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Ray Jenkins rjenkins

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id: consul1
cluster: envoy
zone: "us-west-1a"
local_cluster_name: envoy
- address:
port_value: 80
- filters:
- name: envoy.http_connection_manager
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am rjenkins on github.
* I am rjenkins ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASCVHghJ3FTOCe7TLIm0S2MhVG1EDCacKOYEDAZZFdgWrwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
The basic decisions about whether to inline a method depends on how hot it is and its size. The JVM determines if a method is hot (i.e., called frequently) based on an internal calculation; it is not directly subject to any tunable parameters. If a method is eligible for inlining because it is called frequently, then it will be inlined only if its bytecode size is less than 325 bytes (or whatever is specified as the -XX:MaxFreqInlineSize=N flag). Otherwise, it is eligible for inlining only if it is small: less than 35 bytes (or whatever is specified as the -XX:MaxInlineSize=N flag).
One often overlooked aspect of this relationship is that setting the MaxInlineSize value higher than 35 means that a method might be inlined when it is first called. However if the method is called frequently — in which case its performance matters much more — then it will likely be inlined eventually (assuming its size is less than 325 bytes). The net effect of tuning the MaxInlineSize flag is that it might reduce the warm-up tim
29263 [Thread-31-s_r_out_60] INFO storm.kafka.KafkaSpout - this: 147001183 calling commit on partition:
29263 [Thread-31-s_r_out_60] INFO storm.kafka.KafkaSpout - this: 147001183 calling commit on partition:
31264 [Thread-48-s_r_out_60] INFO storm.kafka.KafkaSpout - this: 279218703 calling commit on partition:
31264 [Thread-31-s_r_out_60] INFO storm.kafka.KafkaSpout - this: 147001183 calling commit on partition:
31264 [Thread-48-s_r_out_60] INFO storm.kafka.KafkaSpout - this: 279218703 calling commit on partition:
31264 [Thread-31-s_r_out_60] INFO storm.kafka.KafkaSpout - this: 147001183 calling commit on partition:
31264 [Thread-31-s_r_out_60] INFO storm.kafka.KafkaSpout - this: 147001183 calling commit on partition:
33265 [Thread-48-s_r_out_60] INFO storm.kafka.KafkaSpout - this: 279218703 calling commit on partition:
33265 [Thread-48-s_r_out_60] INFO storm
Keys | MapRed Avg. | MapRed AvgDev. | MultiFetch Avg. | MultiFetch AvgDev.
20 | 338.910 | 70.44297 | 288.3 | 61.82
200 | 925.874 | 136.823 | 1645.3 | 65.15
2000 | 8266.497 | 2624.1848 | 16885.2 | 677.48
Keys | MapRed Avg. | MapRed AvgDev. | MultiFetch Avg. | MultiFetch AvgDev.
20 | 18.3304 | 5.966 | 4.95 | 3.815
200 | 114.493 | 22.198 | 39 | 17.2
2000 | 848.489 | 187.624 | 361.45 | 99.585
riakc_pb_socket:mapred(Db, Input, [{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_object_value}, <<"filter_notfound">>, true}])
* Command used to fetch multiple values from Riak
* <p>
* Riak itself does not support pipelining of requests. MutliFetch addresses this issue by using a thread to
* parallelize and manage a set of async fetch operations for a given set of keys.
* </p>
* <p>
* The result of executing this command is a {@code List} of {@link RiakFuture} objects, each one representing a single
* fetch operation. The returned {@code RiakFuture} that contains that list completes
* when all the FetchValue operations contained have finished.
multiget_meters(Db, OrgId, Keys) ->
Meters = [ M || {ok, M} <- [ get_meter(Db, OrgId, K) || K <- Keys ]],
{ok, Meters}.