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Last active August 1, 2018 12:50
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Simple checkpoint syncing

Simple Checkpoint Syncing

The purpose of this version checkpoint syncing is only to replace the hard-coded checkpoint information in the code, making the checkpoint updating more flexible.

Note: The current version of checkpoint syncing is still centralized.


  • Deploy a checkpoint registrar contract on the mainnet.

the code of contract should looks like:

contract Registrar {
    modifier OnlyAuthorized() {
        require(admins[msg.sender] > 0);
    event NewCheckpointEvent(uint indexed index, bytes32 checkpointHash,  bytes32 signature);
    constructor(address[] _adminlist) public {
        for (uint i = 0; i < _adminlist.length; i++) {
            admins[_adminlist[i]] = 1;
    function SetCheckpoint(uint _sectionIndex, bytes32 _hash, bytes32 _signature) OnlyAuthorized public returns(bool) {
        // Some checking logic here.
        // ...
        checkpoints[_sectionIndex] = _hash;
        emit NewCheckpointEvent(_sectionIndex, _hash, _signature);
    function GetCheckpoint(uint _sectionIndex) view public returns(bytes32) {
        return checkpoints[_sectionIndex];
  • Hardcode contract address in the codebase.
  • Register stable checkpoint by ethereum foundation admins at a specified rate(32768 blocks).

This action just like updating hard code checkpoint before release by core developers.

The most important thing about simple checkpoint syncing is to protect all admin private key files.

If one of the admins' private key file is lost, we have to redeploy a new contract and release a new geth as soon as possible, otherwise simple checkpoint syncing will not provide any security for the light client.

Simple checkpoint syncing

Light client side

  • Select a server peer which has the highest advertised total difficulty as the target peer.
  • Request the last block header which covered by server peer's announced stable checkpoint and set as the current head header temporarily.
  • Sync the last a few thousands blocks by light syncing.
  • Filter the NewCheckpointEvent with specified checkpoint index as topic in the block range [(index + 1) * CheckpointSize + CheckpointProcessConfirm, Current Head].
    • If no event is found, rollback and drop the malicious peer;
    • If checkpoint event is found, but the signer address recovered by signature is not an admin address, rollback and drop the maclious peer;
    • If checkpoint event is found, but the checkpoint hash included in the event is not equal with advertised checkpoint hash, rollback and drop the maclious peer;
    • Otherwise, the server peer is a honest peer, finish syncing;

Server side

  • Listen the checkpoint registrar contract and update local stable checkpoint if it is stable enough;
  • Advertise the local stable checkpoint in the handshake package;

Admin side

  • Register checkpoint after (index+1)*32768+256 blocks;
  • Can modify the checkpoint in the block range [(index+1)*32768+256, (index+1)*32768+8192];

Security model

For the simple checkpoint syncing, the security is guaranteed by ECDSA.

  1. Contract address and target admin addresses are hardcoded in the codebase(The problem here is we can not support dynamic admin change).
  2. Light client only accept checkpoint announcement given by EF admins.
  3. If we can find a checkpoint equal with the advertised checkpoint, it means the advertised checkpoint is valid and we can sync based on that just like a new genesis block.


  1. Admins private key files are the heart of security.
  2. Admins can not change dynamically.

Future trustless checkpoint syncing

For the trustless checkpoint syncing, zsolt already given out a document with detail description, and we can use this simple checkpoint syncing as an intellectual approach.

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