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Created January 31, 2020 23:02
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type property = string
(** Logic subsumption type: p |= q *)
type t = (property → property → bool)
(** Converts a property to a string representation. *)
let string_of_property p = p
(** Propositional logic formula type. *)
type 'a formula =
(* `⊤`: True value formula. *)
| True
(* `⊥`: False value formula. *)
| False
(* `p, q, ...`: Logical variable. *)
| Variable of 'a
(* `¬`: Formula negation. *)
| Negation of 'a formula
(* `∧`: Logical conjunction. *)
| Conjunction of 'a formula * 'a formula
(* `∨`: Logical disjunction. *)
| Disjunction of 'a formula * 'a formula
(* `⇒`: Material implication. *)
| Implication of 'a formula * 'a formula
(* `⇔`: Material equivalence. *)
| Equivalence of 'a formula * 'a formula
(* DSL Constructor Functions *)
module Lang = struct
let var : 'a → 'a formula =
λ x → Variable x
let (¬) : 'a formula → 'a formula =
λ x → Negation x
let (∨) : 'a formula → 'a formula → 'a formula =
λ p q → Disjunction (p, q)
let (∧) : 'a formula → 'a formula → 'a formula =
λ p q → Conjunction (p, q)
let (⇒) : 'a formula → 'a formula → 'a formula =
λ p q → Implication (p, q)
let (⇔) : 'a formula → 'a formula → 'a formula =
λ p q → Equivalence (p, q)
(** Converts a formulta to a string representation. *)
let rec string_of_formula : 'a formula → string = λ
| True → "⊤"
| False → "⊥"
| Variable v → string_of_property v
| Negation f → "¬" ^ (string_of_formula f)
| Conjunction (a, b) → "(" ^ (string_of_formula a) ^ " ∧ "
^ (string_of_formula b) ^ ")"
| Disjunction (a, b) → "(" ^ (string_of_formula a) ^ " ∨ "
^ (string_of_formula b) ^ ")"
| Implication (a, b) → "(" ^ (string_of_formula a) ^ " ⇒ "
^ (string_of_formula b) ^ ")"
| Equivalence (a, b) → "(" ^ (string_of_formula a) ^ " ⇔ "
^ (string_of_formula b) ^ ")"
(** Evaluates the truth value of a formula in a given environment. *)
let rec eval : ('a → bool) → 'a formula → bool = λ env → λ
| True → true
| False → false
| Variable x → env x
| Negation f → not (eval env f)
| Conjunction (a, b) → (eval env a) && (eval env b)
| Disjunction (a, b) → (eval env a) || (eval env b)
| Implication (a, b) → not (eval env a) || (eval env b)
| Equivalence (a, b) → (eval env a) = (eval env b)
(** Applies a function to all formula variables perserving the structure. *)
let rec map : ('a → 'b formula) → 'a formula → 'b formula = λ f → λ
| True | False as truth → truth
| Variable x → f x
| Negation a → Negation (map f a)
| Conjunction (a, b) → Conjunction (map f a, map f b)
| Disjunction (a, b) → Disjunction (map f a, map f b)
| Implication (a, b) → Implication (map f a, map f b)
| Equivalence (a, b) → Equivalence (map f a, map f b)
(** Applies a function to all formula variables ignoring the results. *)
let rec iter: ('a → unit) → 'a formula → unit = λ f → λ
| True | False → ()
| Variable x → f x
| Negation a → iter f a
| Conjunction (a, b) → iter f a; iter f b
| Disjunction (a, b) → iter f a; iter f b
| Implication (a, b) → iter f a; iter f b
| Equivalence (a, b) → iter f a; iter f b
(* TODO: Group the results. *)
let rec properties : 'a formula → property list = λ
| True | False -> []
| Variable x → [x]
| Negation f → properties f
| Conjunction (p, q) | Disjunction (p, q) | Implication (p, q)
| Equivalence (p, q) → (properties p) @ (properties q)
(* is_contradiction(f:Formula) = ! any(values(f)) *)
(* is_contingent(f::Formula) = ! (is_tautology(f) || is_contingent(f)) *)
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