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Created November 28, 2019 04:33
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mStore Configuration File
/** @format */
import Images from "./Images";
import Constants from "./Constants";
import Icons from "./Icons";
export default {
* Step 1: change to your website URL and the wooCommerce API consumeKey
* Moved to AppConfig.json
Step 2: Setting Product Images
- ProductSize: Explode the guide from: update the product display size:
The default config for ProductSize is disable due to some problem config for most of users.
If you have success config it from the Wordpress site, please enable to speed up the app performance
- HorizonLayout: Change the HomePage horizontal layout -
Update Oct 06 2018: add new type of categories
NOTE: name is define value --> change field in Language.js
Moved to AppConfig.json
ProductSize: {
enable: true,
HomeCategories: [
category: 18,
image: require("@images/categories_icon/ic_shorts.png"),
colors: ["#4facfe", "#00f2fe"],
category: 21,
image: require("@images/categories_icon/ic_tshirt.png"),
colors: ["#43e97b", "#38f9d7"],
category: 208,
image: require("@images/categories_icon/ic_panties.png"),
colors: ["#fa709a", "#fee140"],
category: 26,
image: require("@images/categories_icon/ic_dress.png"),
colors: ["#7F00FF", "#E100FF"],
category: 24,
image: require("@images/categories_icon/ic_glasses.png"),
colors: ["#30cfd0", "#330867"],
// {
// category: 211,
// image: require("@images/categories_icon/ic_socks.png"),
// colors: ["#c471f5", "#fa71cd"],
// },
// {
// category: 212,
// image: require("@images/categories_icon/ic_shoes.png"),
// colors: ["#2af598", "#009efd"],
// },
// {
// category: 210,
// image: require("@images/categories_icon/ic_woman_shoes.png"),
// colors: ["#f43b47", "#453a94"],
// },
step 3: Config image for the Payment Gateway
- Only the image list here will be shown on the app but it should match with the key id from the WooCommerce Website config
- It's flexible way to control list of your payment as well
Ex. if you would like to show only cod then just put one cod image in the list
* */
Payments: {
cod: require("@images/payment_logo/cash_on_delivery.png"),
paypal: require("@images/payment_logo/PayPal.png"),
stripe: require("@images/payment_logo/stripe.png"),
Step 4: Advance config:
- showShipping: option to show the list of shipping method
- showStatusBar: option to show the status bar, it always show iPhoneX
- LogoImage: The header logo
- LogoWithText: The Logo use for sign up form
- LogoLoading: The loading icon logo
- appFacebookId: The app facebook ID, use for Facebook login
- CustomPages: Update the custom page which can be shown from the left side bar (Components/Drawer/index.js)
- WebPages: This could be the id of your blog post or the full URL which point to any Webpage (responsive mobile is required on the web page)
- intro: The on boarding intro slider for your app
- menu: config for left menu side items (isMultiChild: This is new feature from 3.4.5 that show the sub products categories)
* */
shipping: {
visible: true,
zoneId: 1, // depend on your woocommerce
time: {
free_shipping: "4 - 7 Days",
flat_rate: "1 - 4 Days",
local_pickup: "1 - 4 Days",
showStatusBar: true,
LogoImage: require("@images/logo-main.png"),
LogoWithText: require("@images/logo_with_text.png"),
LogoLoading: require("@images/logo.png"),
showAdmobAds: false,
AdMob: {
deviceID: "pub-2101182411274198",
rewarded: "ca-app-pub-2101182411274198/5096259336",
interstitial: "ca-app-pub-2101182411274198/8930161243",
banner: "ca-app-pub-2101182411274198/4100506392",
appFacebookId: "422035778152242",
CustomPages: { contact_id: 10941 },
WebPages: { marketing: "" },
intro: [
key: "page1",
title: "Welcome to MStore!",
text: "Get the hottest fashion by trend and season right on your pocket.",
icon: "ios-basket",
colors: ["#0FF0B3", "#036ED9"],
key: "page2",
title: "Secure Payment",
text: "All your payment infomation is top safety and protected",
icon: "ios-card",
colors: ["#13f1fc", "#0470dc"],
key: "page3",
title: "High Performance",
text: "Saving your value time and buy product with ease",
icon: "ios-finger-print",
colors: ["#b1ea4d", "#459522"],
* Config For Left Menu Side Drawer
* @param goToScreen 3 Params (routeName, params, isReset = false)
* BUG: Language can not change when set default value in Config.js ==> pass string to change Languages
menu: {
// has child categories
isMultiChild: true,
// Unlogged
listMenuUnlogged: [
text: "Login",
routeName: "LoginScreen",
params: {
isLogout: false,
icon: Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons.SignIn,
// user logged in
listMenuLogged: [
text: "Logout",
routeName: "LoginScreen",
params: {
isLogout: true,
icon: Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons.SignOut,
// Default List
listMenu: [
text: "Shop",
routeName: "Home",
icon: Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons.Home,
text: "News",
routeName: "NewsScreen",
icon: Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons.News,
text: "contactus",
routeName: "CustomPage",
params: {
id: 10941,
title: "contactus",
icon: Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons.Pin,
text: "About",
routeName: "CustomPage",
params: {
url: "",
icon: Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons.Email,
// define menu for profile tab
ProfileSettings: [
label: "WishList",
routeName: "WishListScreen",
label: "MyOrder",
routeName: "MyOrders",
label: "Address",
routeName: "Address",
label: "Currency",
isActionSheet: true,
// only support mstore pro
label: "Languages",
routeName: "SettingScreen",
label: "PushNotification",
label: "DarkTheme",
label: "contactus",
routeName: "CustomPage",
params: {
id: 10941,
title: "contactus",
label: "Privacy",
routeName: "CustomPage",
params: {
url: "",
label: "termCondition",
routeName: "CustomPage",
params: {
url: "",
label: "About",
routeName: "CustomPage",
params: {
url: "",
// Homepage Layout setting
layouts: [
layout: Constants.Layout.card,
image: Images.icons.iconCard,
text: "cardView",
layout: Constants.Layout.simple,
image: Images.icons.iconRight,
text: "simpleView",
layout: Constants.Layout.twoColumn,
image: Images.icons.iconColumn,
text: "twoColumnView",
layout: Constants.Layout.threeColumn,
image: Images.icons.iconThree,
text: "threeColumnView",
layout: Constants.Layout.horizon,
image: Images.icons.iconHorizal,
text: "horizontal",
layout: Constants.Layout.advance,
image: Images.icons.iconAdvance,
text: "advanceView",
// Default theme loading, this could able to change from the user profile (reserve feature)
Theme: {
isDark: false,
// new list category design
CategoriesLayout: Constants.CategoriesLayout.card,
// WARNING: Currently when you change DefaultCurrency, please uninstall your app and reinstall again. The redux saved store.
DefaultCurrency: {
symbol: "$",
name: "US Dollar",
code: "USD",
name_plural: "US dollars",
decimal: ".",
thousand: ",",
precision: 2,
format: "%s%v", // %s is the symbol and %v is the value
DefaultCountry: {
code: "en",
RTL: false,
language: "English",
countryCode: "US",
hideCountryList: false, // when this option is try we will hide the country list from the checkout page, default select by the above 'countryCode'
* Config notification onesignal, only effect for the Pro version
OneSignal: {
appId: "43948a3d-da03-4e1a-aaf4-cb38f0d9ca51",
* Login required
Login: {
RequiredLogin: false, // required before using the app
AnonymousCheckout: false, // required before checkout or checkout anonymous
Layout: {
HideHomeLogo: false,
HideLayoutModal: false
Affiliate: { enable: false }
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