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AmreeshTyagi /
Last active August 24, 2024 02:14
Exclude MySQL Workbench from dark theme with mojave Mac dark theme
defaults write NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes
echo "Successfully patched!"
echo "Now restart MySQL Workbench to see the Workbench in light theme."
#Restart MySQL Workbench after executing this.
ryangopole / checkout-after-tag.html
Created October 8, 2015 18:18
Checkout After tracking_code
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html class="no-js multi-step mac chrome desktop page--no-banner page--logo-main page--thank-you page--hidden-breadcrumbs">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">
<title>GoPole - Thank you</title>
strangerstudios / shortcode_page_template_for_plugin.php
Created July 4, 2013 13:53
Template for adding a shortcode page to a plugin. Steps: 1. Include this file. 2. Add [my_page_shortcode] shortcode to a page of the site. 3. Navigate to the page on the front end. Be sure to change the name of the shortcode and the function names below. Add all "preheader" code to the preheader section. This is code that will process before the…
Template for adding a shortcode page to a plugin. Steps:
1. Include this file.
2. Add [my_page_shortcode] shortcode to a page of the site.
3. Navigate to the page on the front end.
Be sure to change the name of the shortcode and the function names below.