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Last active July 3, 2021 10:49
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This is a set of scripts that I'm using to sign and notarize a unity app that has native plugins included as .bundle files. It's a lot of steps! Hopefully this makes it a bit easier...
#!/bin/bash -x
# This script takes .app file generated by unity for OSX, signs any plugin bundles and the main app,
# zips the project, and submits it for notarization
# Required data -- You need to fill these out with useful values!
USERNAME=# username of your apple account, usually your email
PASSWORD=# a generated password from
ROOT_FOLDER=# path to where your build lives
APP_NAME=# name of the app file unity created for you
PLUGIN_DIR=Contents/Plugins # you should be able to leave this be
ENTITLEMENTS_NAME=# an entitlements file you made, should be saved next to your .app file (see 'sampleapp.entitlements' in this gist)
BUNDLE_ID=# bundle id for this app (you set this in unity)
TEAM_ID=# your team id usually a 10 digit hex code
CERT_NAME=# name of your developer id cert, usually something like "Developer ID Application: My Company (TEAM_ID)"
for bundle_to_sign in $ROOT_FOLDER/$APP_NAME/$PLUGIN_DIR/*.bundle; do
codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --timestamp --sign "$CERT_NAME" "$bundle_to_sign"
codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --timestamp --options runtime --entitlements "$ROOT_FOLDER/$ENTITLEMENTS_NAME" --sign "$CERT_NAME" "$ROOT_FOLDER/$APP_NAME"
rm -f "$ROOT_FOLDER/$"
ditto -c -k --rsrc --keepParent "$ROOT_FOLDER/$APP_NAME" "$ROOT_FOLDER/$"
xcrun altool --notarize-app --username "$USERNAME" --password "$PASSWORD" --asc-provider "$TEAM_ID" --primary-bundle-id "$BUNDLE_ID" --file "$ROOT_FOLDER/$"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
# Once you've submitted your app for notarization, it will give you a "RequestUUID" that you can use to check
# the notarization status. If you run this script with your RequestUUID as a command line parameter it will
# tell you the status
# Required data -- You need to fill these out with useful values!
USERNAME=# username of your apple account, usually your email
PASSWORD=# a generated password from
TEAM_ID=# your team id usually a 10 digit hex code
xcrun altool --notarization-info $1 --username $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD --asc-provider $TEAM_ID
#!/bin/bash -x
# Hooray, your check_status said that the package was approved! Now you can run this to staple the notarization
# to your app, and you will finally have a signed and notarized app. Congrats!
# Required data -- You need to fill these out with useful values!
ROOT_FOLDER=# path to where your build lives
APP_NAME=# name of the app file unity created for you
xcrun stapler staple "$ROOT_FOLDER/$APP_NAME"
spctl -a -v "$ROOT_FOLDER/$APP_NAME"
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