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Forked from briandoll/full.plugin.list.txt
Created February 23, 2012 17:56
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Full Plugin List Deployed in applications monitored by New Relic, September 2011
Full Plugin List Deployed in Rails applications monitored by New Relic, September 2011
Count Plugin Name
2040 rpm
1534 newrelic_rpm
1268 acts_as_list
1186 paperclip
1130 will_paginate
1068 exception_notification
1026 jrails
1010 restful_authentication
1009 haml
960 ssl_requirement
917 attachment_fu
876 delayed_job
856 acts_as_tree
829 exceptional
777 quick_sendgrid
763 auto_complete
648 all
569 asset_packager
540 geokit-rails
524 active_merchant
483 responds_to_parent
444 hoptoad_notifier
433 acts_as_state_machine
421 acts_as_taggable_on_steroids
400 rails_log_stdout
392 annotate_models
390 rspec
388 calendar_date_select
370 country_select
355 acts_as_paranoid
353 restful-authentication
352 in_place_editing
348 prawnto
336 rspec-rails
325 recaptcha
325 action_mailer_optional_tls
314 active_scaffold
308 facebooker
291 permalink_fu
286 thinking-sphinx
282 role_requirement
281 ym4r_gm
244 white_list
240 tiny_mce
236 open_id_authentication
233 spawn
221 rack-bug
215 acts-as-taggable-on
209 validation_reflection
209 yaml_db
207 authlogic
206 render_component
204 acts_as_commentable
202 calendar_helper
198 awesome_nested_set
191 simple_captcha
190 acts_as_versioned
182 extension_patches
181 rails_xss
180 open_flash_chart
176 custom-err-msg
170 acts_as_authenticated
165 classic_pagination
164 resource_controller
154 geokit
152 default_value_for
151 subdomain-fu
148 make_resourceful
148 rails_rcov
147 dataset
147 file_column
145 query_reviewer
144 backgroundrb
144 workling
141 engines
141 ar_fixtures
139 action_mailer_tls
138 gemsonrails
137 active_record_extensions
133 string_extensions
133 rails_indexes
132 cache_fu
129 mobile-fu
127 symbol_extensions
127 object_extensions
127 response_cache_timeout
124 caches_page_via_http
124 acts_as_audited
121 shoulda
121 xss_terminate
115 validates_date_time
114 request_routing
111 mimetype-fu
109 query_trace
109 bundle-fu
109 active_record_base_without_table
109 redbox
107 selenium-on-rails
107 redhillonrails_core
105 globalize2
104 seed-fu
100 acts_as_rateable
100 daemon_generator
100 has_many_polymorphs
100 exception_logger
99 aasm
99 acts_as_textiled
99 searchlogic
98 limerick_rake
96 fckeditor
96 webrat
95 localized_country_select
94 userstamp
92 liquid
92 abingo
91 acts_as_ferret
90 email-spec
89 validates_email_format_of
89 app_config
87 hassle
86 oink
86 state_machine
85 squirrel
85 acts_as_solr
83 ultrasphinx
83 rails-ckeditor
81 fetcher
80 paginating_find
80 12_hour_time
79 rspec-on-rails-matchers
78 sass_on_heroku
77 foreign_key_migrations
77 mocha
77 compass
76 fitter_happier
76 to_csv
76 textile_editor_helper
75 validates_email_veracity_of
75 authlogic_facebook_connect
75 wicked_pdf
74 rails_upgrade
74 translate
74 blue-ridge
73 forgot_password
73 friendly_id
73 machinist
72 formtastic
72 iso-3166-country-select
70 nested_has_many_through
70 validates_url_format_of
68 betternestedset
68 validates_existence
67 svn
66 query_analyzer
66 rails-widgets
63 active_form
63 more
63 irs_process_scripts
63 white_list_formatted_content
62 acts_as_taggable
62 admin_data
62 backup_fu
