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Created May 28, 2020 08:10
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ZSH Tips by ZZapper (see
ZSH Tips by ZZapper
Updated : 07Apr20 *N* Marks New *C* Corrected/Changed
zsh -f # start a "clean" version of zsh (without your startup files .zshrc .zsh*)
Tips Home
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Download latest version (Sourceforge) *N*
oh my zsh Framework
zsh IRC Channel: Instant help
man zsh
man zshall
zshall Meta-man page containing all of the above
zsh Zsh overview
zshroadmap Informal introduction to the manual
zshmisc Anything not fitting into the other sections
zshexpn Zsh command and parameter expansion
zshparam Zsh parameters
zshoptions Zsh options
zshbuiltins Zsh built-in functions
zshzle Zsh command line editing
zshcompwid Zsh completion widgets
zshcompsys Zsh completion system
zshcompctl Zsh completion control
zshmodules Zsh loadable modules
zshcalsys Zsh built-in calendar functions
zshtcpsys Zsh built-in TCP functions
zshzftpsys Zsh built-in FTP client
zshcontrib Additional zsh functions and utilities
info --index-search=age zsh # get man info for zsh function age *N*
zinfo(){info --index-search=$1 zsh} *N*
Install on Linux
> yum install zsh *N*
> yum update zsh *N*
# install from source
cd /tmp
tar xvfJ download
cd zsh-$ver && ./configure && make && sudo make install
chsh zsh # if required *N*
# yum install gcc ncurses-devel # if required
Global aliases
Searching and filtering my mysql database with my own utility searchdb
>searchdb client1 | grep -i website1 | fmt -50 | putclip
How you can simplify this using 3 zsh Global Aliases
>searchdb client1 G website1 F P
alias -g ND='*(/om[1])' # newest directory
alias -g NF='*(.om[1])' # newest file
# edit newest file in newest directory *N*
VDF(){cd *(/om[1]);F=$(echo *(.om[1]));vi $F}
#Example of use
cp NF ND # copy newest file to newest directory
cat NF > $(print NF).txt # *N*
# useful zsh stuff *N*
ls *(.) # list just regular files *N*
ls -d *(/) # list just directories *C*
ls *(.[3]) # third file *N*
vi *(.om[1]) # vi newest file
cd **/*.php(.om[1]:h) # cd to directory of newest php file *N*
gvim.exe *~vssver.scc(.om[1]) & # newest file ignoring any vssver.scc
vi -p *(.om[1,3]) # open 3 newest files in tabs (gvim)
ls -lt **/*(.om[1,20]) # list 20 newest files anywhere in directory hierarchy (very useful) *N*
ls -lt **/*.php(.om[1,20]) # list 20 newest php files anywhere in directory hierarchy (very useful) *N*
grep -i "$1" **/*.{js,php,css}~(libs|temp|tmp|test)/* # exclude directories from grep *N* EXTENDED_GLOB required
ls -lt **/*~*vssver.scc(.om[1,20]) # excluding vssver.scc *N*
ls -lt **/^vssver.scc(.om[1,20]) # excluding vssver.scc (simpler) *N*
ls -lt **/^(vssver.scc|*.ini)(.om[1,20]) # excluding vssver and any *.ini *N*
ls (../)#junk2/down.txt(:a) # locate a file "upwards" *N*
vi *(m0) # re-edit all files changed today!
ls *(^m0) # files NOT modified today
ls -l *(m4) # list files modified exactly 4 days ago
ls -l *(.m4) # list files modified exactly 4 days ago (ignore directories)
vi **/main.php # where ever it is in hierarchy
ls -l **/main.{php,js,css} # *N*
ls *(.)^php~*.c~*.txt # useful? *N*
ls fred^erick* # list all files fred* except frederick* *N*
ls ^*.pdf # list all but pdf's *NN*
ls ^httpd.*(.) # list all but httpd.* in current directory *NN*
ls ^*.(css|php)(.)# list all but css & php #N#
ls x^[3,5] # list files x* except x3 x5 *N*
ls x*~x[3,5] # list files x* except x3 x5
ls x*~^x[3,5] # list only x3 x5
ls **/*~*/.git/* # ignore all git subdirectories *~* matches a path *N*
vi !$ # vi last parameter
vi !-2:2 # second parameter of second but last command
vi !$:r.php # vi last parameter but change extension to .php
^php^cfm # modify previous command (good for correcting spellos)
ls *(.L0) # list pesky empty files (yes that is a zero) *N*
ls -l *(L-2) # list file size less than 2 bytes *N*
ls -l *(.L-20) # list file size less than 20 bytes - . ignore directories *N*
# zsh list largest / biggest files , files larger than
ls -l *(Lk+100) # list file size larger/greater than 100kb *N*
ls -l *(Lm+2) # list file size larger/greater than 2 mbs *N*
ls **/*(.Lm+10) # list files larger than 10MB anywhere in hierarchy *N*
ls -hlS **/*(.Lm+2) | less # list largest files largest first *N*
ls -hlS /**/*(.OL[1,10]) # find the 10 biggest files on your system *N*
# find 5 largest files in hierarchy with filter by file type & exclude directories
ls -lS **/*.(php|inc)~(libs|locallibs)/*(.OL[1,5]) # *N*
ls *(.m0) # modified today (last 24 hours)
ls *(.m-1) # modified today (last 24 hours)
ls *(.^m0) # not modified today
ls *.*(m3) # modified 3 days ago
ls *.*(mh3) # modified 3 hours ago
ls *.*(mh-3) # less than 3 hours
ls *.*(mh+3) # more than 3 hours
