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Last active February 26, 2019 08:12
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A toy Brainfuck implementation in Python
A toy Brainfuck implementation in Python.
In this implementation, the length of tape is infinite in both directions (I used two stacks for the left and right
sides of the tape) and the values on the tape are 0 <= x < 256.
def jump_to_closing_bracket(start_i, program):
Given a starting index `start_i` in `program` where there is an opening bracket, find the index
where that bracket is closed.
depth = 1
for i in range(start_i, len(program)):
if program[i] == '[':
depth += 1
elif program[i] == ']':
depth -= 1
if depth == 1:
return i
raise Exception('Cannot find a closing bracket for {}'.format(start_i))
def safe_pop(l, default):
Pop the value from the end of the list `l`. If the list is empty, return `default`.
if len(l) > 0:
return l.pop()
return default
def get_jumps(program):
Returns a list of tuples of the form (start_i, end_i), where `start_i` and `end_i` are the
start and end indexes of all the jumps (pairs of open/closed brackets) in the program `program`.
jumps = []
for i, item in enumerate(program):
if item == '[':
# look for a jump
e = jump_to_closing_bracket(i, program)
return jumps
B = 255
def execute_bf_step(program, forward_jumps, backward_jumps, output_buffer, tapeL, header, tapeR, p_i):
Execute one step of a Brainfuck program.
Program data:
program: the instructions
forward_jumps: a mapping from positions of open brackets -> positions of the corresponding closed brackets
backward_jumps: a mapping from positions of closed brackets -> positions of the corresponding open brackets
State data:
tapeL: the left hand starting tape
header: the current value under the tape head
tapeR: the right hand starting tape
p_i: the position of the machine in the program
This function returns a new tuple containing the new state.
c = program[p_i]
if c == '>':
# Move pointer right
header = safe_pop(tapeR, default=0)
elif c == '<':
# Move pointer left
header = safe_pop(tapeL, default=0)
elif c == '+':
# Increment the memory cell under the pointer
header = (header + 1) % B
elif c == '-':
# Decrement the memory cell under the pointer
header = (header - 1) % B
elif c == '.':
# Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
elif c == ',':
# Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
c = input('Enter one character > ')
elif c == '[':
# Jump past the matching ] if the cell under the pointer is 0
if header == 0:
p_i = forward_jumps[p_i]
elif c == ']':
# Jump back to the matching [ if the cell under the pointer is nonzero
if header != 0:
p_i = backward_jumps[p_i]
p_i += 1
return output_buffer, tapeL, header, tapeR, p_i
def execute_bf(program, tapeL, header, tapeR, p_i):
Execute a Brainfuck program.
program: a string/list of chars. the program to be executed
tapeL: the left hand starting tape
header: the current value under the tape head
tapeR: the right hand starting tape
p_i: the starting position of the machine in the program
# Pre-compute the jump locations - this makes the code a bit faster
jumps = get_jumps(program)
forward_jumps = {x:y for x,y in jumps}
backward_jumps = {y:x for x,y in jumps}
output_buffer = []
l = len(program)
# While the program pointer has not hit the end of the program
while p_i < l:
output_buffer, tapeL, header, tapeR, p_i = execute_bf_step(program, forward_jumps, backward_jumps, output_buffer, tapeL, header, tapeR, p_i)
print(tapeL + [header] + list(reversed(tapeR)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
tapeL = []
header = 0
tapeR = []
# Prints "Hello World!"
program = "++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++."
p_i = 0
execute_bf(program, tapeL, header, tapeR, p_i)
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