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Created May 31, 2013 19:16
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Github Archive CreateEvent
"type": "CreateEvent",
"actor": {
"avatar_url": "",
"url": "",
"login": "vinced45",
"id": 101286,
"gravatar_id": "8c315bedc4ab1b9aef8f9b446030daac"
"repo": {
"url": "",
"id": 3081234,
"name": "vinced45/siriproxy-mashable"
"public": true,
"payload": {
"ref_type": "repository",
"description": "Siri Proxy Plugin to get news from Mashable",
"master_branch": "master",
"ref": null
"id": "1508512425",
"created_at": "2012-01-01T00:03:28Z"
/* Create repository event - strongest association with a repo possible */
create_events = LOAD '/tmp/CreateEvent' as (json: map[]); /* s3://github-explorer/CreateEvent */
create_ratings = FOREACH create_events GENERATE (chararray)$0#'actor_attributes'#'login' AS follower:chararray,
StringConcat((chararray)$0#'repository'#'owner', '/', $0#'repository'#'name') AS repo:chararray,
4.0 AS rating;
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