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Last active January 20, 2022 07:11
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The basics of the Capability API's
// here is a basic example of acquiring and working with the current selection
// state. Here we can get a list of all fields that have selections and what
// values have been selected for each field
var selectionState = app.selectionState()
var listener = function() {
var selections = selectionState.selections
// each item in the selectionState.selections is a field
selections.forEach(item => {
console.log("Selected Field", item.fieldName)
var filters = item.selectedValues
// each of the values in item.selectedValues is a selected value for that
// field.
filters.forEach(filter => {
console.log(" Selected value:", filter.qName)
//bind the listener
// this is the config object used to connect to an app on a Qlik Sense server
var config = {
host: '',
prefix: '/showcase/',
port: '443',
isSecure: true,
rejectUnauthorized: false,
appname: '0b0fc6d5-05ce-44d7-95aa-80d0680b3559'
function main() {
// our API uses requirejs, so here we're setting up our base URL
(config.isSecure ? 'https://' : 'http://') + +
(config.port ? ':' + config.port : '') +
config.prefix +
* Load the entry point for the Capabilities API family
* See full documention:
require(['js/qlik'], function(qlik) {
// We're now connected
// Suppress Qlik error dialogs and handle errors how you like.
qlik.setOnError(function(error) {
console.log('ERROR', error)
// Open a dataset on the server
app = qlik.openApp(config.appname, config)
// This is the basic definition of a hypercube and it's creation. You must
// define your dimensions with qDimensions, your measures with qMeasures and
// your qInitialDataFetch, where qHeight is the number of rows being
// retrieved and qWidth is the number of columns (usually dimensions + measures)
var hyperCubeDef = {
qDimensions: [
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ['Title']
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ['Start Date']
qMeasures: [
qDef: { qDef: '=Sum(TotalSales)' },
qSortBy: { qSortByNumeric: -1 }
qInterColumnSortOrder: [2, 0, 1],
qInitialDataFetch: [
qTop: 0,
qLeft: 0,
qHeight: 200,
qWidth: 3
app.createCube(hyperCubeDef, hypercube => {
// after creating a cube you define a callback function to handle it
// this function will be called each time the data changes (ie. when
// someone makes a selection).
// the basic matrix of data is available in the hypercube datapages
let matrix = hypercube.qHyperCube.qDataPages[0].qMatrix
// you can then treat the matrix as an array
matrix.forEach((row, index) => {
// the value for each column can be obtained by referencing array indexes
// you can use qText for text values and qNum for numerical
console.log("Title:", row[0].qText)
console.log("Start Date:", row[1].qText)
console.log("Sales:", row[2].qText)
// This is the basic call to creating a list. It's similar to the call for a
// hypercube except instead of qDimensions and qMeasures you just specify
// qDef for a single field to list. qInitialDataFetch is basically the
// same.
// by specifying qSortByState: 1 we're saying we want the selected/optional/
// locked values first and the excluded values after.
const salesListDef = {
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ["Salesperson Name"],
qSortCriterias: [{ qSortByState: 1 }, { qSortByAscii: 1 }]
qInitialDataFetch: [
qTop: 0,
qLeft: 0,
qHeight: 2000,
qWidth: 1
app.createList(salesListDef, function(reply) {
const $list = $("#salesList")
// here we can see the actual list of data is available in the qListObject
reply.qListObject.qDataPages[0].qMatrix.forEach(row => {
let item = $(`<div>${row[0].qText}</div>`)
// we can use the qState property to determine whether or not the current value
// is available (selected, locked or optional)
if (row[0].qState === "X") {
} => {
// on click we can have the selection of the value toggled
app.field("Salesperson Name").selectValues([row[0].qText], true, true)
// here is a basic example of selecting a value for a field. When working with
// the QIX engine, selecting a field will cause all data to be updated
// dynamically and the callback function for all calls to create hypercubes
// or lists will automatically be recalled
const field = app.field('Salesperson Name')
// here we see that we can pass in multiple values to the selectValues
// function, selecting multiple values at the same time so only one
// update occurs. The second parameter indicates if we're toggle
// a selection or explicitly selecting. The second value indicates
// if we want this selection to override any locks
field.selectValues(['Jeff','John','Mary'], true, false)
// we can also get a list of the field data the same way we do with creating
// a list. Here's an example below.
const fieldData = field.getData()
fieldData.OnData.bind(() => {
fieldData.rows.forEach(row => {
console.log("Field Value:", row.qText)
// finally you can clear the fields selection by calling .clear on it
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