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Last active April 18, 2020 07:01
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using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph;
[Title("Custom", "Mirror Texture Node")]
public class MirrorTextureNode : CodeFunctionNode
public MirrorTextureNode()
name = "Mirror Texture";
protected override MethodInfo GetFunctionToConvert()
return GetType().GetMethod("MirrorTextureFunction",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
static string MirrorTextureFunction(
[Slot(0, Binding.None)] Boolean mirrorX,
[Slot(1, Binding.None)] Boolean mirrorY,
[Slot(2, Binding.MeshUV0)] Vector2 UV,
[Slot(3, Binding.None)] Texture2D Texture,
[Slot(4, Binding.None)] SamplerState SS,
[Slot(5, Binding.None)] out Vector4 RGBA
return @"
float2 mirroredUV = float2(lerp(UV.x, 1.0f - UV.x, mirrorX),lerp(UV.y, 1.0f - UV.y, mirrorY));
RGBA = Texture.Sample(SS,mirroredUV);
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