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Created September 11, 2011 19:26
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Low latency javax.sound.sampled API
package streaming;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.Line;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.sampled.Mixer;
import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;
* Low-latency javax.sound.sampled implementation with callback API. Implemented as
* singleton to match my JPA API.
* @author René Jeschke (
public final class NeetJavaSound
/** Constructor. */
private NeetJavaSound()
// prevent instantiation.
/** Our audio thread worker. */
private static AudioThread audioThread;
/** The callback. */
static NjsCallback callback = null;
* Opens the audio stream.
* @param sampleRate Sample rate.
* @param channels Channels.
* @param wantedLatency Goal latency in ms.
* @throws NjsException if an error occurred.
public static void open(final double sampleRate, final int channels, final int wantedLatency)
if(audioThread != null)
throw new NjsException("NeetJavaAudio already open.");
final AudioFormat af = new AudioFormat((float)sampleRate, 16, channels, true, false);
final SourceDataLine source = AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine(af, findMixer(af));;
audioThread = new AudioThread(source, channels, Math.max((int)(sampleRate * wantedLatency * 0.001 + 0.5), 512));
final Thread t = new Thread(audioThread);
catch (LineUnavailableException e)
throw new NjsException(e);
* Tries to find a suitable mixer, skipping 'Java Sound Audio Engine'. This is a
* workaround for audio on linux (which seems to default to the crappy 'Java Sound'.
* @param af The wanted AudioFormat.
* @return
* The Mixer.Info or <code>null</code> if no suitable mixer could be found or
* the property 'javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine' is set.
private static Mixer.Info findMixer(final AudioFormat af)
if(System.getProperty("javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine") != null)
return null;
final Line.Info line = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, af);
final Mixer.Info[] mixers = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo();
for(final Mixer.Info mi : mixers)
final Mixer m = AudioSystem.getMixer(mi);
&& !mi.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("java sound"))
return mi;
return null;
* Sets the audio callback.
* @param callback The callback.
public static void setCallback(NjsCallback callback)
NeetJavaSound.callback = callback;
* Starts the audio stream. (Can't be restarted).
public static void start()
if(audioThread != null)
* Stops the audio stream.
public static void stop()
if(audioThread != null)
* Closes the audio system.
public static void close()
if(audioThread != null)
audioThread = null;
* The rendering callback interface.
* @author René Jeschke (
public static interface NjsCallback
* Called when sound hast to be rendered.
* @param output Interleaved output.
* @param nframes Number of frames to render.
public void render(float[] output, int nframes);
* Runtime exception based NeetJavaSound exception.
* @author René Jeschke (
public static class NjsException extends RuntimeException
/** serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6003769797804167546L;
/** @see RuntimeException#RuntimeException(String) */
public NjsException(String msg)
/** @see RuntimeException#RuntimeException(String, Throwable) */
public NjsException(String msg, Throwable t)
super(msg, t);
/** @see RuntimeException#RuntimeException(Throwable) */
public NjsException(Throwable t)
* The audio thread class.
* @author René Jeschke (
private static class AudioThread implements Runnable
/** Syncing semaphore. */
private Semaphore syncer = new Semaphore(1);
/** Are we running? .*/
private boolean running = false;
/** The data line. */
final SourceDataLine line;
/** Wanted latency in frames. */
private final int wantedLatency;
/** Number of channels. */
private final int channels;
/** De we already ran? .*/
private boolean alreadyRan = false;
* Constructor.
* @param dataLine The data line.
* @param channels Number of channels.
* @param wantedLatency Wanted latency in frames.
public AudioThread(final SourceDataLine dataLine, final int channels, final int wantedLatency)
catch (InterruptedException eaten)
// *munch*
this.line = dataLine;
this.wantedLatency = wantedLatency;
this.channels = channels;
* Starts audio processing.
public void start()
if(this.running || this.alreadyRan)
this.running = true;
this.alreadyRan = true;
* Stops audio processing.
public void stop()
this.running = false;
catch (InterruptedException eaten)
// *munch*
* The mighty clamp.
* @param x x.
* @param min min.
* @param max max.
* @return x &lt; min ? min : x &gt; max ? max : x;
private static int clamp(int x, int min, int max)
return x < min ? min : x > max ? max : x;
/** @see Runnable#run() */
public void run()
final int maxBuffer = this.line.getBufferSize();
final int max = this.wantedLatency;
final int frame = this.channels * 2;
final int diff = max * frame;
final int allowed = maxBuffer - diff;
float[] output = new float[max * frame];
byte[] buffer = new byte[output.length * 2];
catch (InterruptedException eaten)
// *munch*
catch (InterruptedException eaten)
// munch
final int delta = this.line.available() - allowed;
if(delta > 0)
final int todo = (delta + diff) / frame;
if(todo * this.channels >= output.length)
output = new float[todo * this.channels];
buffer = new byte[output.length * 2];
if(NeetJavaSound.callback != null)
NeetJavaSound.callback.render(output, todo);
for(int i = 0; i < todo * this.channels; i++)
final int a = clamp((int)(output[i] * 32768.0), -32768, 32767);
buffer[i * 2 + 0] = (byte)a;
buffer[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)(a >> 8);
this.line.write(buffer, 0, todo * frame);
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Shujito commented Sep 22, 2016

hello, is this licensed?

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