61 state_select
61 rails-authorization-plugin
61 rspec_on_rails
61 attribute_fu
59 authorization
58 http_accept_language
58 easy-fckeditor
58 bj
58 acl_system2
57 google_charts_on_rails
57 arts
57 enum-column
57 i18n_label
56 smurf
55 atom_feed_helper
54 validates_timeliness
54 sortable_table
54 timed_fragment_cache
54 google_maps
53 rails-dev-boost
53 gibberish
53 deep_cloning
52 parallel_specs
52 x_send_file
52 gmail_smtp
52 event_calendar
51 gravatar
51 acts_as_nested_set
50 nested_layouts
50 oauth-plugin
50 cucumber
49 fu-fu
49 csv_builder
49 swf_fu
49 sql_session_store
49 2dc_jqgrid
48 active_record_defaults
48 us-state-select-plugin
48 translate_routes
48 high_voltage
48 deadlock_retry
47 rails-footnotes
47 enumerations_mixin
46 redirect_routing
46 tinymce_hammer
45 tzinfo_timezone
44 masochism
44 moonshine
44 manage_fixtures
44 memory_test_fix
44 auto_migrations
44 declarative_authorization
43 routing-filter
43 gruff
43 carmen
43 acts_as_rated
41 contacts
41 fast_context
41 us_states
41 auto_complete_jquery
40 acts_as_money
40 mimetype_fu
40 fixture_replacement2
40 unobtrusive_date_picker
40 factory_girl
39 comatose
39 table_builder
39 money
39 activemessaging
39 fastercsv
39 rakismet
39 flag_shih_tzu
39 validates_multiparameter_assignments
38 fast_remote_cache
38 as_paperclip_bridge
38 after_commit
38 ym4r-gm
38 typus
38 textile-editor-helper
37 parallel_tests
37 validates_as_email
37 bullet
37 dom_id
36 princely
36 stringex
35 sitemap_generator
35 mongrel_proctitle
35 attachment_fu_hacks
35 localized_dates
35 sanitize_params
35 spatial_adapter
35 sms-fu
34 facebox_render
34 db-populate
34 bundle_fu
34 html_helpers
34 sprockets-rails
34 crummy
33 tztime
33 acts_as_voteable
33 google_ajax_libraries_api
33 mislav-will_paginate
33 relative_time_helpers
33 message_block
32 active_shipping
32 account_location
32 google_analytics
32 acts_as_category
32 localization
32 browser_filters
32 synch_s3_asset_host
32 vote_fu
31 flash-message-conductor
31 strip_attributes
31 s3-swf-upload-plugin
31 rest_in_place
31 rails-iui
31 globalize
31 rubycas-client
31 test_benchmark
31 resources_controller
30 paypal
30 ajaxful-rating
30 theme_support
30 inherited_resources
30 jrails_in_place_editing
30 tolk
29 libmemcached_store
29 community_engine
29 country_codes
29 htpasswd
28 test_spec_on_rails
28 brain_buster
28 query_stats
28 nested-layouts
28 active_scaffold_export
28 widgets
28 acts_as_network
28 timeline_fu
28 ambling
28 juggernaut_plugin
28 find_mass_assignment
28 cells
28 enkoder
27 flashplayrhelpr
27 aws-s3
27 model_auto_completer
27 tunnlr_connector
27 user_stamp
27 rails-settings
27 asset-hosting-with-minimum-ssl
27 dynamic_session_exp
27 resque
26 acts_as_attachment
26 heroku_asset_packager
26 no-peeping-toms
26 super_inplace_controls
26 chronic
26 web-app-theme
26 acts_as_tsearch
26 headliner
26 rubyamf
25 labeling_form_helper
25 shmacros
25 css_graphs
25 uberkit
25 helper_test
25 truncate_html
25 active_scaffold_sortable
25 simple_time_select
25 live-validations
25 to_xls
25 spider_test
24 activerecord_symbolize
24 trunk
24 mini_magick
24 jrails_auto_complete
24 ar-extensions
24 better_nested_set
24 footnotes
24 multiple_select
24 moonshine_scout
24 resource_feeder
23 activecalendar
23 routing_tricks
23 safe_erb
23 object_daddy
23 lightbox
23 sphinx
23 simply_helpful