ls *.*(^mh3) # all files not 3 hours old
mv *(.mw+2) old/ # older than 2 weeks *N*
mv *(.mM+6) old/ # older than 6 months *N*
### alias helpers *N*
alias -g OLD='*(.mw+3)' # *N*
alias -g OLDH='*(.mw+3) # m=minutes,d=days(default)w=week,M=Month +n older than n,-n younger than, just n equal to' # *N*
alias -g SIZ ='*(Lk+100)'
alias -g SIZH='*(Lk+100) # L0=zero,Lk kilo,Lm Meg,OL[1,10] 10 largest'
# counts requires extended globbing *N*
setopt EXTENDED_GLOB # lots of clever stuff requires this
ls DATA_[0-9](#c3).csv # match all files DATA_nnn.csv *N*
ls a(#c3).txt # match aaa.txt *N*
ls DATA_[0-9](#c4,7).csv # match DATA_nnnn.csv to DATA_nnnnnnn.txt *N*
ls DATA_[0-9](#c4,).csv # match DATA_nnnn.csv to DATA_nnnnn.txt etc *N*
ls DATA_[0-9](#c,4).csv # match DATA_n.csv to DATA_nnn.txt *N*
touch {1..5} {6,7,8,12} {00..03}
ls <-> <-6> <4-> <4-5> 0<-> {1..5} {2,3} {00..03} (4|5) [3-4] [3-47-8] 0? ?2 *2 # *N*
ls {p..q}<5->{1..4}.(#I)php(.N) # *N*
touch {y,y2}.cfm
ls y2#.cfm y{2,}.cfm y(2|).cfm {y2,y}.cfm (y|y2).cfm y*.cfm # *N*
touch {t,p}{01..99}.{php,html,c} # generate 600 test files *N*
grep -i "$1" */*.php~libs/*~temp/*~test/* # exclude directories lib,temp,test from grep *N* EXTENDED_GLOB required
# file ownership/permissions
ls -ld *.*(u:apache:)
# excluding files a-m but only if owned by apache
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 nobody (owner) apache (Group) 0 Feb 24 10:23 x.x
ls -l *.*~[a-m]*(u:nobody:g:apache:.xX)
# find all files owned by root (u0), world-writable (W), more than 10k in size (Lk+10) and modified during the last hour (m0)
ls **/*(u0WLk+10m0)
# find all files that don’t have the write permission to group in current directory and all subdirectories
ls **/*(.:g-w:)
# grep excluding certain directories
grep -i somestr **/*.(js|php|css) | grep -Ev 'libs/|temp/|test/'
grep -i somestr **/*.(js|php|css)~libs/*~temp/*~test/*
grep -i somestr **/*.(js|php|css)~(libs|temp|test)/*
grep -iw '$direct' report/**/*.{inc,php} # searching for a php variable
# deleting double dot files & swap files *N*
rm **/.*.swp
# use tab to complete/display history item before executing
!1 # oldest command in your history
!! # previous command
!-2 # command before last
!$ (last argument of previous command)
!$:h (last argument, strip one level)
!$:h:h (last argument, strip two levels)
echo !* !!:* (all parameters)
echo !$ !!:$ (last parameter)
echo !^ !:1 !!:1 (first previous parameter)
echo !:2-3 # echo previous parameters 2 to 3 *N*
echo !:2* # echo previous parameters 2 onwards *N*
echo !:2- # echo previous parameters 2 onwards omitting last *N*
echo !:-3 # echo first 3 previous parameters
echo !-2:2 (second parameter of second but last command)
echo convert_csv.php(:a) # echo full path *N*
ls *abc* ;vi !$([3]) # select 3rd file from previous glob *N*
touch 1 2 3 # *N*
!!:0 !^ !:2 !$ !#$ !#:2 !#1 !#0 # *U*
history # View recent commands
# history has built-in search (match) *N*
history -m 'yum*'
history -m 'yum*' 0
fc -l -m 'yum*' 0
!42 # Re-execute history command 42
# substitute previous command
r oldstr=newstr
!!:s/fred/joe/ # edit previous command replace first fred by joe
!!:s/fred/joe/ # Note : sadly no regexp available with :s///
!!:gs/fred/joe/ # edit previous command replace all fred by joe
mv Licence\ to\ Print\ Money.pdf !#^:gs/\\ // # rename file removing spaces
^fred^joe # edit previous command replace fred by joe
^str1^str2^:u:p # replace str1 by str2 change case and just display
echo chim
^chim^&-&ney-&-&-cheree # reuse LHS
also use control-R
^str1^str2^:G # replace as many as possible
# in all of above remember <TAB> will display changed command WITHOUT executing it *N*
cd !?ls<TAB> #get command and parameters of a previous ls command
cd !?ls?:*<TAB> #get (just) parameters of a previous ls command
function scd(){setopt nonomatch;e=/dev/null;cd $1(/) &> $e||cd $1*(/) &> $e||cd *$1(/) &> $e||cd *${1}*(/) &> $e||echo sorry} *C*
function ddump(){diff -w ~dump/"$1" "$1"} # *N* diff local file with new one in dump
function cdump(){cp -p ~dump/"$1" "$1"} # *N* replace local file with new one in dump
# creating generic scripts
function {xyt,xyy} { if [ "$0" = "xyy" ]; then echo run xyy code; else echo run xyt code; fi ; echo run common code } # *N*
Generating a command from an earlier one
How to recall the parameters of a previous command, on line 7 below
recall the parameters of line 5
5> mv somefile1 /home/saket/stuff/books/
6> acroread somefile.pdf
7> mv somefile2 /home/saket/stuff/books/
> mv !?saket<TAB>
Would bring up the whole line ready for a little editing
or purist
> mv !?saket?:*<tab>
Would just bring up the parameters
If you know the history number of the line (say 5) with desired parameters you can try
> !5:s/somefile1/somefile2/
and if you dont know the history number
