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Last active May 18, 2021 20:09
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Predict Next 10 Trains Departing from Park Street Station of MBTA , Using MBTA API
import pytz
import requests
import unittest
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Union
# from unittest.mock import patch # Mock current time function and API result to test complete functionality
STATION_NAME = 'place-pktrm'
predict_by_schedule_api = BASE_URL + f'predictions?page[limit]=20&filter[stop]={STATION_NAME}&sort=departure_time'
stop_detail_api = BASE_URL + 'stops/'
def call_api(api: str) -> dict:
response = requests.get(api)
if response.status_code != 200:
print('Seems train is magically Gone. Next One is coming')
raise Exception
data = response.json()
except Exception as msg:
raise Exception(msg)
return data
def get_minute_from_timedelta(difference):
seconds = difference.seconds
return (seconds // 60) % 60
def get_time_utc(given_time: Union[Optional[datetime], str]) -> Optional[datetime]:
if type(given_time) == datetime:
given_time = given_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
naive_datetime = datetime.strptime(given_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
time_utc = naive_datetime.astimezone(pytz.utc)
return time_utc
except Exception as msg:
print(f'Date time is not in expected format : {msg}')
return None
def get_current_time_utc():
local_time = pytz.timezone("America/New_York")
now ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
return get_time_utc(now)
def get_time_string(given_time):
train_time_utc = get_time_utc(given_time)
if train_time_utc:
current_time_utc = get_current_time_utc()
diff = train_time_utc - current_time_utc
minutes = get_minute_from_timedelta(diff)
if train_time_utc < current_time_utc:
string = f'Departed'
string = f'Departing in {minutes} minutes'
return string
return None
def check_not_departed(train_predicted_time):
if train_predicted_time:
time_utc = get_time_utc(train_predicted_time)
if time_utc:
current_time = get_current_time_utc()
return True if time_utc > get_time_utc(current_time) else False
return False
class TestDepartureTimeByStation(unittest.TestCase):
def test_prediction_departure_api(self):
""" Test format of response of predicting departure time API
Test if all required information are present in response or not.
Number of API hits : 1 per test """
response = call_api(predict_by_schedule_api)
self.assertIn('data', response)
for res in response['data']:
self.assertIn('departure_time', res.get('attributes'))
self.assertIn('stop', res.get('relationships'))
self.assertIn('data', res.get('relationships').get('stop'))
self.assertIn('id', res.get('relationships').get('stop').get('data'))
def test_stop_data_api(self):
""" Test response format of Stop Detail API, given stop id.
Number of API hits : 1 per test """
id = 70070
response = call_api(f'{stop_detail_api}/{id}')
self.assertIn('data', response)
self.assertIn('platform_name', response['data'].get('attributes'))
class DepartureTimeByStation:
def __init__(self):
self.predict_schedule_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.stop_detail_dict = dict()
def print_schedule(self) -> None:
for key, value in self.predict_schedule_dict.items():
for val in value:
def stop_detail_by_id(self, stop_id: int) -> str:
if stop_id in self.stop_detail_dict:
return self.stop_detail_dict[stop_id]
stop_data = call_api(f'{stop_detail_api}/{stop_id}')
stop_name = stop_data['data'].get('attributes').get('platform_name')
self.stop_detail_dict[stop_id] = stop_name
return stop_name
def predict(self):
count = 0
while count < NUMBER_OF_RESULTS:
prediction_data = call_api(predict_by_schedule_api)
for prediction in prediction_data['data']:
if check_not_departed(prediction.get('attributes')['departure_time']) and count < NUMBER_OF_RESULTS:
count += 1
stop_id = prediction.get('relationships').get('stop').get('data').get('id')
stop_name = self.stop_detail_by_id(stop_id)
time_string = get_time_string(prediction.get('attributes')['departure_time'])
{stop_name: time_string})
elif count == NUMBER_OF_RESULTS:
if __name__ == '__main__':
test = input('Do You Want to Run Test, True or False : ')
if test.lower() == 'false':
predictor = DepartureTimeByStation()
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