;; The following packages are needed: | |
;; 1. elfeed and elfeed-score (available from the rss doom module) | |
;; 2. citar | |
;; 3. org-ref | |
;; 4. org-roam and org-roam-bibtex | |
(defconst robo/bib-libraries (list "~/bib-lib/robo-lib.bib" "~/bib-lib/robo-temp-lib.bib")) ; All of my bib databases. | |
(defconst robo/main-bib-library (nth 0 robo/bib-libraries)) ; The main db is always the first | |
(defconst robo/main-pdfs-library-paths `("~/bib-lib/pdfs/" "/home/robo/bib-lib/temp-pdfs/")) ; PDFs directories in a list | |
(defconst robo/main-pdfs-library-path (nth 0 robo/main-pdfs-library-paths)) ; Main PDFs directory | |
(defconst robo/bib-notes-dir "~/bib-lib/roam") ; I use org-roam to manage all my notes, including bib notes. | |
(setq bibtex-completion-bibliography robo/bib-libraries ; My bibliography PDF location | |
bibtex-completion-library-path robo/main-pdfs-library-paths ; My PDF lib location | |
bibtex-completion-notes-path robo/bib-notes-dir | |
bibtex-completion-pdf-open-function (lambda (fpath) | |
(call-process "open" nil 0 nil fpath))) | |
(use-package! elfeed | |
:config | |
(add-hook! 'elfeed-search-mode-hook 'elfeed-update) | |
(defun concatenate-authors (authors-list) | |
"Given AUTHORS-LIST, list of plists; return string of all authors concatenated." | |
(if (> (length authors-list) 1) | |
(format "%s et al." (plist-get (nth 0 authors-list) :name)) | |
(plist-get (nth 0 authors-list) :name))) | |
(defun my-search-print-fn (entry) | |
"Print ENTRY to the buffer." | |
(let* ((date (elfeed-search-format-date (elfeed-entry-date entry))) | |
(title (or (elfeed-meta entry :title) | |
(elfeed-entry-title entry) "")) | |
(title-faces (elfeed-search--faces (elfeed-entry-tags entry))) | |
(entry-authors (concatenate-authors | |
(elfeed-meta entry :authors))) | |
(title-width (- (window-width) 10 | |
elfeed-search-trailing-width)) | |
(title-column (elfeed-format-column | |
title 100 | |
:left)) | |
(entry-score (elfeed-format-column (number-to-string (elfeed-score-scoring-get-score-from-entry entry)) 10 :left)) | |
(authors-column (elfeed-format-column entry-authors 40 :left))) | |
(insert (propertize date 'face 'elfeed-search-date-face) " ") | |
(insert (propertize title-column | |
'face title-faces 'kbd-help title) " ") | |
(insert (propertize authors-column | |
'kbd-help entry-authors) " ") | |
(insert entry-score " "))) | |
(defun robo/elfeed-entry-to-arxiv () | |
"Fetch an arXiv paper into the local library from the current elfeed entry." | |
(interactive) | |
(let* ((link (elfeed-entry-link elfeed-show-entry)) | |
(match-idx (string-match "arxiv.org/abs/\\([0-9.]*\\)" link)) | |
(matched-arxiv-number (match-string 1 link))) | |
(when matched-arxiv-number | |
(message "Going to arXiv: %s" matched-arxiv-number) | |
(arxiv-get-pdf-add-bibtex-entry matched-arxiv-number robo/main-bib-library robo/main-pdfs-library-path)))) | |
(map! (:after elfeed | |
(:map elfeed-search-mode-map | |
:desc "Open entry" "m" #'elfeed-search-show-entry) | |
(:map elfeed-show-mode-map | |
:desc "Fetch arXiv paper to the local library" "a" #'robo/elfeed-entry-to-arxiv)) | |
(setq elfeed-search-print-entry-function #'my-search-print-fn) | |
(setq elfeed-search-date-format '("%y-%m-%d" 10 :left)) | |
(setq elfeed-search-title-max-width 110) | |