# Variable Substitution *N*
s=(fred joe peter);echo ${s/(#m)*/$MATCH[1,3]} # truncate strings in an array
# History Substitution Summary
#For CURRENT line that you are editing (the # designates current line)
# Remember Tab will expand the following
!#:0 command
!#^ first parameter
!#:1 first parameter
!#:1-4 first 4 parameters
!#$ last parameter
!#* all parameters
!#$:s/bash/zsh perform substitution on previous parameter
# backup a file with a prefix
cp longfilename.php backup_!#^
cp {,backup_}longfilename.php # same thing
# backup a file with a suffix
cp longfilename.php !#^:r.bak
cp longfilename.{php,bak} # expands to cp longfilename.php longfilename.bak
#For Previous Command (for comparison)
!-1 repeat whole command
!! repeat (shortcut)
!!0 command
!^ first parameter
!:1 first parameter
!:1-4 first 4 parameters
!:-4 !:0-4 first 4 parameters plus command
!!- all but last parameter *N*
!51$ last parameter of history entry 51 *N*
!$ last parameter
!* all parameters
!!:s/bash/zsh (or ^bash^zsh)
!^:t just file name of first parameter
!$:h just path of last parameter
!-2$:r just file name without extension of first parameter
For last but one command
!-2 repeat last but one command
!-2^ first parameter last but one command
!-2$ last parameter last but one command
!-2:2 second parameter of second but last command
For history command 42
!:0 is the previous command name
!^, !:2, !:3, !$ are the arguments
!* is all the arguments
!-2, !-3, are earlier commands
!-2^, !-2:2, !-2$, !-2* are earlier parameters
ls / # recall/step through previous parameters *N*
echo ${fred:e} # extension
echo ${fred:t} # tail
echo ${fred:h} # head
echo ${fred:r} # rest
echo ${fred:h:h}
echo ${fred:t:r}
cd !$:h (remove file name)
# cd to directory containing report.php
cd **/report.php(:h) *N*
cat !!:t (only file name)
# Convert images (foo.gif => foo.jpg):
$ for i in **/*.gif; convert $i $i:r.jpg
# examples of if then else conditionals *N*
[[ 0 = 0 ]] && echo eq || echo neq
[[ 1 = 0 ]] && echo eq || echo neq
if [ $# -gt 0 ];then string=$*;else;string=$(getclip);fi # get parameter OR paste buffer
var=133;if [[ "$var" = <-> ]] ; then echo "$var is numeric" ;fi
if [[ "$ip" = <-> ]] then # check ip address numeric *N*
if [[ "$1" == [0-9] ]] # if $1 is a digit
if (( $# == 0 ));
if [ $# -gt 0 ] # parameter cnt > 0 (arguments)
if [[ "$url" = www* ]] # begins with www
if [ "$p1" = "end" ] || [ "$p1" = "-e" ]
if [[ "$p2" == *[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]* ]] # contains at least 3 letters
if builtin cd $1 &> /dev/null ;
if [[ -e /c/aam/z$1 ]] # file exists
if [ $cnt -eq 1 ]
if (( ${#dirs} == 1 )); then # count array length
if [[ "$pwd" == *$site2* ]]
print ${param:&} (last substitute)
< readme.txt # < shorthand for more
# Directory substitution (magic)
# if you were in directory
# cd old new
cd dev www
#would put you in parallel directory
# completion
cd /v/w/h/<tab>
# expand to
# cd /var/www/html/
# filtering the output of a command conventionally
print $(history -n -1|sed 's/.* //')
# ${${(z)foo}[2]} zsh filtering mechanism
print ${${(z)$(history -n -1)}[-1]}
print ${${(z)history[$((HISTCMD-1))]}[-1]}
gvim.exe $(history -n -1 | sed "s/^[^ ]* //;s/ .*//")
print ${${(z)history[$((HISTCMD-1))]}[2]}
# save last 4 history items to a file (without numbers) *N*
fc -ln -4 > /tmp/hist # no numbers
fc -ln 1 | grep rsync | gvim -
fc -l -5 # 5 most recent *N*
fc -l 1 5 # 5 oldest *N*
fc -l -10 -5 # 10th newest to 5 newest *N*
fc -l 1 | more # step through all history *N*
fc -lir #with datestamps (reverse) *N*
alias hg='fc -l 1 | grep -i ' # grep history
history -m 'yum*' # search history
# ls
ls **/*.php
ls -ld *(/^F) # list any empty sub-directories
ls -ld **/*(/^F) # recursively list any empty sub-directories
print **/*(/^F) | xargs -n1 -t rmdir #delete empty directories
rmdir ./**/*(/od) 2> /dev/null # deletes empty directories
autoload zargs;zargs ./**/*.{php,inc,js} -- grep -i 'cons. unit' *N* EXTENDED_GLOB
zargs **/*.(js|php|css)~(libs|locallibs|test|dompdf)/* -- grep console.log *C* EXTENDED_GLOB
zargs ./**/*.(php|inc|js) -- tar rvf dev2$(date '+%d-%m-%Y').tar *N*
# grep whole file structure for php files with if ($var=4) (single equals) bug
zargs ./**/*.{inc,php} -- grep -i 'if *( *$[a-z0-9_]*=[0-9"]' ## detect if ($fred=2) type php errors (single equals) *N*
# selectively tar a web root *N*
zargs ./{html,live}/**/*.(php|inc|js)~(**/wiki|**/dompdf)/* -- tar rvf /tmp/web2$(date "+%d-%m-%Y").tar
zargs **/*.(php|inc) -- sed -i 's#ereg_replace("\([^"]*\)"#preg_replace("/\1/"#g' ## global sed substitute using zargs *N*
zargs /tmp/*(.m+30) -- rm # purge files older than 30 days
ls ^x* # list all but x*
a=(**/*(.D));echo $#a # count files in a (huge) hierarchy *N*
#list all files without an extension ( no dot)
ls *~*.*(.)