23 acts_as_dropdown
23 simple_auto_complete
23 facebooker2
23 rspec-rails-mocha
23 refraction
23 concerned_with
23 hominid
22 human_attribute_override
22 acts_as_geocodable
22 has_many_friends
22 sortable
22 rcov_plugin
22 acts_as_indexed
22 sitemap_generator-plugin
22 time_travel
22 app_version
22 browser_detect
22 acl9
22 feedback
22 delayed_job_mailer
22 acts_as_favorite
21 rails
21 javascript_test
21 vestal_versions
21 superdeploy
21 acts_as_soft_deletable
21 i18n
21 tiny_mce_plus
21 session-timeout
21 activesupport
21 semantic_form_builder
21 imagespec
20 akismetor
20 simple-private-messages
20 actionpack
20 thinking_sphinx
20 scope_out
20 simple_http_auth
20 ez-where
20 interlock
20 cap_gun
20 query-analyzer
20 acts_as_messageable
20 acts_as_follower
20 activerecord
20 cancan
20 fleximage
20 breadcrumbs
20 filestore_expires_in-plugin
20 twitter-auth
20 bootstrapper
20 master
20 rails_money
20 flashobject_helper
20 uuid
20 twelve_hour
19 actionmailer
19 PayPalSDK
19 attachment_fu_validates_attachment
19 preferences
19 is_paranoid
19 acts_as_searchable
19 assert_valid_markup
19 jw-playr-hlpr
19 trusted-params
19 capistrano_mailer
19 active_merchant_extensions
19 zipcodesearch
19 output_compression
19 nested_form
19 dependent_protect
18 exception_notifier
18 lazy_high_charts
18 ar_mailer
18 moonshine_iptables
18 mail_queue
18 packr
18 hodel_3000_compliant_logger
18 ekuseru
18 rails_datatables
18 activemerchant
18 acts_as_ordered_tree
18 currencyexchange
18 pivotal_core_bundle
18 paper_trail
18 railspdf
18 simpleconfig
18 cacheable-flash
18 craken
18 request_profiler
18 mysql_bigint
18 foreigner
18 rubaidhstrano
18 livevalidation
18 html_test
17 upload_progress
17 single_test
17 active_record_openid_store
17 gettext_i18n_rails
17 acts_as_tiny_url
17 settings
17 pretty_flash
17 gems
17 action_mailer_layouts
17 upload_column
17 sitemap
17 memorylogic
17 acts_as_xapian
17 simply_versioned
17 blitz
17 better_partials
17 sliding_session_timeout
17 RedCloth
17 facebase
17 russian
17 acts_as_sluggable
17 rails_tiny_mce
17 captcha
16 moonshine_memcached
16 cache_test
16 yui_editor
16 acts_as_taggable_on
16 rspec_autotest
16 rutils
16 guid
16 paperclippolymorph
16 json
16 response_for
16 inline_attachment
16 default_order
16 transactional_migrations
16 token_generator
16 activeresource
16 flutie
16 rest-client
16 alter_table
16 use_db
16 action_mailer_callbacks
16 action_mailer_cache_delivery
16 to_slug
16 auto_html
16 serialize_with_options
16 version_fu
16 barcode_generator
16 sexy_migrations
16 scrooge
16 seo_urls
16 twitter
16 refinery
15 haml-scaffold
15 ruby-prof
15 ruby-guid
15 markaby
15 rav
15 jpmobile
15 active_record_tableless
15 navigation_helper
15 catch_cookie_exception
15 moonshine_god
15 validates_as_email_address
15 jsmin
15 crack
15 uuidtools
15 acts_as_slugable
15 http_authentication
15 skinny_spec
15 bbcodeizer
15 gravatar-plugin
15 paperclip_with_hobo
15 metric_fu
15 acts_as_reportable
15 delayed_paperclip
15 mongo_db_logger
14 error_messages_for
14 without_callbacks
14 migration_test_helper
14 is_taggable
14 rspec_on_rails_matchers
14 sortable_column_headers
14 inherit_views
14 smart_session_store
14 dhtml_calendar
14 wice_grid
14 savage-beast
14 thoughtbot-paperclip
14 enum_field
14 tabnav
14 jslint_on_rails
14 random_finders
14 condition_builder