(setq elfeed-feeds '("http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?search_query=cat:math.OC&start=0&max_results=100&sortBy=submittedDate&sortOrder=descending" "http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?search_query=cat:stat.ML&start=0&max_results=100&sortBy=submittedDate&sortOrder=descending" "http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?search_query=cat:cs.LG&start=0&max_results=100&sortBy=submittedDate&sortOrder=descending")) | |
(setq elfeed-search-filter "@2-week-ago +unread")) | |
(use-package! elfeed-score | |
:after elfeed | |
:config | |
(elfeed-score-load-score-file "~/.doom.d/elfeed.score") ; See the elfeed-score documentation for the score file syntax | |
(setq elfeed-score-serde-score-file "~/.doom.d/elfeed.serde.score") | |
(elfeed-score-enable) | |
(define-key elfeed-search-mode-map "=" elfeed-score-map)) | |
(use-package! org-ref | |
:after org | |
:config | |
(defun robo/reformat-bib-library (&optional filename) | |
"Formats the bibliography using biber & rebiber and updates the PDF -metadata." | |
(interactive "P") | |
(or filename (setq filename robo/main-bib-library)) | |
(let ((cmnd (concat | |
(format "rebiber -i %s &&" filename) ; Get converence versions of arXiv papers | |
(format "biber --tool --output_align --output_indent=2 --output_fieldcase=lower --configfile=~/bib-lib/biber-myconf.conf --output_file=%s %s && " filename filename) ; Properly format the bibliography | |
(format "sed -i -e 's/arxiv/arXiv/gI' -e 's/journaltitle/journal /' -e 's/date /year /' %s &&" filename) ; Some replacements | |
(format "git commit -m \"Updating bibliography..\" %s && git push" filename) ; Commit and push the updated bib | |
))) | |
(async-shell-command cmnd))) | |
(defun robo/reformat-bib-lib-hook () | |
"Reformat the main bib library whenever it is saved.." | |
(when (equal (buffer-file-name) robo/main-bib-library) (robo/reformat-bib-library))) | |
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'robo/reformat-bib-lib-hook) | |
(setq bibtex-dialect 'biblatex)) | |
(use-package! oc | |
:config | |
(require 'oc-biblatex) | |
(require 'oc-csl) | |
(require 'citar) | |
(setq org-cite-global-bibliography robo/bib-libraries | |
org-cite-insert-processor 'citar | |
org-cite-follow-processor 'citar | |
org-cite-activate-processor 'citar | |
org-cite-export-processors '((latex biblatex) | |
(t csl)))) | |
(use-package! citar | |
:hook (doom-after-init-modules . citar-refresh) | |
:config | |
;; This will add watches for the global bib files and in addition add a hook to LaTeX-mode-hook and org-mode-hook to add watches for local bibliographic files. | |
(citar-filenotify-setup '(LaTeX-mode-hook org-mode-hook)) | |
(require 'citar-org) | |
(setq citar-bibliography robo/bib-libraries | |
citar-library-paths robo/main-pdfs-library-paths | |
citar-file-extensions '("pdf" "org" "md") | |
citar-file-open-function #'find-file) | |
(defun robo/citar-full-names (names) | |
"Transform names like LastName, FirstName to FirstName LastName." | |
(when (stringp names) | |
(mapconcat | |
(lambda (name) | |
(if (eq 1 (length name)) | |
(split-string name " ") | |
(let ((split-name (split-string name ", "))) | |
(cl-concatenate 'string (nth 1 split-name) " " (nth 0 split-name))))) | |
(split-string names " and ") ", "))) | |
(setq citar-display-transform-functions | |
'((t . citar-clean-string) | |
(("author" "editor") . robo/citar-full-names))) | |
(setq citar-templates | |
'((main . "${author editor:55} ${date year issued:4} ${title:55}") | |
(suffix . " ${tags keywords keywords:40}") | |
