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Created March 7, 2010 20:30
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An Oriented Bounding Box object with intersection methods for use in 2D projects under the XNA framework
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Extensions;
namespace OBBTest
public class OBB
#region members and properties
Vector2 _origin;//centre point of the OBB
public Vector2 Origin
get { return _origin; }
set { _origin = value; }
Vector2[] _axis;//2d orientation matrix
public Vector2[] Axis
get { return _axis; }
Vector2 _halfWidths;//the +ve extents along each axis
public Vector2 HalfWidths
get { return _halfWidths; }
set { _halfWidths = value; }
float _angleInRadians;//used for drawing a visuaisation of the OBB
public float AngleInRadians
get { return _angleInRadians; }
if (value < Math.PI && value > -Math.PI) //in the range [-PI..PI]
if (value >= Math.PI)
UpdateAxis((float)(Math.Abs((value % Math.PI * 2)) - Math.PI));
if (value <= -Math.PI)
UpdateAxis((float)(Math.Abs((value % Math.PI * 2)) + Math.PI));
public Color DebugColor = Color.White;
//an epsilon value to counter floating point errors in a parallel situation
const float EPSILON = 0.00001f;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an oriented bounding box for collision detection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Origin">The center of the box</param>
/// <param name="AngleInRadians">The rotation of the box in the xy plane</param>
/// <param name="HalfWidths">The half extents of the box in it's X and Y axis</param>
public OBB(Vector2 Origin, float AngleInRadians, Vector2 HalfWidths)
_origin = Origin;
_angleInRadians = AngleInRadians;
_halfWidths = HalfWidths;
_axis = new Vector2[2];
_axis[0] = new Vector2();
_axis[1] = new Vector2();
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether this OBB is intersecting a second
/// </summary>
/// <param name="OtherOBB"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Intersects(OBB OtherOBB)
return OBB.Intersects(this, OtherOBB);
/// <summary>
/// Finds where we would draw our debug texture without rotation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A rectangle corresponging to the unrotated position of the AABB</returns>
private Rectangle GetDestinationRect()
int x = (int)( _origin.X );
int y = (int)(_origin.Y );
int width = (int)(_halfWidths.X*2);
int height = (int)(_halfWidths.Y*2);
return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the orientation of the OBB
/// </summary>
/// <param name="AngleInRadians">The new rotation in radians</param>
public void UpdateAxis(float AngleInRadians)
//Standard rotation matrix equation
_axis[0].X = (float) Math.Cos(AngleInRadians);
_axis[0].Y = (float)Math.Sin(AngleInRadians);
_axis[1].Y = (float)Math.Cos(AngleInRadians);
_axis[1].X = -(float)Math.Sin(AngleInRadians);
_angleInRadians = AngleInRadians;
/// <summary>
/// Prints the properties of the OBB to the console
/// </summary>
public void Print()
Console.WriteLine("origin : "+_origin+"\nAngle : "+_angleInRadians+
"\nX Axis : "+_axis[0]+"\nY Axis : "+_axis[1]);
/// <summary>
/// Draws a visualisation of the OBB, useful for debug purposes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sb">The spritebatch instance to draw with</param>
/// <param name="NullTexture">A reference to a 1x1 texture which will be draw over the OBB</param>
public void Draw(Texture2D NullTexture,SpriteBatch sb)
//OBB's are only ever going to be drawn in debug mode
//so performance from repeated Begin() End() calls is acceptable
Vector2 g = _halfWidths;
sb.Draw(NullTexture, GetDestinationRect(), null, DebugColor,
Vector2.One/2,//the origin of the 1x1 texture i.e. (0.5f,0.5f)
SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether two OBBs intersect. Uses a separating axis implementation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="First">The first OBB</param>
/// <param name="Second">The second OBB</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool Intersects(OBB First, OBB Second)
#region pre test calcs and declarations
float rf, rs;
float[,] R = new float[2, 2];
float[,] AbsR = new float[2, 2];
//compuet rotation matrix by expressing second in terms of first
//also create common sub expressions
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
R[i, j] = Vector2.Dot(First.Axis[i], Second.Axis[j]);
AbsR[i, j] = Math.Abs(R[i, j]) + EPSILON;
//create translation vector
Vector2 translation = Second.Origin - First.Origin;
//bring translation into First's local coordinate system
translation = new Vector2(Vector2.Dot(translation, First.Axis[0]),
Vector2.Dot(translation, First.Axis[1]));
//Test if axes FirstX or FirstY separate the OBBs
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
rf = First.HalfWidths.Index(i);
rs = Second.HalfWidths.X * AbsR[i,0] + Second.HalfWidths.Y * AbsR[i,1];
if(Math.Abs(translation.Index(i)) > (rf + rs))
return false;
//Test if axes SecondX or SecondY separate the OBBs
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
rf = First.HalfWidths.Index(0) * AbsR[0, i] + First.HalfWidths.Index(1) * AbsR[1, i];
rs = Second.HalfWidths.Index(i);
if(Math.Abs(translation.Index(0) * R[0,i] + translation.Index(1) * R[1,i]) > (rf + rs))
return false;
//no separating axis - OBBs must therefore be intersecting
return true;
namespace Extensions
/// <summary>
/// Adds the ability to index a Vector2 for cheeky code saving
/// </summary>
public static class Vector2Extensions
public static float Index(this Vector2 v, int i)
case 0:
return v.X;
case 1:
return v.Y;
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
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