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Last active September 5, 2016 21:14
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Ryan Jones New Mac Setup Routine
Ryan Jones | @rjonesy | 08-18-2016
All numbered lines are instructions. All non-number indented lines are code in (remove "$" when pasting in
# PART 1
1. Make library folder visible again:
$ chflags nohidden ~/Library/
2. Disable local time machine:
$ sudo tmutil disablelocal
3. Set offsite Time Machine to less often backup (every 43,200 seconds):
$ sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ StartInterval -int 43200
4. Repalce "Duplicate" with “Save As” in Save menus:
$ defaults write -globalDomain NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Save As...' '@$S’
5. Open expanded "Save" view instead of miniature view by default:
$ defaults write -g NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -boolean true
# PART 2
1. Restart while holding CMD-R
2. Go to Utilities > Terminal
3. Temporarily disable Mac's "System Integrity Protection" to allow dock icon modifications:
$ csrutil disable; reboot
4. Wait for reboot, then login
5. Go to Macintosh HD > System > Library > CoreServices > Dock, Show Package Contacts, Contents > Resources and copy/paste replace trashfull icons with trashempty icons
6. Restart while holding CMD-R
7. Go to Utilities > Terminal
8. Re-enable "System Integrity Protection":
$ csrutil enable; reboot
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