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Created August 10, 2017 05:41
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$ curl -sL | bash -s 9f8133b1
Hello, this is the Koding application (kd) installer.
This installer requires sudo permissions, please input password if prompted...

Downloading kd...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 10.1M  100 10.1M    0     0   955k      0  0:00:10  0:00:10 --:--:-- 1008k
Created /usr/local/bin/kd

Performing fresh installation...
Installing "log files"...

	Created log file: /Library/Logs/kd.log
	Created log file: /Library/Logs/klient.log

Installing "directory structure"...

Installing "osxfuse"...

	Already installed, skipping.

Installing "VirtualBox"...

	Already installed, skipping.

Installing "Vagrant"...

	Already installed, skipping.

Installing "Koding account"...

	Sign in to your team with "9f8033b1" token:

	Team name [team]: team

Installing "KD Daemon"...

	Current version: -
	Latest version: 0.1.110

	Downloading klient-0.1.110.darwin_amd64.gz: 10.5 MB/10.5 MB

Installing "KD"...

	Current version: -
	Latest version: 0.1.108

	Downloading kd-0.1.108.darwin_amd64.gz: 10.6 MB/10.6 MB

Installing "Start KD Deamon"...

Installing "Test Vagrant Stacks"...

	Do you want to deploy Vagrant Stacks on this machine? [y/N]: n

	Already installed, skipping.

Installed successfully.
Success! kd (version 108, channel production) has been successfully installed.
Please run the following command for more information:

    kd -h

Your Kite Query ID, which you can use as a credential for local provisioning, is:

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