q\"$" ~ join(ret, "\n") ~ "$\");" ~ ret; }
return ret.join("\n");
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