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Created September 23, 2011 04:59
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FlexSDK Homebrew formula. Installs mxmlc and other tools.
require 'formula'
class FlashPlayer < Formula
url ''
md5 '2770acd6997bfd5016dd51acfb20c025'
homepage ''
version '11.1'
def install
name = 'Flash Player'
cp_r '.', "#{prefix}/#{name}"
ln_s "#{prefix}/#{name}", "/Applications/#{name}"
require 'formula'
class FlexSdk < Formula
url ''
md5 'a53f386509bbd40b0e15df43af360cfa'
homepage ''
version 'v4.5.1.21328'
def install
Dir['*'].each { |file| cp_r file, File.join( prefix, File.basename(file) ) }
ohai %{You will need to add the Flex SDK to your path:}
ohai %{ export PATH="#{bin}":$PATH}
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The md5 checksum for the FlexSdk Formula seems to be incorrect. It is actually 55a59986092195a88cfe7b5796ec8619

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