# delete all directories Pictures_of_* except Pictures_of_beautiful_flowers
rm -rf Pictures_of_^beautiful_flowers # selective delete *N*
ls x*~(x3|x5) # list files x* except x3 and x5
ls **/fred*~*junk*/* # list all files fred* unless in a junk directory
# grep, dont use egrep, grep -E is better
# single quotes stop the shell, " quotes allow shell interaction
grep 'host' **/(*.cfm~(ctpigeonbot|env).cfm)
grep -i 'host' **/(*.cfm~(ctpigeonbot|env).cfm)~*((#s)|/)junk*/*(.)
egrep -i "^ *mail\(" **/*.php
grep "^ *mail\(" **/*.php~*junk*/* #find all calls to mail, ignoring junk directories
# grep '.' dot matches one character
grep b.g file # match bag big bog but not boog
# grep * matches 0 , 1 or many of previous character
grep "b*g" file # matches g or bg or bbbbg
# grep '.*' matches a string
grep "b.*g" file # matches bg bag bhhg bqqqqqg etc
# grep break character is \
grep 'hello\.gif' file
grep "cat\|dog" file matches lines containing the word "cat" or the word "dog"
grep "I am a \(cat\|dog\)" matches lines containing the string "I am a cat" or the string "I am a dog"
grep "Fred\(eric\)\? Smith" file # grep fred or frederic
# grep back references (memory)
grep -i "<H\([1-6]\).*</H\1>" *.html # matches pairs of tags
tel blenkinsop | grep -o "[[:alnum:][:graph:]]*@[[:alnum:][:graph:]]*" # filter just an email address from a text stream (not zsh) *N*
# ls
ls *.h~(fred|foo).h # same thing
ls (x*~x[3-5]) # list files x* except x3 to x5
ls *[^2].php~*template* # list files with 2nd filter
ls (xx|yy) # list xx or yy
ls *.(jpg|gif) # list graphic files
ls fred{joe,sid}.pl
ls fred{09..13}.pl # range
ls fred<76-88>.pl# list all files to range
ls fred<76->.pl # list all files to fred9999*.pl etc
ls {_,}fred.php # list files _fred.php fred.php
ls (_|)fred.php # same effect by globbing
ls *.{jpg,gif}(.N) # don't break if one or other image type absent
# FNG optionally matching a character
ls -l *y{2,}.cfm # matches *y.cfm and *y2.cfm *N*
ls -l *y(2|).cfm # matches *y.cfm and *y2.cfm *N*
ls *{y2,y}.cfm # matches *y.cfm and *y2.cfm *N*
ls *y2#.cfm # matches *y.cfm and *y2.cfm *N*
ls foot(fall) # match optional string fall
# short version of recursive **/*.php *N*
setopt GLOB_Starshort
ls **.php
setopt no_case_glob # set ignore case for ls etc
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*' # case insensitive completion for cd etc *N*
# globbing modifiers
# :e just the suffix (Extension)
# :r removes the suffix (Remove)
# :t takes away the path (Tail)
# :h takes away one level (Head)
# :a adds full Path (Add)
# . means must be regular files not directories etc
# *(om[1]) picks most recently modified file
# (.N) no warning message if any file absent
ls (#i)*.pmm # case insensitive globbing (note exact syntax)
ls *(.[2]) # second file in list *N*
ls *(om[1]) # print the most recent file
cp *(om[1])<TAB> # will complete file name
ls *(.om[1]) # print the most recent file (not directory)
ls -l *(.Om[1]) # oldest file
mv *(.om[2,$]) old/ # move all but newest file *N*
ls -lt **/*.txt([1,5]) # list 5 most recent files in hierarchy
# list 5 most recent files in each sub-directory
dirs=( '' **/*(DM/) ) eval 'ls ${^dirs}*([1,5])'
ls {^dev*,}/index.php(.N) # ignore directories beginning dev*
ls (dev*|fred*|joe*)/index* # does not break if no matches
ls **/index.php~dev*(/*)## # ignore subdirectories dev* multi-level
vi *(.om[1]^D) # vi newest file ^D means switch off GLOB_DOTS ie ignore dot files
ls *.txt(.om[1]) # ls newest *.txt file *N*
ls -tld **/*(m-2)# list files modified in last 2 days in hierarchy
ls *(.om[1,5]) # print the 5 most recent files
ls *(.Om[1,5]) # print the 5 oldest files
ls -l *(.m4) # list files modified exactly 4 days ago
ls -ltd *(mw3) # list files 3 weeks old
ls -1ld *([1,10])# list just 10 files one per line , no directories
ls *(m-1) # files modified today
ls *(m0) # files modified today
ls *(^m0) # files NOT modified today *N*
vi *(m0) # re-edit all files changed today!
