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Last active April 20, 2018 12:58
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package main
import (
type keyring struct {
keys map[string]string
keyIds []string
var mykeys *keyring
// We have a simple DynamoDB table of {KeyName, KeyVal}
type blob struct {
KeyName string `dynamo:"KeyName"`
KeyVal string `dynamo:"KeyVal"`
TTL int64 `dynamo:"TTL",omitempty`
func newKeyring() *keyring {
q := keyring{}
q.keys = make(map[string]string)
q.keyIds = make([]string, 0)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", q)
return &q
func (k *keyring) AddKey(keyId string, keyVal string) {
k.keys[keyId] = keyVal
k.keyIds = append(k.keyIds, keyId)
func (k *keyring) GenerateKey() string {
keyId, keyVal := generateKey()
k.AddKey(keyId, keyVal)
// If we generate a key, we need to put it into DynamoDB
dydbCom <- blob{keyId, keyVal, 0}
return keyId
func (k *keyring) CurrentKey() (string, string) {
keyId := k.keyIds[len(k.keyIds)-1]
key := k.keys[keyId]
return keyId, key
func (k *keyring) GetKey(kn string) string {
return k.keys[kn]
// Various channels for inter-goroutine communicationals.
var dydbCom, dydbRes chan blob
var ready chan bool
// We have a need for random strings of various lengths.
// Occasionally with separators between chunks of digits.
func randomString(l int, sep bool) string {
letters := "abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
out := ""
for x := 1; x < l+1; x++ {
i, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(62))
if err != nil {
j := i.Uint64()
out = out + letters[j:j+1]
if sep && x%5 == 0 && x < 21 {
out = out + "!"
return out
// Our keys match /.....-.....-.....-.....-...../ with an
// associated Id matching /...../
func generateKey() (string, string) {
id := randomString(5, false)
val := randomString(25, true)
return id, val
// Helper to add a new key because we need to do this on startup as a demo
func addNewKey() string {
keyId, keyVal := generateKey()
mykeys.AddKey(keyId, keyVal)
dydbCom <- blob{keyId, keyVal, 0}
return keyId
func newKeyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
k := addNewKey()
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("OK %s", k)))
func hashHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
id := vars["id"]
keyId, key := mykeys.CurrentKey()
// This should be refactored...
hashVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", key, keyId, id)
fmt.Printf("v=%s\n", hashVal)
hashBytes := md5.Sum([]byte(hashVal))
hashStr := fmt.Sprintf("%x", hashBytes)
// Probably should use a real JSON marshaller here :)
j := fmt.Sprintf("{\"hash\": \"%s\", \"key\":\"%s\",\"id\":%s}", hashStr, keyId, id)
func makeHash(id string, keyId string) string {
dydbCom <- blob{keyId, "", 0}
kb := <-dydbRes
// If we don't get a key value back, we've not found it
// locally or in DynamoDB which means the check can never
// succeed, in which case an empty string suffices.
if kb.KeyVal == "" {
return ""
key := kb.KeyVal
// ...because this is the exact same code!
hashVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", key, keyId, id)
hashBytes := md5.Sum([]byte(hashVal))
hashStr := fmt.Sprintf("%x", hashBytes)
return hashStr
// Check a hash given an Id and a KeyId.
// .../check/{id}/{key}/{hash}
func checkHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
id := vars["id"]
keyId := vars["key"]
hash := vars["hash"]
retval := "NOT OK"
// We can only check the hash if they request a key that exists.
ourHash := makeHash(id, keyId)
if ourHash == hash {
retval = "OK"
// Ultra-trivial HTTP endpoint for the healthcheck
func healthCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Ultra-trivial HTTP server
func startHTTP() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/healthcheck", healthCheckHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/hash/{id}", hashHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/check/{id}/{key}/{hash}", checkHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/newkey", newKeyHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/refresh", refreshHandler)
http.Handle("/", r)
http.ListenAndServe("localhost:9888", nil)
func refreshHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
dydbCom <- blob{"", "", -1}
func refreshKeys(t dynamo.Table) {
// 'expired' records can persist for 48 hours on DynamoDB. Best to filter
// out anything which might have expired but not been cleaned.
now := time.Now().Unix()
// Read the entire table into `keys`
var tscan []blob
err := t.Scan().Filter("'TTL' > ?", now).All(&tscan)
if err != nil {
q := newKeyring()
for _, v := range tscan {
fmt.Printf("D s=%s v=%s\n", v.KeyName, v.KeyVal)
q.AddKey(v.KeyName, v.KeyVal)
mykeys = q
func initDynamoDB(command chan blob, results chan blob) {
fmt.Println("Connecting to DynamoDB")
db := dynamo.New(session.New(), &aws.Config{Region: aws.String("eu-west-1")})
table := db.Table("HashKeys")
ready <- true
// Loop FOREVER waiting for DynamoDB queries or updates.
fmt.Printf("Waiting for commands\n")
for {
task := <-command
// Currently this will never happen because we scan the entire
// table when we startup and (in theory) we're the only person
// who adds stuff to the table which means we're always in sync.
// -but- if we ever run multiple copies of this, another one
// might have added a key we're supposed to check which means
// querying that from the database. But this needs more thinky.
if task.TTL == -1 {
} else if task.KeyVal == "" {
fmt.Printf("query for key=%s\n", task.KeyName)
// Do we have this key cached locally?
kv := mykeys.GetKey(task.KeyName)
if kv != "" {
task.KeyVal = kv
fmt.Printf("Cached k=%s v=%s\n", task.KeyName, kv)
} else {
// We didn't find it locally, check DynamoDB
err := table.Get("KeyName", task.KeyName).One(&task)
// If we get an error or the item is missing, punt it.
if err != nil {
task.KeyVal = ""
} else {
// We got a real key, store it locally
mykeys.AddKey(task.KeyName, task.KeyVal)
fmt.Printf("Queried DynamoDB for k=%s v=%s\n", task.KeyName, task.KeyVal)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", task)
results <- task
} else {
fmt.Printf("update for key=%s val=%s\n", task.KeyName, task.KeyVal)
ttl := time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
err := table.Put(blob{task.KeyName, task.KeyVal, ttl.Unix()}).Run()
if err != nil {
func main() {
mykeys = newKeyring()
// I'm not convinced this is the best way to do it but we want
// to localise all the Dynamo handling to a single point and
// that requires a goroutine which we can't wait for easily.
ready = make(chan bool)
// Channels for DynamoDB handling.
dydbCom = make(chan blob)
dydbRes = make(chan blob)
go initDynamoDB(dydbCom, dydbRes)
// We need to wait for the DynamoDB connection because otherwise
// keys we want to use might not present when a request arrives.
// We always create a new key when we start up because we want
// a new key to be the last one in the `keyIds` array and it's
// less faff to force it ourself rather than sort Dynamo rows.
_ = addNewKey()
go startHTTP()
// We do nothing but handle HTTP requests. IDLE LOOP.
for {
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