14 resource_fu
14 mysql_tasks
14 rake
14 acts_as_sphinx
14 active_scaffold_list_filters
14 meta-tags
14 conditions_fu
14 labeled_form_helper
14 builder
13 cross_site_sniper
13 acts_as_configurable
13 rack
13 later_dude
13 cssmin
13 js-if-blocks
13 rainpress
13 db-charmer
13 hoe
13 actionwebservice
13 routing_navigator
13 validates_captcha
13 easy_swf_upload
13 rspec-caching-test-plugin
13 configatron_rails
13 database_cleaner
13 negative_captcha
13 rfpdf
13 i18n_backend_database
13 dotiw
13 semantic-menu
13 ziya
13 htmldiff
13 less-reverse-captcha
13 mime-types
13 clicktale
13 rubyforge
12 enum_fu
12 uml
12 simple_localization
12 configurator
12 sunspot_rails
12 googlecharts
12 acts_as_publishable
12 project_search
12 modporter-plugin
12 sms_fu
12 acts-as-rated
12 workflow
12 imagemagick_tag
12 annotatedtimeline-for-rails
12 rails_sql_views
12 response_for_rc
12 stripper
12 weekly_builder
12 find_by_param
12 excel
12 railroad
12 before_render
12 spreadsheet_on_rails
12 acts_as_revisionable
12 action_cache
12 acts_as_loggable
12 continuous_builder
12 ez_where
12 cache-money
12 recordselect
12 activerecord_i18n_defaults
12 simple_access_control
12 railserrorsfor
12 streamlined
12 deprecated
12 country_code_select
12 google_visualr
12 ext_scaffold
12 migrate_test_db
12 fixturereplacement
12 time-warp
12 validationgroup
12 riff
12 showoff
12 image_spec
12 resource_hacks
11 icalendar
11 httparty
11 delayed_job_admin
11 acts_as_inviteable
11 background-fu
11 juggernaut
11 spec_integration
11 acts_as_sanitized
11 acts_as_redeemable
11 js_named_routes
11 sparklines
11 criteriaquery
11 less-js-routes
11 model_stubbing
11 mail_style
11 fast_sessions
11 bloggity
11 wym_editor_helper
11 acts_as_secure
11 jquery_calendar_date_select
11 master_slave_adapter
11 related_select_forms
11 form_spam_protection
11 calendariffic
11 form_test_helper
11 acts_as_ordered
11 simple_form
11 less-for-rails
11 memcache_store_with_delete_matched
11 async_mailer
11 shopify_app
11 responds-to-parent
11 translatable_columns
11 auto_cron
11 active_record_context
11 prawn
11 validatable
11 pdf-inspector
11 nifty-generators
10 youtube-g
10 better_logging
10 rpx_now
10 rest-graph
10 with_action
10 validates_as_eu_vat_number
10 daemons
10 weborb
10 growl4rails
10 site_config
10 rows_logger
10 comma
10 inploy
10 record_select
10 active_delegate
10 ym4r_mapstraction
10 selenium_on_rails
10 asset_auto_include
10 youtube-model
10 input_css
10 rfacebook
10 smerf
10 override_rake_task
10 fancy_box_rails_plugin
10 http_url_validation_improved
10 migration_helpers
10 tweet-button
10 visualize_models
10 static_actions
10 run_later
10 tiny_mce_gzip
10 javascript_auto_include
10 can_flag
10 activerecord-tableless
10 capistrano
10 negative-captcha
10 bb-ruby
10 pacecar
10 plugin
10 css_browser_selector
10 acts_as_fulltextable
10 sanitize
10 geocoder
10 sweeper
10 radius
10 passenger
10 simple-navigation
10 capistrano-ext
10 heroku_san
10 activity_tracker
10 has_activity
10 rspec_expectation_matchers
10 moonshine_ssh
10 settingslogic
10 acts_as_friendly_param
10 rails_environments
10 stateselect
10 hyperactiveresource
10 form_assistant
9 xmlcache
9 white_list_model
9 net-ssh
9 password_generator
9 forgery
9 activerecord-tableless-models
9 viking
9 tank-engine
9 sitemap-generator
9 ck_fu
9 pseudo_cursors
9 lazy_developer
