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Created August 22, 2023 18:08
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cluster-migration tool repo report
From test-infra
|→ cd hack/cluster-migration/
|→ go run main.go --repo-report
Total jobs: 3117
Total eligible jobs: 1685
Currently ineligible jobs: 1432
Cluster Eligible/Total (Percent)
default 200/1632 (11.87%/52.36%)
eks-prow-build-cluster 698/698 (41.42%/22.39%)
k8s-infra-prow-build 503/503 (29.85%/16.14%)
k8s-infra-prow-build-trusted 255/255 (15.13%/8.18%)
test-infra-trusted 29/29 (1.72%/0.93%)
Google jobs 200/1632 (11.87%/52.36%)
Community jobs 1485/1485 (88.13%/47.64%)
Repository Complete Eligible(Total) Remaining (Percent)
alibaba-cloud-csi-driver 0 4(4) 4 (0.00%)
apiserver-network-proxy 1 5(5) 4 (20.00%)
apisnoop 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
aws-ebs-csi-driver 1 1(13) 0 (100.00%)
aws-efs-csi-driver 2 2(4) 0 (100.00%)
aws-encryption-provider 0 2(2) 2 (0.00%)
aws-fsx-csi-driver 0 0(3) 0 (100.00%)
aws-fsx-openzfs-csi-driver 1 1(2) 0 (100.00%)
aws-iam-authenticator 1 1(5) 0 (100.00%)
aws-load-balancer-controller 5 5(6) 0 (100.00%)
azuredisk-csi-driver 0 0(38) 0 (100.00%)
azurefile-csi-driver 0 0(19) 0 (100.00%)
blob-csi-driver 0 0(11) 0 (100.00%)
bom 4 4(4) 0 (100.00%)
boskos 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
cadvisor 0 0(1) 0 (100.00%)
cadvisor.yaml 0 0(1) 0 (100.00%)
cli-utils 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
client-go 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
cloud-provider-alibaba-cloud 0 2(2) 2 (0.00%)
cloud-provider-aws 3 3(4) 0 (100.00%)
cloud-provider-azure 1 1(52) 0 (100.00%)
cloud-provider-gcp 12 12(12) 0 (100.00%)
cloud-provider-kind 5 5(5) 0 (100.00%)
cloud-provider-openstack 29 29(29) 0 (100.00%)
cloud-provider-vsphere 18 18(22) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-addons 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-api 23 88(90) 65 (26.14%)
cluster-api-addon-provider-helm 6 6(6) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-api-operator 15 15(17) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-api-provider-aws 49 49(49) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-api-provider-azure 7 9(47) 2 (77.78%)
cluster-api-provider-cloudstack 3 3(4) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-api-provider-digitalocean 13 13(34) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-api-provider-gcp 22 25(42) 3 (88.00%)
cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud 37 38(38) 1 (97.37%)
cluster-api-provider-nested 9 9(9) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-api-provider-openstack 3 3(10) 0 (100.00%)
cluster-api-provider-vsphere 1 32(57) 31 (3.12%)
cluster-capacity 30 30(30) 0 (100.00%)
community 2 2(3) 0 (100.00%)
container-object-storage-interface-api 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
container-object-storage-interface-controller 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
container-object-storage-interface-csi-adapter 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
container-object-storage-interface-provisioner-sidecar 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
containerd 8 8(13) 0 (100.00%)
controller-runtime 0 11(11) 11 (0.00%)
controller-tools 0 1(1) 1 (0.00%)
cri-tools 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
csi-driver-host-path 20 20(48) 0 (100.00%)
csi-driver-iscsi 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
csi-driver-nfs 4 4(7) 0 (100.00%)
csi-driver-nvmf 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
csi-driver-smb 1 1(13) 0 (100.00%)
csi-lib-utils 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
csi-proxy 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
csi-release-tools 5 5(5) 0 (100.00%)
csi-test 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
custom-metrics-apiserver 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
cvelist-public 0 1(1) 1 (0.00%)
descheduler 31 31(31) 0 (100.00%)
dns 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
downloadkubernetes 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
e2e-framework 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
enhancements 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
etcdadm 1 3(3) 2 (33.33%)
examples 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
external-attacher 9 9(10) 0 (100.00%)
external-dns 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
external-health-monitor 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
external-provisioner 11 11(12) 0 (100.00%)
external-resizer 9 9(10) 0 (100.00%)
external-snapshotter 9 9(10) 0 (100.00%)
externalip-webhook 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
gateway-api 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver 1 1(11) 0 (100.00%)