cp *.mp3(mh-4) /tmp # copy files less than 4 hours old
ls -ltd *(mh0) # list files modified only in last 60 minutes
ls *.{aux,dvi,log,toc} # rm latex temp files *C*
rm ./*(Om[1,-11])# removes all files but the ten newest ones (delete all but last 10 files in a directory)
mv *.*(^m-1) old/ # move all but today's files to sub-directory archive older files *N*
# exact dates (N)
ls -l *.*(mM4)
autoload -U age
ls -tl *.*(e-age 2018/06/01 now-)
ls -tl *(.e-age 2018/09/01 2018/01/01-)
ls -lt *(.om[0,5]e-age 2017-09-01 2017-10-01-) # 5 newest files in September *N*
mv *(.e#age 2017-10-01:00:00:00 2017-10-08:23:59:59#) /tmp # mv all Sept Files
ls [01]<->201[45]/Daily\ report*.csv(e#age 2014/10/22 now#)
files=(${(f)"$(ls *$**)"}(.N)) # store matching files *N*
ls *(n:t) # order by name strip directory
ls **/*(On:t) # recursive reverse order by name, strip directory
ls PHP*/**/*.php # recursive but only for subdirectories PHP*
ls *.c(:r) # strip suffix
ls **/*(.) # only files no directories (.) means files only
ls -ld *(/) # list only directories
chmod g+w **/* # group write
[[ FOO = (#i)foo ]] # case insensitive matching
fred=$((6**2 + 6)) # can do maths
: > /apache/access.log # truncate a log file
# arrays
X=(x1 x2) # create an array
print -C 1 $X # print each array element on it's own line
# 2 dimensional arrays- lookup conversion *N*
typeset -A convtable
convtable=(151 2 152 2 153 2 158 4 159 3 160 2 171 4 172 1 173 4)
echo $convtable[158]
print ${#path} # length of "path" array
print ${#path[1]} # length of first element in path array
print ${$( date )[2,4]} # Print words two to four of output of ’date’:
array=(~/.zshenv ~/.zshrc ~/.zlogout)
filelst[$(($#filelst+1))]=$x # append (push) to an array
filelst+=($x) # append (push) to an array (better)
files=(${(f)"$(egrepcmd1l)"} ) # push a sentence to an array (where egrepcmd1l is a global alias
% print ${array:t}
.zshenv .zshrc .zlogout
# Substring extraction ${parameter:start:length} , default length is rest *N*
echo ${a:2:2}
echo ${a:2}
echo ${a[1,3]}
# display shell variables
typeset | grep '^[A-Z]='
# zsh one liners
alias -g NF='*(.om[1])' # newest file
# parse xml file putting each tag on a new line
perl -ne 's/(<\/\w+>)/$1\n/g; print' < NF > $(print NF).txt
cat NF > $(print NF).txt
# variable substitution
somevar="bu&^*ck" # variable with mucky characters
print ${somevar//[^[:alnum:]]/_} # replace all non-alphanumerics with _ the // indicates global substitution *C*
echo ${file##*/} # echo just the file name (strip the path)
echo ${texfilepath%/*.*} # echo just the path (strip the file name)
echo ${file%.*} # strip file extension
echo $file:r # strip file extension
echo ${0##*[!0-9]} # strip all but trailing digit from filename $0
echo ${(M)0%%<->} # strip all but trailing digit from filename
file=${1/\//C:\/} # substitute / with c:/ ANYWHERE in string
file=${1/#\//C:\/} # substitute / with c:/ Beginning of string
file=${1/%\//C:\/} # substitute / with c:/ End of string
# note # & % are using to match beginning and end
JUNK=R.E.M. # substitute last . for a _
print ${JUNK/.(#e)/_} # substitute last . for a _
print ${JUNK/%./_} # substitute last . for a _
wpath=${wpath//\//\\\\} # substitute Unix / with dos \ slashes *N*
upath=${wpath//\\/\/} # convert backslashes to forward slashes (Dos to Unix
dpath=${upath/#\/c\//c:/} # convert /c/path/ to c:\path\ *N*
print ${foo//$'\n'} # strip out any carriage returns (some systems use \r) *N*
print ${foo%%$'\n'} # strip out a trailing carriage return *N*
anchortext=${${(C)url//[_-]/ }:t} # titlecase *N*
echo "<a href='$url'>$anchortext</a>"
# strip first char *N*
echo ${d/#?/}
echo ${d[2,$]}
echo ${d[2,-1]}
# strip last char
echo ${d/%?/}
echo ${d[1,-2]}
# creating a family of functions
# generate hrefs from url
function href{,s}
# href creates an HTML hyperlink from a URL
# hrefs creates an HTML hyperlink from a URL with modified anchor text
PROGNAME=`basename $0`
url=`cat /dev/clipboard`
if [ "$PROGNAME" = "href" ] ; then
href="<a href='$url'>$url"
elif [ "$PROGNAME" = "hrefs" ] ; then
anchortext=${${(C)url//[_-]/ }:t}
href="<a href='$url'>$anchortext"
echo -n $col
echo $href > /dev/clipboard | more
# access vim scratch files v1,v2 to v9
function vx{0..9} {gvim.exe c:/aax/${0/#v/} &}
# create vim scratch files va,vb to vz
function vx{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z}
gvim.exe c:/aax/$scratchfile &
# regular expressions in zsh examples *N*
#pcre perl regular expressions *N*
zmodload zsh/pcre
var=ddddd; [[ "$var" =~ ^d+$ ]] && echo matched || echo did not match
[[ 'cell=456' =~ '(cell)=(\d+)' ]] && echo $match[1,2] $MATCH *N*
var=dddee; regexp="^e+$"; [[ "$var" =~ $regexp ]] && echo $regexp matched $var || echo $regexp did not match $var
# decisions
# cd to different drive depending on Windows login name
drive=$([[ "$LOGNAME" != davidr ]] && echo '/o' || echo '/c') # trad way
