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Last active December 20, 2015 22:08
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import org.apache.commons.math3.linear._
import com.twitter.algebird.Operators._
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.pipe.Pipe
import cascading.pipe.joiner.InnerJoin
import cascading.tuple.Fields
object SVD extends Serializable {
import com.twitter.scalding.Dsl._
// based on
// page 121.
// I just computed an intermediate SVD for Y rather than QR to get the basis, since I knew
// how to do this without a ton of messing around.
// input:
// X :x a sparse (binary) matrix in the form ('row, 'col), for now they should be Longs.
// d : number of principle components / singular values to compute
// output:
// (U, E, V) with
// U : pipe of ('row, 'vec) where vec is a RealVector
// E : pipe of 'E which is an Array[Double] of singular values.
// V : pipe of ('col, 'vec)
def apply(X : Pipe, d : Int) : (Pipe, Pipe, Pipe) = {
// Sample the columns, into the thin matrix.
val XS = X.groupBy('row){_.toList[Long]('col -> 'list).reducers(500)}
.map('list -> 'vec){l : List[Long] =>
val a = new Array[Double](d+2)
l.foreach{i =>
val r = new scala.util.Random(i)
(0 until (d+2)).foreach{j =>
a(j) += r.nextGaussian
.project('row, 'vec)
// Multiply by powers of XX'
val XXXS = X
.joinWithSmaller('row -> 'row_, XS.rename('row -> 'row_), new InnerJoin(), 500)
.groupBy('col){_.reduce('vec -> 'vec){(a : RealVector, b : RealVector) => a.add(b)}.spillThreshold(20000000)}
.joinWithSmaller('col -> 'col_, X.rename('col -> 'col_), new InnerJoin(), 500)
.groupBy('row){_.reduce('vec -> 'vec2){(a : RealVector, b : RealVector) => a.add(b)}.spillThreshold(20000000)}
val XXXXXS = X
.joinWithSmaller('row -> 'row_, XXXS.rename('row -> 'row_), new InnerJoin(), 500)
.groupBy('col){_.reduce('vec2 -> 'vec2){(a : RealVector, b : RealVector) => a.add(b)}.spillThreshold(20000000)}
.joinWithSmaller('col -> 'col_, X.rename('col -> 'col_), new InnerJoin(), 500)
.groupBy('row){_.reduce('vec2 -> 'vec2){(a : RealVector, b : RealVector) => a.add(b)}.spillThreshold(20000000)}
// concat and find basis.
val Y = XS
.joinWithSmaller('row -> 'row, XXXS, new InnerJoin(), 500)
.map(('vec, 'vec2) -> 'vec){x : (RealVector, RealVector) => x._1.append(x._2)}
.project('row, 'vec)
.joinWithSmaller('row -> 'row, XXXXXS, new InnerJoin(), 500)
.map(('vec, 'vec2) -> 'vec){x : (RealVector, RealVector) => x._1.append(x._2)}
.project('row, 'vec)
// build a matrix which will render orthonormal the columns of Y
val YY = Y.mapTo('vec -> 'mat){x : RealVector => x.outerProduct(x)}
.groupAll{_.reduce('mat -> 'mat){(a : RealMatrix, b : RealMatrix) => a.add(b)}}
.mapTo('mat -> 'mat){m : RealMatrix =>
val e = new EigenDecomposition(m)
e.getV.multiply(MatrixUtils.createRealDiagonalMatrix({v => if(v < 0.00000001) 0.0 else 1.0 / math.sqrt(v)}))
// form thin orthonormal basis X.
val Q = Y.crossWithTiny(YY)
.map(('vec, 'mat) -> 'vec){x : (RealVector, RealMatrix) => x._2.transpose.operate(x._1)}
.project('row, 'vec)
val B = X.joinWithSmaller('row -> 'row, Q, new InnerJoin(), 500)
.groupBy('col){_.reduce('vec -> 'vec){(a : RealVector, b : RealVector) => a.add(b)}}
val EB = B.mapTo('vec -> 'mat){x : RealVector => x.outerProduct(x)}
.groupAll{_.reduce('mat -> 'mat){(a : RealMatrix, b : RealMatrix) => a.add(b)}}
.mapTo('mat -> ('eigs, 'eigmat, 'orthomat)){m : RealMatrix =>
val e = new EigenDecomposition(m)
MatrixUtils.createRealDiagonalMatrix({v => if(v < 0.00000001) 0.0 else 1.0 / math.sqrt(v)}).multiply(e.getV))
val E = EB.project('eigs).map('eigs -> 'eigs){x : Array[Double] => (0 until d).map{i => math.sqrt(x(i))}.toArray}
val U = Q.crossWithTiny(EB.project('eigmat))
.map(('vec, 'eigmat) -> 'vec){x : (RealVector, RealMatrix) => x._2.operate(x._1).getSubVector(0,d)}
.project('row, 'vec)
val V = B.crossWithTiny(EB.project('orthomat))
.map(('vec, 'orthomat) -> 'vec){x : (RealVector, RealMatrix) => x._2.transpose.operate(x._1).getSubVector(0,d)}
.project('col, 'vec)
(U, E, V)
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Interesting. I am not versed very well in scalding. what is happening here?:

  // form thin orthonormal basis X.
    val Q = Y.crossWithTiny(YY)
      .map(('vec, 'mat) -> 'vec){x : (RealVector, RealMatrix) => x._2.transpose.operate(x._1)}
      .project('row, 'vec)

i can tell that Y is cross-joined with Y'Y but I am not sure i can infer the formulation behind it all. Distributed QR/orthogonalization has always been a pretty thorny point of it all. (There's actually a clearer alternative to distributed QR but if you consider adding power iterations, which is a must for this method because of accuracy concerns, the things turn out not that efficient afterwards at all.)

    l.foreach{i =>
      val r = new scala.util.Random(i)
      (0 until (d+2)).foreach{j => 
        a(j) += r.nextGaussian

note that v_i = nextGuassian != "random unit vector" and also looks expensive as coded...

thanks -d

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