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Created October 2, 2018 23:48
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(* Helper definitions *)
let pass = fun () -> ()
let output_line str chan =
Pervasives.output_string chan (str ^ "\n")
let open_in path =
print (format "> open_in %s" path);
Pervasives.open_in path
let open_out path =
print (format "> open_out %s" path);
Pervasives.open_out path
let close_in chan =
print "> close_in";
Pervasives.close_in chan
let close_out chan =
print "> close_out";
Pervasives.close_out chan
let bracket init (stop : 'a -> unit) f =
let x = init () in
let r = f x in
stop x;
with exn ->
stop x;
raise exn
let with_input_file path =
bracket (fun () -> open_in path) close_in
let with_output_file path =
bracket (fun () -> open_out path) close_out
(* Iterators *)
type 'a iter =
Iter : {
init : unit -> 's;
next : 'r . ('a -> 's -> 'r) -> 'r -> 's -> 'r;
free : 's -> unit
} -> 'a iter
module Iter = struct
type 'a t = 'a iter
let empty =
Iter { init = pass;
next = (fun _ r _ -> r);
free = ignore }
(* Producers *)
let of_list l =
let[@inline] next yield r s =
match s with
| [] -> r
| a :: s' -> yield a s' in
Iter { init = (fun () -> l); next; free = ignore }
let of_file path =
let next yield r s =
try yield (input_line s) s
with End_of_file -> r in
Iter { init = (fun () -> open_in path);
next; free = close_in }
(* Transducers *)
let map f (Iter iter) =
let next k = (fun a -> k (f a)) in
Iter { iter with next }
let filter predicate (Iter iter) =
let[@inline] rec next yield r s =
((fun a s' ->
if predicate a then yield a s'
else next yield r s')) r s in
Iter { iter with next }
let take n (Iter iter) =
if n = 0 then empty else
if n < 0 then raise (Invalid_argument (format "take %d" n)) else
let[@inline] next yield r (s, i) =
if i <= 0 then r
else (fun a s' -> yield a (s', i - 1)) r s in
Iter { init = (fun () -> (iter.init (), n));
free = (fun (s, _) -> s);
next }
(* Consumers *)
let[@inline] fold f r (Iter iter) =
let[@inline] rec loop r s = (fun a s' -> loop (f a r) s') r s in
bracket iter.init (loop r)
let to_channel chan (Iter iter) =
let rec loop count =
(fun str ->
output_string chan str;
loop (count + 1))
count in
bracket iter.init (loop 0)
let to_file_count path iter =
with_output_file path (fun chan -> to_channel chan iter)
let exhaustive_run () =
|> Iter.of_file
|> (fun line -> String.length line)
|> Iter.filter (fun n -> n > 1)
|> (fun n -> Int.to_string n ^ "\n")
|> Iter.to_file_count "/tmp/hosts"
|> format "wrote %d lines"
|> print
let early_termination () =
|> Iter.of_file
|> (fun line -> String.length line)
|> Iter.filter (fun n -> n > 1)
|> (fun n -> Int.to_string n ^ "\n")
|> Iter.take 3
|> Iter.to_file_count "/tmp/hosts"
|> format "wrote %d lines"
|> print
let exn_exhaustive_run () =
|> Iter.of_file
|> (fun line -> String.length line / 0)
|> Iter.filter (fun n -> n > 1)
|> (fun n -> Int.to_string n ^ "\n")
|> Iter.to_file_count "/tmp/hosts"
|> format "wrote %d lines"
|> print
let exn_early_termination () =
|> Iter.of_file
|> (fun line -> String.length line / 0)
|> Iter.filter (fun n -> n > 1)
|> (fun n -> Int.to_string n ^ "\n")
|> Iter.take 3
|> Iter.to_file_count "/tmp/hosts"
|> format "wrote %d lines"
|> print
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