9 devise
9 apple_push_notification
9 fast_git_deploy
9 workling_mailer
9 acts_as_enumeration
9 attachment_fu_thumbnails
9 async_observer
9 resource_this
9 schema-browser
9 base-auth
9 i18n-js
9 hobo
9 inflectionist
9 acts_as_bookmarkable
9 has_permalink
9 kyanmedia
9 instantcalendar
9 acts_as_taggable_redux
9 postage
9 sti_factory
9 union
9 moonshine_sphinx
9 iso_countries
9 scaffolding
9 jaxy_file_uploads
9 rspec-haml-scaffold-generator
9 hashdown
9 assert_select
9 search_sniffer
9 tender_multipass
9 slim_scrooge
9 crumble
9 html_output
9 safe_mass_assignment
9 country_and_region_select
9 validate_spanish_vat
9 core_extensions
9 system_settings
9 barcode-generator
9 asset_fingerprint
9 railswhere
9 yUMLmeRails
9 acts_as_unvlogable
9 rubyamf_plugin
9 lib
9 schema_validations
9 eschaton
8 acts_as_commentable_with_threading
8 right_aws
8 fam-fam-icons-on-rails
8 autochronic
8 translator
8 tracked_plugins
8 uploadcolumn
8 template_inliner
8 spreadsheet
8 htmlentities
8 soap4r
8 morning_glory
8 google_closure_compiler
8 progress_bar_helper
8 rspec_rails
8 gvis
8 auto_focusable_forms
8 sexy_flash
8 year_after_year
8 gchartrb
8 meta_tags
8 rubyzip
8 watir-on-rails
8 brazilian-rails
8 gravatar_image_tag
8 css_dryer
8 formtastic_calendar
8 lucy
8 rspec_on_rails_on_crack
8 limited_sessions
8 flashback
8 highcharts-rails
8 splam
8 hpricot
8 active-form
8 oauth_plugin
8 hobo-jquery
8 acts_as_scribe
8 railmail
8 rudeq
8 has_messages
8 encrypted_cookie_store
8 qusion
8 ezcrypto
8 warbler
8 numbersToWords
8 immutable_attributes
8 geo_kit
8 double_submit_protection
8 stickies
8 auto-session-timeout
8 query_memcached
8 remote_forgery_protection
8 git_helper
8 model_translations
8 babilu
8 fakeweb
8 qrcode
8 fixture_scenarios
8 faker
8 ar_mysql_full_text
8 quick_scopes
8 ancestry
8 scrap
8 helper_me_test
8 backupmyapp
8 name_nanny
8 validatious-on-rails
8 gc4r
8 parental_control
7 encrypted_strings
7 peepserver
7 title_helpers
7 rateableplugin
7 gettext
7 reports_as_sparkline
7 seamless_database_pool
7 cucumber_rails_debug
7 l10n-simplified
7 easy_globalize2_accessors
7 foreign_keys
7 request_timer
7 navigation
7 gwo
7 acts_as_snook
7 active_scaffold_acts_as_list
7 smtp_tls
7 scaffolding_extensions
7 qunit_for_rails
7 respond_to_parent
7 nested_scenarios
7 ttfunk
7 seleniumrc_fu
7 acts_as_readonlyable
7 rails_tidy
7 flash_helper
7 newrelic
7 activescaffold
7 json_request
7 gloc
7 ruby-hmac
7 db_populate
7 rails-i18n-translation-inheritance-helper
7 inplacecontrols
7 textmate_backtracer
7 acts_as_activity_logged
7 rails-i18n
7 ezgraphix
7 classy_field_errors
7 canonical-url
7 moonshine_mysql_tools
7 coderay
7 mini_fb
7 pfeed
7 xhr_redirect
7 orbited
7 defensio
7 validates_url
7 rspec-plugin-generator
7 attachment_fu_fixtures
7 better-edit-in-place
7 acts_as_urlnameable
7 friendly_identifier
7 whenever
7 span_error_messages
7 mysql_replication_adapter
7 message_center
7 merger
7 authorization-san
7 table_migrator
7 cms
7 footnotes-edge
7 fixie
7 less_js_routes
7 slugger
7 attribute_normalizer
7 simple_sidebar
7 mile_marker
7 remarkable_paperclip
7 xml-simple
7 acts_as_shareable
7 funkytown
7 jquery_ui_rails_helpers
7 coulda
7 mobile_fu
7 s3
7 utility_scopes
7 yajl-rails
7 acts_as_auditable
7 rspec-rr
7 meta_on_rails
7 fgraph
7 googlecalendar
7 easy_roles
7 active_record_without_table