cd ${drive}/inetpub/wwwdev/
drive=${${${LOGNAME:#davidr}:+/o}:-/c} # zsh way
cd ${drive}/inetpub/wwwdev/
# chaining two modifications
# .om[1] gives newest file
# cyg is a zsh function doing a path conversion e.g. /c/ to C:/ *C*
cyg(){reply=("$(cygpath -m $REPLY)")}
gvim.exe $(echo /c/aax/*(.om[1]))(+cyg) & ### nested
gvim.exe /c/aax/*(.om[1]+cyg) & #### both operations
# odd stuff not necessarily zsh
cp -a file1 file # -a transfer permissions etc of file1 to file2preserve
# only copy if destination file exists and is older that source file
[[ -e $L/config.php ]] && cp -p -update $T/config.php $L *N*
# variable with variable name
eval "$1=$PWD"
# brilliant will change your life
setopt autopushd # *C*
dirs -v # *N*
cd ~5 # cd to fifth directory in directory stack
cd -<tab complete> then type number of directory needs compinit *C*
dirs -p # display recent directories *N*
cp file ~1 # where 1 is first entry in pushd stack
cp file.txt ~+<TAB> # select recent directory *N*
ls -1 ~1/*(.om[1]) # newest file previous directory *N*
ls -l ~-/*(.m0) # alternative previous directory ~- *N*
pushd +2 # cd to 3rd entry in pushd stack
#zsh completion
startfilename<tab> # will complete matching files anywhere in $PATH
startfilename<C-D> # will list matching files anywhere in $PATH
vi main*~*temp*<tab> # avoid file with temp in the name
cd /u/lo/li<tab> completes to /usr/local/lib
#directory sizes
du -sk *(/)
# Inline aliases, zsh -g aliases can be anywhere in command line
alias -g G='| grep -'
alias -g L='| less'
#this reduces a command like
ls | grep foo | less
ls G foo L
alias -g R=' > /c/aaa/tee.txt ' # redirect
alias -g T=' | tee /c/aaa/tee.txt ' # tee
alias -g F=' | fmt -' # format
alias -g W=' | wc -l' # wc
# integrate php
for f (*.(jpg|gif)) {printf $f;php -r "print_r(getimagesize('$f'));" | grep width}
alias lsimg=$'(for f (*.(jpg|gif)) {printf $f;php -r "print_r(getimagesize(\'$f\'));" | grep width})'
# cd by .. or ... or ... or mv file ..../.
alias '..'='cd ..'
alias -g ...='../..'
alias -g ....='../../..'
alias -g .....='../../../..'
# suffix based alias
alias -s jpg='/c/program\ files/IrfanView/i_view32.exe'
now just type the image name to launch irfanview
alias -s php='c:/wamp/php/php.exe' # now just type test.php to execute it *N*
# named directories (quick jump to a deep sub-directory)
hash -d www="/var/www/html" # create shortcuts to deep directories *N*
hash -d # list named directory hashes *N*
hash -d -m www # list named specific directory hash *N*
cd ~www/admin
#magic equals
vim =some_file # edits file anywhere in $PATH
ls =some_file # lists file anywhere in $PATH
#magic ** (recursion)
vim **/some_file # edits file under under current dir
rm /c/intranet/**/*.stackdump # specify recursion at a sub-directory *N*
# modifying more than one file (multios)
# writes ls results to file1 & file2 appends to file3
ls > file1 > file2 >> file3 | wc # multi-io
myscript >&1 >output.txt # log a script output
#Redirection to file as well as send on to pipe:
make install > /tmp/logfile | grep -i error
# permissions & ownership *N*
ls *(.f644) # files with permissions 644
ls *(.g:root:) # files belonging to group root
ls *(.u:apache:) # files belonging to user apache
ls -l *(.rwg:nobody:u:root:) # user has read/write permissions
function g{0..9} { gmark $0 $* } # declaring multiple functions
# zmv "programmable rename"
autoload -U zmv
# Replace spaces in filenames with a underline
zmv '* *' '$f:gs/ /_'
zmv '(* *)' '${1// /}'
zmv -Q "(**/)(* *)(D)" "\$1\${2// /_}"
# Change the suffix from *.sh to *.pl
zmv -W '*.sh' '*.pl'
# lowercase/uppercase all files/directories (-i) interactive
$ zmv -i '(*)' '${(L)1}' # lowercase
$ zmv -i '(*)' '${(U)1}' # uppercase
$ zmv '([a-z])(*).txt' '${(C)1}$2.txt' ; rename fred.txt to Fred.txt
# initialize zsh/config *N*
autoload -U compinit
# case insensitive completion
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' \
'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
#Wonderful zftp (write ftp scripts as though shell)
# init (could be in .zshenv etc)
autoload -U zfinit
zfparams myuserid mypassword
zfcd tips
zfls -l zshtips.html
zfput zshtips.html
zfls -l zshtips.html
# replace every occurence of a file (zsh and bash)
for f in */include/dbcommon.php; do;cp dbcommon.php $f; done
# alternative for loop
# replace every instance of file with new version
for f (**/x) cp newx $f
for f (**/x) {cp newx $f }
for f in **/x; do;cp newx $f; done
# create a clone of a file, modifying it on the fly *N*
for i in {3,4}; sed s/flag=2/flag=$i/ fred.txt > fred$i.txt
for i in {1..9}; sed s/flag=2/flag=$i/ fred.txt > fred$i.txt
# can be simplified to *N*
for f (*.txt) { echo $f }
for f (*.txt) echo $f # if no ;
for f (*(.)) mv $f fixed_$f
for f (*.csv.csv) {mv $f ${f:r}} # remove one level of extension *N*
for x ( 1 2 {7..4} a b c {p..n} *.php) {echo $x} *N*
