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Last active September 26, 2018 03:38
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Composable getters and setters with TypeScript
export function composeGetter<K extends string>(prop: K) {
function getter<T extends { [P in K]?: any }>(object: T): T[typeof prop]
function getter<T extends { [P in K]: any }>(object: T) {
return object[prop]
return getter
export function composeSetter<K extends string>(prop: K) {
function setter<T extends { [P in K]?: any }>(object: T, value: T[typeof prop]): T
function setter<T extends { [P in K]: any }>(object: T, value: T[typeof prop]): T {
return Object.assign(object, {
[prop]: value
return setter
export interface GetProperty<K extends string> {
<T extends { [P in K]?: any }>(object: T): T[K]
<T extends { [P in K]: any }>(object: T): T[K]
export interface SetProperty<K extends string> {
<T extends { [P in K]?: any }>(object: T, value: T[K]): T
<T extends { [P in K]: any }>(object: T, value: T[K]): T
// Examples
interface User {
id: number,
username: string,
type NewUser = Partial<User>
export const getUserId = composeGetter('id')
type UsernameGetter = GetProperty<'username'>
const getUsername: UsernameGetter = composeGetter('username')
declare const user: User
declare const newUser: NewUser
const userId = getUserId(user) // :number
const userUsername = getUsername(user) // :number | undefined
const newUserId = getUserId(newUser) // :number | undefined
const newUserUsername = getUsername(newUser) // :string | undefined
const nextUser = composeSetter('username')(newUser, 'foobar')
const nextUserUsername = nextUser.username // :string | undefined
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This does not create strict functions that expect a specific interface. In the example getUserId could be applied to anything as long as it has .id defined.

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