7 cartographer
7 system_messages
7 multipart_integration_test
7 rails-caches-action-patch
7 noisy_partials
7 oauth
7 globalite
7 acts_as_wizard
7 tarantula
7 ci_reporter
7 scriptaculous_slider
7 i18n_action_mailer
7 yaml_big_decimal_fix
6 wheres-your-database-yml-dude
6 nulldb
6 activerecord-import
6 redis
6 moonshine_redis
6 prawn-layout
6 json_pure
6 fastthread
6 culerity
6 vizres
6 saucy
6 storage_service
6 greybox_on_rails
6 cacheable_flash
6 will_paginate_acts_as_solr
6 db2s3
6 rails-math-captcha
6 mongrel
6 html_matchers
6 tmail
6 google_apps_login
6 basecamp_notify
6 scheduler_daemon
6 sifrhelper
6 bluecloth
6 validates_url_of
6 be_valid_asset
6 acts_as_trashable
6 mysql_index_length
6 tooltips
6 pseudocursors
6 actions
6 tickle
6 authentication
6 responsible_markup
6 open_flash_chart.git
6 clickatell
6 cap_db_dump
6 hivelogic-enkoder-rails
6 auth_helpers
6 acts_as_bitfield
6 phonemic_passwords
6 dollars_and_cents
6 wikipedia
6 admin_assistant
6 ruby-ole
6 capistrano-db-tasks
6 slugify
6 users
6 growlr
6 to_select
6 add_nested_fields
6 freemium
6 fixture_references
6 calendar
6 ambethia-recaptcha
6 rmagick
6 actionmailer_ja
6 preference_fu
6 less_monkey_patching
6 restful_ezm
6 eztime
6 add_column_after
6 validates_as_cpf
6 gravtastic
6 aws
6 scoped_access
6 sentry
6 facader
6 ruby-openid
6 multi_assignment_sanity
6 translate_columns
6 typed_serialize
6 salty_slugs
6 pickle
6 find_random
6 form_builders
6 default_routing
6 acts_as_watchable
6 what_column
6 savage_beast
6 restful_acl
6 ym4r
6 static_pages
6 data_migration
6 sexy_pg_constraints
6 tobi-delayed_job
6 tabs_on_rails
6 email-veracity
6 gchart
6 bookmarkit
6 mailer_callbacks
6 swfupload
6 table_helper
6 serialized_attributes
6 repeated_job
6 rcov_rails
6 validates_xml
6 hubahuba
6 simple-rss
6 user
6 test
6 microformat_helper
6 open_flash_chart_2
6 will_paginate_hacks
6 mysql
6 pretty_buttons
6 acts_as_draftable
6 enumerate_by
6 xml_simple_doctype_fix
6 fedex
6 net-sftp
6 prefinery-ruby-api
6 geokit-gem
6 flotilla
6 dnsbl_check
6 acts_as_gift
6 d2s3
6 sanitize_email
6 rails-multisite
6 javascript_unittest
6 migration_helper
6 geoip
6 subdomain_routes
6 flickr_fu
6 tog_user
6 styler
6 authlogic_openid
5 simple_column_search
5 by_star
5 has_list_options
5 scribd_fu
5 savon
5 acts_as_ratable
5 SyslogLogger
5 abstract
5 blueprint-css
5 annotate
5 mad_mimi_mailer
5 caching-mailer
5 acts_as_url_param
5 smtp-tls
5 columns_on_demand
5 default_values
5 performatron
5 will_paginate-liquidized
5 validation_disabler
5 install
5 tog_mail
5 padlock_authorization
5 custom_validations
5 simplified_breadcrumbs
5 dynamic_form
5 urbanairship_on_rails
5 htmldoc
5 admin
5 redis-namespace
5 active_presenter
5 advanced_errors
5 white_list_objectified
5 url_key
5 memory_usage_logger
5 factory_utils
5 rescue_from_templates_exceptions
5 rails_jqtouch
5 clearance
5 premailer
5 yaripe
5 attachment_processor_v2
5 bitmask-attribute
5 authorize_me
5 goldspike
5 haml_scaffold
5 paginator
5 prawn-format
5 scenarios
5 acts_as_threaded
5 assert-valid-asset
5 facebook
5 activerecord_base_without_table
5 pagseguro
5 browser-prof
5 railsdav
5 resourceful_views
5 ZenTest
5 solr-ruby
5 augmentations
5 acts_as_modified
5 map-fields
5 ordered_error_messages_for
5 tog_core
5 api
5 blackbook
5 themes
5 static_model
5 subversion_helper
5 background
