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Last active January 19, 2021 07:29
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re - raw, multi-line, auto-escaping, composable, RegExp sexy creations
'use strict'
const objToStringMethod = Object.prototype.toString
const reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g
const reUnescapedSpaces = /(?<!\\)\s+/g
const reHasSpace = /\s/
const compact = raw => reHasSpace.test(raw) ? raw.replace(reUnescapedSpaces, '') : raw
const escape = val => String(val).replace(reRegExpChar, '\\$&')
const toSource = val => {
switch ( {
case '[object RegExp]': return val.source
case '[object Function]': return val(escape)
case '[object Array]': return'|')
default: return escape(val)
const reWith = (_, flags) => ({raw}, ...values) => {
let source = compact(raw[0])
for (let i = 0; i < values.length;) {
source += toSource(values[i])
source += compact(raw[++i])
return new RegExp(source, flags)
} = new Proxy(reWith(1, ''), { get: reWith })


becouse /.../ are too dense, and new RegExp(...) too messy


In examples below, _ is the lodash library.

Example 1

re.i`\b${myName}\b`.test('My name is Robert.')

is equivelant to

new RegExp(`\\b${_.escapeRegExp(myName)}\\b`, 'i').test('My name is Robert.')

Example 2

text.replace(`\b(?:${badWords})\b`, 'BIP')

is equivelant to

const reBadWords = new RegExp(`\\b(?:${'|')})\\b`, 'gi')
text.replace(reBadWords, 'BIP')

Example 3

Named groups are great, but not too practical if limited to one line with no spaces!

re ignores (removes) whitespaces except those that you explicitly escape (\ ).

const reISODate = re`
    (?<YYYY> \d{4})
    (?<MM> \d{2})
    (?<DD> \d{2})   ${[/* Here a comment if you need one */]}
    (?: T | \ )
      (?<HH> \d{2})
      (?<mm> \d{2})
      (?<ss> \d{2})
        (?<ms> \d{3})
      (?<zone> Z) | (?<offset> [+-]\d\d(?: :\d\d )?)

const reJustISODate = re`^ ${reISODate} $`

console.log(new Date().toISOString().match(reJustISODate).groups)
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