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Last active August 29, 2022 18:50
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Promised values in Swift Concurrency
/// Wrapper around a lazily resolved using checked continuation.
/// Usage:
/// ```
/// let promiseA = Promised<String>()
/// async let a1 = promiseA.value
/// promiseA.resolve("AAA")
/// let a2 = await promiseA.value
/// print(await a1, a2)
/// ```
public actor Promised<WrappedValue: Sendable> {
private var _value: WrappedValue?
private var observers: [CheckedContinuation<WrappedValue, Never>] = []
public init() {}
// MARK: -
public var value: WrappedValue {
get async {
if let _value = _value {
return _value
} else {
return await withCheckedContinuation(add(continuation:))
public nonisolated func resolve(_ value: WrappedValue) {
Task {
await _resolve(value: value)
// MARK: -
private func _resolve(value: WrappedValue) {
guard _value == nil else {
_value = value
for continuation in observers {
continuation.resume(returning: value)
private func add(continuation: CheckedContinuation<WrappedValue, Never>) {
/// Wrapper around a lazily resolved using checked continuation.
/// Usage:
/// ```
/// let promiseA = PromisedOnMain<String>()
/// async let a1 = promiseA.value
/// promiseA.resolve("AAA")
/// let a2 = await promiseA.value
/// print(await a1, a2)
/// ```
public final class PromisedOnMain<WrappedValue: Sendable> {
private var _value: WrappedValue?
private var observers: [CheckedContinuation<WrappedValue, Never>] = []
public init() {}
// MARK: -
public var value: WrappedValue {
get async {
if let _value = _value {
return _value
} else {
return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
public func resolve(_ value: WrappedValue) {
Task { @MainActor in
_resolve(value: value)
// MARK: -
private func _resolve(value: WrappedValue) {
guard _value == nil else {
_value = value
for continuation in observers {
continuation.resume(returning: value)
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akbashev commented Aug 29, 2022

Ah, thx, was lazy to write from scratch and found your gist 😅
Updated for myself a bit though (with Result usage and throws):

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