f(){for i; do echo $i;done} # access your arguments
for ip ({217..219} 225) {echo -n $ip ;ping -n 1 11.2.2.$ip| grep Received}
# loop a command *N*
while true; do echo "infinite loop"; sleep 5; done
while (true){echo .;sleep 1}
repeat 3 time sleep 3 # single command
repeat 5 ;do date; sleep 5; done # multi
while true ;do date; sleep 5; done # forever
# loop a command *N*
for count in {1..10}; do
r\m x*([1,10]); # delete 10 files at a time
echo "loop $count"
for c ({1..50}) {php ./test.php; sleep 5;} *N*
# using vared editor
vared -p "choose 1-3 : " -c ans
case $ans in
1|a) sdba $key;;
2|f) sdbf $key;;
3|i) sdbi $key;;
*) echo "wrong answer $ans\n" ;;
# the powerful select
PROMPT3="Choose File : "
select f in $(ls **/*.tex |egrep -i "${param}[^/]*.tex")
if [[ "$REPLY" = q ]]
elif [[ -n "$f" ]]; then
gvim $f
# multiple script commands on same line
if [ $# -gt 0 ];then string=$*;else;string=$(getclip);fi
if grep -iq 'matching' *.php ;then echo "Found" ;else echo "Not Found"; fi *N*
# Command on multilines with a backslash
ls \
> x*
# Command on multilines with a quote
sed '
s/thier/their/g' myfile
# editing a variable (You must try this)
vared PATH
autoload zkbd && zkbd # get keyboard codes for bindkey *N*
bindkey -v # vi mode line editting
bindkey -M viins '^O' copy-prev-shell-word
bindkey '^L' push-line # push current command into a buffer, allows you to do another command then returns to previous command
# use cat > /dev/null and them press key to get keycode or Control-V-F1
# configure F7 to output a command
bindkey -s '^v<F7>' "ls -l\n" # configure F7 to output 'ls -l'
bindkey -s "^[[18~" "ls -l\n" # You must actually type Control-v F7 at CLI this is what it looks like on my system :
# put a command string onto f4
bindkey -s "^[OS" "\^d\^c\n"
# bind control-n to scroll most recent file [*N]
zstyle ':completion:most-recent-file:*' match-original both
zstyle ':completion:most-recent-file:*' file-sort modification
zstyle ':completion:most-recent-file:*' file-patterns '*(.)'
zstyle ':completion:most-recent-file:*' hidden all
zstyle ':completion:most-recent-file:*' completer _files
zle -C most-recent-file menu-complete _generic
bindkey "^N" most-recent-file
zstyle ':completion:expand-args-of::::' completer expand-args-of
bindkey '^x^a' expand-args-of
# Prompt at end of command line
RPROMPT="[%t]" (display the time)
# colo(u)red prompt
PS3="$fg_light_red Select file : "
# print fred in blue color
print '\e[1;34m fred'
# color module
autoload colors ; colors
print "$bg[cyan]$fg[blue]Welcome to man zsh-lovers" >> $TTY
PROMPT="%{$bg[cyan]%}%{$fg[red]%}%n%{$reset_color%}%{$bg[cyan]%}@%{$fg[red]%}%m %{$fg[yellow]%}%~ %{$reset_color%}%{$bg[cyan]%}%% "
echo "$bg[blue]$fg[yellow]highlight a message"
curl -u userid:password -d status=" updating twitter with from curl "
# my .zshenv *N*
autoload -U compinit
autoload edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line
bindkey '\ee' edit-command-line
#textify a phrase to create an image name
s="Fred Goat Dog"
print ${(L)s:gs/ /-/}.jpg
print ${(L)s// /-}.jpg
and to de-textify an image
echo ${(C)foo:gs/-/ /:r}
print ${${(Cs:-:):-fred-goat-dog.jpg}%.*}
#" read a file into a variable
# Zsh Syntax Aide-Memoire (concentrated) *N*
cd -<TAB> # list recent dirs
cp 1.php ~-<TAB> # list recent dirs
vi *(om[1])<TAB> # edit newest file
ls *(.mh3) # modified 3 hours ago
ls *(.mh-3) # less than 3 hours
ls *(.mh+3) # more than 3 hours
gvim -p *(m0) # all files modified today
mv *.*(^m-1) old/ # move all but todays files to sub-directory
vi -p *(.om[1,3]) # open 3 newest files in tabs (gvim)
ls *(^m0) # files NOT modified today
ls -l *(m4) # list files modified exactly 4 days ago
ls *.(jpg|gif|png)(.) # do not break if one or other image type absent
ls ~1/*(.om[1]) # list newest file from previous directory needs setopt autopushcd
ls -lt **/*~pdf/*(.m0om[1,10]) # up to 10 files modified in last 24 hrs *N*
rm **/.*.sw?~libs/*(.D) # delete vim swap files *N*
for f (*.php) { diff $f ${PWD/html/staging}/$f} # diff all files in parallel directories
mv !?main<TAB> # recall previous command containing the string main
vi !?main?$<tab> # recall just last parameter of command containing the string main *C*
scp -rp *(om[1]) root@$PWD *N*
scp -rp *(om[1]) root@${PWD/test/live} *N* modify pwd remote path
sshpass -p myppassword scp -rp * user@${PWD/staging/release} # *N*
C=3 && F=$(print *(.om[1,$C])) && for f ($(print $F)){php -l $f} && scp -rp $(print $F) user@$PWD
rsync -avz --update --existing *(.m0) backup/ # will only copy file if newer than target, no copy occurs if target absent
# upload todays files if newer and existing
rsync -vz --stats --existing --update *(.m0) root@$PWD *N*
ls (x*~x[3-5]) # list files x* except x3 to x5
ls **/*~*/.git/* # ignore all git subdirectories *~* matches a path