(preview . "${author editor} ${title}, ${journal publisher container-title collection-title booktitle} ${volume} (${year issued date}).\n") | |
(note . "#+title: Notes on ${author editor}, ${title}"))) | |
;; use consult-completing-read for enhanced interface | |
(advice-add #'completing-read-multiple :override #'consult-completing-read-multiple)) | |
(map! :leader | |
:desc "arXiv paper to library" "n x" #'arxiv-get-pdf-add-bibtex-entry | |
:desc "Elfeed" "n e" #'elfeed) | |
(after! org-roam | |
(setq org-roam-v2-ack t | |
+org-roam-open-buffer-on-find-file nil | |
org-roam-node-display-template "${title:80} ${tags:80}" | |
org-roam-completion-everywhere nil | |
org-roam-directory robo/bib-notes-dir)) | |
(use-package! org-roam-bibtex | |
:config | |
(setq org-roam-capture-templates | |
'(("d" "default" plain "%?" | |
:if-new (file+head "${slug}.org" | |
"#+title: ${title}\n#+SETUPFILE: ~/bib-lib/setup_file.org\n* References :ignore:\n#+print_bibliography:") | |
:unnarrowed t) | |
;; capture to inbox | |
("i" "inbox" entry "* TODO %?\n" | |
:target (node "45acaadd-02fb-4b93-a741-45d37ff9fd5e") | |
:unnarrowed t | |
:empty-lines-before 1 | |
:empty-lines-after 1 | |
:prepend t) | |
;; bibliography note template | |
("r" "bibliography reference" plain "%?" | |
:if-new (file+head "references/notes_${citekey}.org" | |
"#+title: Notes on ${title}\n#+SETUPFILE: ~/bib-lib/ref_setup_file.org\n* References :ignore:\n#+print_bibliography:") | |
:unnarrowed t) | |
;; for my annotated bibliography needs | |
("s" "short bibliography reference (no id)" entry "* ${title} [cite:@%^{citekey}]\n%?" | |
:target (node "01af7246-1b2e-42a5-b8e7-68be9157241d") | |
:unnarrowed t | |
:empty-lines-before 1 | |
:prepend t))) | |
(defun robo/capture-to-inbox () | |
"Capture a TODO straight to the inbox." | |
(interactive) | |
(org-roam-capture- :goto nil | |
:keys "i" | |
:node (org-roam-node-from-id "45acaadd-02fb-4b93-a741-45d37ff9fd5e"))) | |
(require 'org-roam-bibtex) | |
(setq citar-open-note-function 'orb-citar-edit-note | |
citar-notes-paths '("~/bib-lib/roam/references/") | |
orb-preformat-keywords '("citekey" "title" "url" "author-or-editor" "keywords" "file") | |
orb-process-file-keyword t | |
orb-file-field-extensions '("pdf"))) |
Hi nicehiro, this function is part of the org-ref package used in the configuration. Here's a link to the relevant file in that project: https://github.com/jkitchin/org-ref/blob/master/org-ref-arxiv.el
@rka97 Thanks!
Thanks for the demo! I found it very insightful! Wanted to ask if you could share:
- Setup files used in the org-roam-bibtex section
- The configuration file for the biber-myconf.conf?
Wanted to have a look and tweak for my needs.
Also, did you ever consider using org-noter in addition/replacement to what you have above? I'm still trying to figure out the best way to keep hierarchical notes on a document-basis where I can take notes with properties pinpointing/linking to different pages of a paper/book.
@rka97 thanks for the awesome talk Ahmed. Any chance of you sharing your elfeed and elfeed score config? Would help me hit the ground running getting some of that started :)
FYI, I don't think orb is anymore needed for this; see:
Hi, I watch your representation on youtube, it's really nice.
But it seems to lack some part of code in this gist, like
.Could you add this function or tell me where to find it? It will help me a lot. Thanks