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Created November 21, 2017 19:32
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15:39 <@rjbs> Last night, I dreamed I was a rapper.
15:39 <@rjbs> I was asked to come to the funeral of a fan I had never met and eulogize her.
15:40 <@arcanez> did you?
15:40 <@autarch> and you laid down some mad rhymez there?
15:41 <@rjbs> No, I did my best to do a good job. I think I was part of a duo and my counterpart did not take things as seriously.
15:41 <@hanekomu> certainly repressed sexual desires or traumatic events, as Freud would say. :)
15:42 * rjbs watches the cornfield out the window.
15:42 < daxelrod> Nah, he would chalk it up to repressed sexual desires *for* traumatic events
15:47 * stevan would totally take a rjbs/stevan rap duo seriously
15:47 <@stevan> the Moose-Tang Clan
15:48 <@rjbs> with qw(Beats Rhymes Scratching);
15:50 <@stevan> with 'Beats' => { phat => 1 }, 'Rhymes' => { dope => 1 }, 'Scratching' => { skill_level => 'mad' };
15:50 * gphat wouldn't buy your album
15:50 <@stevan> gphat: thats cause you would be on it!
15:50 <@gphat> heh
15:51 <@rjbs> (bust (map 'make-funky (beats rhymes life))
15:51 <@gphat> ooo
15:51 < daxelrod> rjbs raps with a lisp
15:51 <@gphat> rjbs++ # ATCQ reference
15:51 <@rjbs> best. group. ever.
15:51 * gphat changes up playlists
15:52 <@rjbs> on the mic i scheme but i never ever lisp. my parens are smooth but my rhymes are crisp
15:52 <@gphat> hahaha
15:52 <@gphat> "never lisp"
15:53 <@rjbs> i'm never false steppin' if you know what i mean. when I ask, "am I fly" you answer in the boolean
15:53 <@gphat> i blow minds as soon as I I turn the mic on / you rhyme off beat, you need one way like writing pyhon
15:54 * gphat was trying to highlight that sticking to the beat precisely would be the python way
15:54 <@gphat> not sure it made it across ;)
15:55 * daxelrod is inspirede to listen to "So Much Drama in the PhD" again
15:55 < daxelrod> s/inspirede/inspired/;
15:57 <@rjbs> i kick it on cpan and i make fools pause. import sugar to rip off phat ideas from clos. never use braces 'cuz I can walk magnificent. code is so tight even my whitespace is significant
15:59 < daxelrod> That's how I Role.
16:00 <@gphat> the code that I write is so inviting / you view my source you realize yours needs rewriting / my modules and releases keep other coders guessing / you should probably stick to pre-hypertext processing
16:01 <@rjbs> they way I Role's so funky, gotta hold your nose. got style you can't inherit; it's straight-up composed. looking at your code you know it needs some fixing, but you can never touch my style with your ruby mixin
16:02 <@gphat> rjbs: we need auto-tune
16:02 <@rjbs> $self->does('Shawty')
16:02 <@rjbs> sub AUTOTUNE { ... }
16:16 <@rjbs> me and stevan form a sleeper cell like a cons. cory rhymes flow out in truetype fonts. mst can catalyze any channel he's in and if your markup needs a pastor? perigrin.
16:17 <@gphat> the beat has to drop out right on that question mark
16:17 <@rjbs> right
16:20 <@Trelane> you get dropped into the most random conversations when you have a highlight for "Mark"
16:20 <@rjbs> dropping all the rhymes like an evil-bit packet. try to access rico's style but you just can't hack it. skill's a first class attribute and homey you lack it. my style's a 5U server and you just can't rack it
16:21 <@Trelane> *word*
16:21 <@Trelane> or...*byte*
16:21 * confound swivels his hips like a backup dancer
16:34 <@gphat> different kinda rap, no guns and hoes / we pimp servers and database rows / you just can't hang, your code ain't respected / your refcount is zero: get garbage collected
16:37 <@stevan> I use mark and sweep cause I am that leet / dont try to compile that whack ass file, cause your use of types is infantile
16:37 <@gphat> you exceed your bounds, you need stack protection / every line you write results in null pointer exception
16:37 <@gphat> your scope is narrow, I'm practically global / nobody knows you, my appearance is modal
16:39 <@stevan> when you try an go concurrent you get locked up, but my immutable data will fuck you up
16:39 <@gphat> you are single threaded, i multi-task preemptive / i got my own damn line on TIOBE charts, you can call me gifted
16:40 <@gphat> other programmers be like, what language is he on? / code so cold you can call me freon
16:40 <@rjbs> ML for the working programmer? that's whack / unless you work in a cap and gown that's black / gotta get paid daily or i be illin / you can't pay the rent writing eiffel and dylan
16:44 <@gphat> tabs versus spaces, lets skip old flames / when they look up code smell, cats see your name / slow to run, your production is spotty / your mom is like a shell script: she-bang-everybody
16:45 <@perigrin> Moose-core's gonna Rise Up.
