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Created March 18, 2022 14:36
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package com.squareup.sample.compose.hellocomposebinding
import com.squareup.sample.compose.hellocomposebinding.HelloWorkflow.Rendering
import com.squareup.sample.compose.hellocomposebinding.HelloWorkflow.HG
import com.squareup.sample.compose.hellocomposebinding.HelloWorkflow.HG.Goodbye
import com.squareup.sample.compose.hellocomposebinding.HelloWorkflow.HG.Hello
import com.squareup.sample.compose.hellocomposebinding.HelloWorkflow.State
import com.squareup.sample.compose.hellocomposeworkflow.HelloWorkflow
import com.squareup.workflow1.Snapshot
import com.squareup.workflow1.StatefulWorkflow
import com.squareup.workflow1.action
import com.squareup.workflow1.asWorker
import com.squareup.workflow1.parse
import com.squareup.workflow1.runningWorker
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow
object HelloWorkflow : StatefulWorkflow<Unit, State, Nothing, Rendering>() {
data class State(
val hg: HG = Hello,
val plus: String = ""
enum class HG {
fun toggle(): HG = when (this) {
Hello -> Goodbye
Goodbye -> Hello
data class Rendering(
val message: String,
val onClick: () -> Unit
private val helloAction = action {
state = state.copy(hg = state.hg.toggle())
private val pulseAction = action {
state = state.copy(plus = if ( "*" else "")
private val pulseWorker = flow {
while (true) {
override fun initialState(
props: Unit,
snapshot: Snapshot?
): State =
snapshot?.bytes?.parse { source -> if (source.readInt() == 1) State() else State(Goodbye) }
?: State()
override fun render(
renderProps: Unit,
renderState: State,
context: RenderContext
): Rendering {
context.runningWorker(pulseWorker) { pulseAction }
return Rendering(
message = +,
onClick = { context.actionSink.send(helloAction) }
override fun snapshotState(state: State): Snapshot = Snapshot.of(if (state.hg == Hello) 1 else 0)
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rjrjr commented Mar 18, 2022

A tweak to the Hello Compose Binding sample that shows off running a simple worker. See line 66.

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