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Last active August 4, 2022 04:13
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Interview Question By Interviewer
* @name - JavaScript Interview questions
* @name - TypeOf
* @description - typeof [Number]
console.log(typeof 25 === "number");
console.log(typeof 3.14 === "number");
console.log(typeof 69 === "number");
// log base 10
console.log(typeof Math.LN10 === "number");
console.log(typeof Infinity === "number");
// Despite being "Not-A-Number"
console.log(typeof NaN === "number");
// Wrapping in Number() function
console.log(typeof Number("100") === "number");
* @name - TypeOf
* @description - typeof [String]
console.log(typeof "" === "string");
console.log(typeof "bla" === "string");
// ES6 template literal
console.log(typeof `template literal` === "string");
console.log(typeof "1" === "string");
console.log(typeof typeof 1 === "string");
// Wrapping inside String() function
console.log(typeof String(1) === "string");
* @name - TypeOf
* @description - typeof [Symbol]
console.log(typeof Symbol); // function
console.log(typeof Symbol("")); // symbol
console.log(typeof Symbol(1)); // symbol
* @name - InstanceOf
* @description - instanceOf [Object]
console.log({} instanceof Object) // true
console.log(new Object() instanceof Object) // true
* @name - InstanceOf
* @description - instanceOf [Function]
const fn = function () { }
console.log(fn instanceof Function) // true
console.log(fn instanceof Function.constructor) // true
* @name - Hoisting
* @description - Loop example
for (var i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {
setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 10);
// Hoisting Example 2
function x() {
setTimeout(function () {
console.log(i) // Output : 1
var i = 1
* @name - Hoisting
* @description - Example-1
var b = 10;
function abc() {
console.log(b); // undefined
console.log(b++); // null
var b = 3;
console.log(b); // 3
* @name - Object Prototype
* @description - __proto__ instanceOf Object
* @link -
const obj = new Object();
// console.log(obj.__proto__ instanceof Object); // false
// an object using object literal
const person = {
name: "John",
age: 30
// console.log(person.__proto__ === Object.prototype); // true
* @name - Generator object
* @description -
let Obj = { * foo () { yield ({ a: '1' }) } }
// To accing the value // Output : {value: {a:'1'}, done: false}
* @name - Function Prototype
* @description - __proto__ instanceOf Function
* @link - ?
let fn1 = function () { }
// fn1.__proto__ === Object // false
// fn1.__proto__ === Object.prototype // false
// console.log(fn1.__proto__ instanceof Function.prototype) // Error
* @name - Execution
* @description - Execution order
* @example - console vs process.nextTick vs setImmediate
console.log("console first");
process.nextTick(() => console.log("process.nextTick")); // console second
setImmediate(() => console.log("setImmediate")); // console third
* @name - Snake_case to Camel_case convert
const input = "this_is_a_snake_case_string";
// Solution 1
const camelCase = () => {
return str.replace(/[_][a-z]/ig, (m) => {
// m => _i, _a, _s
return m.toUpperCase().replace('_', '')
// Solution 2
const camelCase = (str) => {
return str.split('_').map((i, k) => k > 0 ? `${i.slice(0, 1).toString().toUpperCase()}${i.toString().slice(1,)}` : i).join('')
const output = camelCase(input);
console.log(output); // thisIsASnakeCaseString
* @name - Closure example
function parent(name, message) {
const val = 1;
return function(param) {
return { val, name, message, param}
// Function calls
let p = parent('joy', 'hello')
obj(true) // Output : { 1, 'joy', 'hello', true }
* @name - Difference
* @description - Difference between Map() vs WeekMap()
* @link -
* @name - Difference
* @description - Difference between Object.freez() vs Object.seal()
* @link -
* @question - How to utilize all cpus in node
* @link -
* @question - Difference beftween spawn vs fork in node.js
* @link -
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* @question - Reactive programing in JavaScript
* @link -
* @question - Apply vs Bind vs Call
* @link -
* @question - Hoisting
* @link -
* @question - Event Bubbling or Event Capturing
* @link -
* @question - How to secure node.js application
* @link - ?
* @question - How to implement token authentication in node.js application
* @link - ?
* @question - How to implement 2FA authentication in node.js application
* @question - How 2FA authentication mechanisam works
* @link - ?
* @question - Shallow vs Deep Copies
* @link -
* @question - for-of vs for-in
* @link -
* @question - How to create Node.js proxy server
* @link -
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* @question - Sets vs. WeakSets & Maps vs. WeakMap
* @link -
* @name - React.js Interview questions
* @question - Class level component vs. Functional component
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* @question - Profiler in react.js
* @link -
* @question - HOC or higher order component
* @link -
* @question - Props drilling
* @link -
* @question - React lifecycle
* @link -
* @question - Component composition
* @link -
* @question - ref and ForwardRef
* @link -
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