16:46 <@rjbs> capital A with the tilde on top. you can't handle unicode you oughta just FULL STOP. I'm the Latin-1 but you don't dig on my jive. you still think Chinese gets coded to Big5
16:47 <@stevan> rjbs is the email master, he own the namespace cause no one is faster
16:48 <@stevan> first come first serve is how roles, bouncing all emails from pimps and hoes
16:50 <@stevan> gphat loves to make the charts click all a yall who dont like it can suck his ....
16:50 <@rjbs> I am a multipart/alternative to the Heavy Hundred crew. my flow goes out on CP-comma-UU. when you hear me shout EHLO throw up your arms, say HEY! pipelining 8-bit 250 OK!
16:50 <@gphat> nobody is going to get your dumb email jokes
16:50 <@gphat> least not the encoding ;)
16:50 <@gphat> but the rest of that one was stellar
16:51 <@rjbs> your module has a glass eye with a fish in it
16:51 <@rjbs> wait wait
16:51 <@gphat> HAHAHAHAH
16:51 <+purl> LOLCON 4.5 reached.
16:51 <@rjbs> your module has a glass eye with a fish INIT
16:51 <@gphat> omg
16:51 <@gphat> i can't thing of anything that rhymes with 'sag'
16:52 <@gphat> in my younger days I useta sport a .... ;)
16:52 <@confound> I am the very model of a modern language functional
16:52 <@confound> my types are strong, my data code, my operators junctional
16:53 <@confound> my lambdas pure they keep transparent referentially
16:53 <@rjbs> it's a tuple not a bag. you're or-true with the lame flag. try to ctcp(KICKIT) but get dropped by lag
16:53 <@stevan> wait when did we go from rappin to showtunes?
16:53 <@confound> JUST NOW KEEP UP
16:53 <@confound> but I don't have a fourth line
16:53 <@gphat> hahah
16:54 <@gphat> referentially is hard
16:54 <@confound> no, it's easy
16:54 <@stevan> exponentially
16:54 <@rjbs> and all my threads will achieve consistency eventually
16:54 <@gphat> your runtime increases exponentially
16:54 <@confound> "transcendentally"
16:54 < daxelrod> A forth line, perhaps?
16:54 <@confound> right
16:54 <@confound> there's lots of rhymes, it's the whole line that's hard instead of just the ending word
16:54 <@stevan> your methods execute transcendentally
16:54 <@stevan> yeh well, this is why we are rappin
16:54 <@rjbs> if you wubba wubba me i will wubba wubba you
16:54 <@stevan> things dont have to make as much sense
16:55 <@gphat> i'm still giggling at she-bang-everybody over here
16:56 <@confound> it was pretty good
16:56 <+purl> Well, it wasn't bad!
16:56 <@nothingmuch> real mature guys
16:56 <@gphat> everyone's a critic!
16:56 <@rjbs> heh
16:56 -!- nothingmuch was kicked from #moose by stevan [this is a adults only show]
16:56 -!- nothingmuch [] has joined #moose
16:57 <@gphat> we write perl, we ain't got no avg, max or min / our only cool asset is Yuval Kogman
16:57 * gphat pats nuffin on the head
16:57 <@nothingmuch> <3
16:57 <@nothingmuch> jeep hat, i love you long time
16:58 * gphat should get a big foam jeep to wear as a hat at conferences
16:58 <@rjbs> yuval is the brains of the pound moose crew. evaluating language like the forth guys do. he's so bidi that it's badass don't believe it's true, just watch him sign his name from right to left: hebrew
16:58 <@stevan> with his kioku DB you can see, nuffin means bizness he aint no pus-E
16:59 <@stevan> his locks are long, his code is strong, if you think of dissing him you will be wrong
21:30 <@rjbs> gphat: i look in man for the method, but the method's not in man, so i email the author but it's caught as spam. i really wanna use the code but I can't without the pod, so i'm forking it on githob (check it)
21:31 <@perigrin> fork fork [scratching noises] forking it on github
22:58 <@rjbs> I listened to ATCQ all day.
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