ls (^(backup*|cache*|list*|tmp)/)##*(.) # ignore 4 directories
!!:gs/fred/joe/ # edit previous command replace all fred by joe
cp NF ${PWD/html/release} # *N*
while (true){echo -n .;sleep 1} # *N* *C*
#super commands
zargs **/*.(js|php|css)~(djr|libs|dompdf)/*~*/junk/* -- grep -i
# alias which i tab expand then adjust as required
alias zg='zargs **/*.(php|inc|js)~(libs|test|temp|wiki|dompdf)/* -- grep -i '
alias phpall='for f (*.php~test.php(om)) {php -l $f} | more'
alias phpsub=' for f (./(async|inc)/*.php~test.php(om) *.php(om)) {php -l $f} | more' # *N*
alias diffall='for f (*.php~test.php(.om)){diff -q $f ${PWD/html/staging}/$f} 2>&1 | grep differ'
alias -g STAG=' ${PWD/html/staging}'
# a trick to allow parameters in an alias
alias ytv='f(){F=$1;ffmpeg -i "$F" -af "volume=2" "loud$F"};f'
# End Zsh Syntax Aide-Memoire (concentrated)
mv Licence\ to\ Print\ Money.pdf !#^:gs/\\ //
A=(1 2 5 6 7 9) # pre-populate an array # *N*
for ((i=1;$#A[i];i++)) echo $A[$i] # *N*
f(){for i; do echo $i;done}
f 4 63 66
# debug echo shell commands and provide trace info
# you need XTRACE if you want to echo whats happening in your script
# misc *N*
REPORTTIME=10 # Report CPU usage for commands running longer than 10 seconds
# switch two previously typed words with alt-t *N*
bindkey "^[t" transpose-words # alt-t
setopt interactivecomments # allows end of command line comments
take(){[ $# -eq 1 ] && mkdir "$1" && cd "$1"} # create a directory and move to it in one go
zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
zstat -g # full files details *N*
# remember current directory : double quotes vital
alias markcd="cd $(pwd)" *N*
alias gitc='git commit -a -m$(date "+%H%M-%d%m%y")' # alias with dynamic part (single quote)*N*
# where is an alias set?
zsh -lxic : 2> >(grep "> alias 'web")
# run a remote zsh script via ssh *N*
ssh -l root "zsh -c 'for i (/usr/*(/)) {ls \$i }'"
# compare local & remote file size *N*
FILE=$(echo *(.om[1])) && ls -l $FILE && ssh -l root "zsh -c 'ls -l $PWD/$FILE'"
# remote login in with zsh
ssh -t root@ 'sh -c "cd /tmp && exec zsh -l"'
# launch zsh not as sub-shell *N*
exec zsh
# which shell active *N*
ps -p $$ | grep $$ | awk '{print $NF}'
# zsh menu
echo "enter 0-2,a"
read ans ; # read in a parameter
case "$ans" in
0|${prog}0) cd "$(cat /c/aam/${prog}0)" ;;
1|${prog}1) cd "$(cat /c/aam/${prog}1)" ;;
2|${prog}9) cd "$(cat /c/aam/${prog}9)" ;;
a|${prog}l) cd "$(cat /c/aam/${prog}a)" ;;
**) echo "wrong number $ans\n" ;;
# zsh hook functions #N#
chpwd,periodic,precmd,preexec , zshexit, zshaddhistory
preexec(){ echo using $@[1]}
# useful aliases
# swap / flip between 2 deep parallel directories *N*
alias flip=' cd html live > /dev/null &>1 || cd live html > /dev/null &>1'
# syntax-check all php files in date order excluding certain
alias phpall='for f (*.php~test.php(om)) {php -l $f}'
# diff all files in parallel directories in date oder (exclude certain)
alias diffall='for f (*.php~test.php(.om)) { diff -q $f ${PWD/html/staging}/$f}'
# locating/identifying stuff *N*
which zsh
whence -vsa ${(k)commands[(I)zsh*]} # search for zsh*
locate zsh
cd $(locate -l1 -r "/zoo.txt$")(:h) # cd to directory of first occurence of a file zoo.txt (N)
r\m $(locate nohup.out)
cd ${$(locate zoo.txt)[1]:h} *N*
# treating output of a command as an array
locate php.ini # produces a list *N*
vi ${$(locate php.ini)[2]} # vi 2nd in list
cd ${$(locate php.ini)[3]:h} # cd to 3rd in list
cd **/resource.php(:h) *N*
str=aa,bb,cc;print ${(j:,:)${(qq)${(s:,:)str}}} # quotify a string *N*
# completion
# define tab-completable parameters p1,p2,p3 for your widget
compdef "_values 'widget tool' p1 p2 p3" widget
p1 p2 p3
# bind history to up down keys
autoload -Uz up-line-or-beginning-search
autoload -Uz down-line-or-beginning-search
zle -N up-line-or-beginning-search
zle -N down-line-or-beginning-search
bindkey '\eOA' up-line-or-beginning-search
bindkey '\e[A' up-line-or-beginning-search
bindkey '\eOB' down-line-or-beginning-search
bindkey '\e[B' down-line-or-beginning-search
# bind a simple widget to a key *N*
function hello_function { echo "hello world" }
zle -N hello_widget hello_function
bindkey '=' hello_widget
# insecure directories warning on cygwin
# #run compaudit
# compaudit
# #It told me that my latest zsh install was insecure (directories were writable)
# # The following solved the problem
# chmod -R 755 /usr/share/zsh/
# chown -R myusername /usr/share/zsh (on Vista (as admin)
autoload -Uz tetris
zle -N tetris
bindkey '^T' tetris
## autokey script to clean up paste buffer (remove formatting etc)
#import subprocess
subprocess.Popen(["/bin/zsh", "/usr/local/bin/"])
# start zsh from a windows short cut
C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico /bin/zsh --login
Upload this page (use yy@" on following line, to invoke upload zftp script)!!
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