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Created September 8, 2015 15:54
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Explaining Flux data flow in Swift
// Line 109 is where the magic is!
import Foundation
import XCPlayground
func setInterval(seconds interval: Int, f: ()->()) {
let delta = Int64(1) * Int64(NSEC_PER_SEC)
let time = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delta)
dispatch_after(time, dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
setInterval(seconds: interval, f: f)
typealias StateType = Int
typealias ViewType = String
typealias DiffType = String
enum Action {
case Increment
case Decrement
struct StateDS {
let value: StateType
struct ViewDS {
let value: ViewType
struct DiffDS {
let value: DiffType
var currentStateDS: StateDS = StateDS(value: 0)
var currentViewDS: ViewDS = ViewDS(value: "")
func cache(f: StateType -> StateType) -> StateDS {
currentStateDS = StateDS(value: f(currentStateDS.value))
return currentStateDS;
func state(action: Action) -> StateDS {
switch action {
case .Increment: return cache { $0 + 1 }
case .Decrement: return cache { $0 - 1 }
func view(state: StateDS) -> ViewDS {
let jsx_is_amazing = "---------\n--- \(state.value) ---\n---------"
return ViewDS(value: jsx_is_amazing)
func diff(view: ViewDS) -> DiffDS {
currentViewDS = view
return DiffDS(value: view.value)
func draw(diff: DiffDS) {
for _ in 1...20 {
infix operator => {
associativity left
func => (lhs: Action, rhs: (Action) -> StateDS) -> StateDS {
return rhs(lhs)
func => (lhs: StateDS, rhs: (StateDS) -> ViewDS) -> ViewDS {
return rhs(lhs)
func => (lhs: ViewDS, rhs: (ViewDS) -> DiffDS) -> DiffDS {
return rhs(lhs)
func => (lhs: DiffDS, rhs: (DiffDS) -> ()) -> () {
return rhs(lhs)
extension Action {
func produceNewState () -> StateDS {
return state(self)
extension StateDS {
func produceNewView() -> ViewDS {
return view(self)
extension ViewDS {
func diffView() -> DiffDS {
return diff(self)
extension DiffDS {
func drawDiff() -> () {
func trigger(action: Action) -> () {
action => state => view => diff => draw
setInterval(seconds: 1) {
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