gcp-filestore-csi-driver 1 1(6) 0 (100.00%)
generated 32 32(32) 0 (100.00%)
gengo 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
haskell 0 1(1) 1 (0.00%)
hierarchical-namespaces 0 2(2) 2 (0.00%)
ibm-powervs-block-csi-driver 13 13(13) 0 (100.00%)
ibm-vpc-block-csi-driver 5 5(5) 0 (100.00%)
image-builder 4 5(9) 1 (80.00%)
ingress-controller-conformance 9 9(9) 0 (100.00%)
ingress-gce 1 1(4) 0 (100.00%)
ingress-nginx 14 14(14) 0 (100.00%)
ingress2gateway 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
jobset 8 8(8) 0 (100.00%)
k8s-cluster-bundle 0 0(2) 0 (100.00%)
k8s-staging-cluster-api.yaml 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
k8s-staging-e2e-test-images.yaml 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
k8s-staging-sig-storage.yaml 17 17(17) 0 (100.00%) 32 37(38) 5 (86.49%)
kernel-module-management 6 6(6) 0 (100.00%)
kind 20 25(25) 5 (80.00%)
kops 13 13(807) 0 (100.00%)
krm-functions-registry 0 1(1) 1 (0.00%)
kube-batch 0 0(1) 0 (100.00%)
kube-scheduler-simulator 4 4(4) 0 (100.00%)
kube-state-metrics 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
kube-storage-version-migrator 1 3(6) 2 (33.33%)
kubeadm 0 3(3) 3 (0.00%)
kubebuilder 5 5(5) 0 (100.00%)
kubebuilder-declarative-pattern 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
kubernetes 242 243(328) 1 (99.59%)
kubespray 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
kubetest2 9 9(9) 0 (100.00%)
kueue 31 31(31) 0 (100.00%)
kustomize 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
kwok 5 5(5) 0 (100.00%)
lib-volume-populator 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
livenessprobe 9 9(10) 0 (100.00%)
mdtoc 0 2(2) 2 (0.00%)
metrics-server 7 7(7) 0 (100.00%)
minikube 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
multi-tenancy 0 1(1) 1 (0.00%)
network-policy-api 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
nfs-subdir-external-provisioner 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
node-driver-registrar 9 9(10) 0 (100.00%)
node-feature-discovery 6 19(22) 13 (31.58%)
node-feature-discovery-operator 1 5(5) 4 (20.00%)
node-problem-detector 10 10(16) 0 (100.00%)
org 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
perf-tests 2 7(22) 5 (28.57%)
porche 5 5(5) 0 (100.00%)
prometheus-adapter 4 4(4) 0 (100.00%)
promo-tools 6 6(8) 0 (100.00%)
provider-aws-test-infra 8 8(8) 0 (100.00%)
publishing-bot 6 6(6) 0 (100.00%) 6 6(6) 0 (100.00%)
release 22 24(25) 2 (91.67%)
release-notes 7 7(7) 0 (100.00%)
release-sdk 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
release-utils 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
repo-infra 0 0(1) 0 (100.00%)
scheduler-plugins 41 41(41) 0 (100.00%)
secrets-store-csi-driver 5 15(30) 10 (33.33%)
security-profiles-operator 6 6(6) 0 (100.00%)
sig-api-machinery 0 0(3) 0 (100.00%)
sig-apps 0 0(1) 0 (100.00%)
sig-arch 2 3(3) 1 (66.67%)
sig-auth 0 0(1) 0 (100.00%)
sig-autoscaling 0 0(10) 0 (100.00%)
sig-cli 1 1(15) 0 (100.00%)
sig-cloud-provider 12 12(49) 0 (100.00%)
sig-cluster-lifecycle 48 48(48) 0 (100.00%)
sig-instrumentation 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
sig-k8s-infra 48 48(48) 0 (100.00%)
sig-network 13 13(29) 0 (100.00%)
sig-node 40 40(72) 0 (100.00%)
sig-release 59 59(61) 0 (100.00%)
sig-scalability 27 27(30) 0 (100.00%)
sig-scheduling 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
sig-storage 1 1(3) 0 (100.00%)
sig-storage-lib-external-provisioner 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
sig-storage-local-static-provisioner 1 4(7) 3 (25.00%)
sig-testing 13 13(18) 0 (100.00%)
sig-windows 0 0(26) 0 (100.00%)
slack-infra 4 4(4) 0 (100.00%)
structured-merge-diff 7 7(7) 0 (100.00%)
system-validators 0 1(1) 1 (0.00%)
tejolote 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
test-infra 51 58(61) 7 (87.93%)
testgrid-json-exporter 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
usage-metrics-collector 3 3(3) 0 (100.00%)
volume-data-source-validator 2 2(2) 0 (100.00%)
vsphere-csi-driver 8 8(10) 0 (100.00%)
website 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
wg-multi-tenancy 0 1(1) 1 (0.00%)
windows-gmsa 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
windows-operational-readiness 1 1(2) 0 (100.00%)
windows-service-proxy 1 1(1) 0 (100.00%)
windows-testing 0 0(3) 0 (100.00%)
zeitgeist 4 4(4) 0 (100.00%)
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rjsadow commented Aug 22, 2023

This output gives a kubernetes wide view on each repo:

  • the number of jobs moved to the community clusters (completed)
  • the number of jobs eligible to transition to the community cluster (eligible)
  • the total number of jobs in the repo (total)
  • the number of jobs that still need to be moved to the cluster (remaining)

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