5 generate_sitemap
5 redirect_back
5 fast_admin
5 validate_attributes
5 ibox-rails-plugin
5 yacaph
5 cerise
5 ruby-oembed
5 integration
5 mail_fetcher
5 awesome-backup
5 application_config
5 image_science
5 tog_social
5 enhanced_migrations
5 contact-form-generator
5 ruby-imagespec
5 has_finder
5 url_for_domain
5 acts_as_cached
5 randexp
5 service-client
5 acts_as_linkable
5 faster_csv
5 factory_girl_on_rails
5 batch_translations
5 mapping
5 acts-as-viewed
5 active_record_each
5 activescaffold_advanced_search
5 FlashFixes
5 import_with_load_data_in_file
5 invitations
5 timepicker
5 eventmachine
5 X-Accel-Redirect
5 rails_history
5 memcache-client_extensions
5 moonshine_wordpress
5 activeform
5 log4r
5 rtex
5 formtastic_calendar_date_select
5 scout_rails_instrumentation
5 cached_externals
5 debug_view_helper
5 live_tree
5 googtaculous
5 fast_xirgo
5 wapcaplet
5 ar-backup
5 caching-plugin
5 ts-delayed-delta
5 flags_column
5 swfobject_helper
5 remarkable
5 sendgrid
5 memcache-client
5 inheritable_templates
5 simple_memoize
5 file-column
5 riddle
5 administrate_me
5 action_web_services
5 has_friends
5 custom_err_msg
5 delocalize
5 record_activities
5 validation_scenarios
5 session_timeout
5 seo_helper
5 acts_as_dismissible
5 time_bandits
5 prototype_legacy_helper
5 eload-select
5 i18n_generators
5 common_helpers
5 scoped_search
5 attacheable
5 paperclip_extensions
5 bitly
5 flotomatic
5 fast_enfora
5 uni-form
5 tzinfo
5 erubis
5 packet
5 acts_as_habtm_list
5 acts_as_event
5 acts_as_featured
4 constant_contact
4 conductor
4 date_time_text_field_helpers
4 medidata_buttons
4 admob
4 url_validation
4 actionmailer_with_request
4 zendesk
4 acts_as_likable
4 redis-rb
4 rails-country_select
4 acts_as_votable
4 casein
4 vladify
4 geokit_rails
4 erector
4 cdn_fu
4 shipping
4 boxcar-conductor
4 acts_as_mailchimp
4 dashed_dom_id
4 rufus-scheduler
4 embedded_actions
4 for
4 session_expiration
4 sweatshop
4 rubygems-update
4 inactive_record
4 lovely-layouts
4 accessible_form_builder
4 mig-constraints
4 version_cache
4 configatron
4 active-rbac
4 importer
4 oembed_links
4 expiring_attr_reader
4 koala
4 acts_as_lookup
4 annotate-models
4 foreign-domain-routing
4 base_auth
4 view_specify
4 acts_as_filterable
4 html5_rails2_plugin
4 autocomplete
4 graticule
4 inputs
4 bundled_assets
4 faq_u
4 acts-as-tree-with-dotted-ids
4 torsion_rspec
4 adva_cms
4 has_flags
4 html5
4 page_cache_fu
4 rails-exception_notification
4 safedevemail
4 connections
4 hoptoad
4 fast_xirgo_wired
4 plover
4 simple_nested_set
4 acts_as_singleton
4 clippy
4 ebay_shopping
4 qype_fu
4 rspec-cells
4 hashie
4 acts_as_currency
4 migration_sql_generator
4 recurrence
4 email_validation
4 ax_fix_long_psql_index_names
4 rails-iso-3166-country-select
4 BlueCloth
4 api_infusionsoft
4 gem_plugin
4 ts-datetime-delta
4 mofo
4 validates_as_cnpj
4 statistics
4 title_helper
4 solr_query
4 amazon-ecs
4 thoughtbot-shoulda
4 request_exception_handler
4 libxml-ruby
4 rails_ext
4 wikicloth
4 caches.rb
4 mogli
4 restful_transactions
4 safe-erb
4 telegraph
4 authlogic_oauth
4 cache_fu_simple
4 mimic_ssl
4 core
4 sortable_columns
4 serializefu
4 feedtools
4 secure_actions
4 httpclient
4 right_http_connection
4 habtm_list
4 acts_as_extensible
4 sinatra
4 active_mailer
4 enhanced_query_analyzer
4 cascading_javascripts
4 active-matchers
4 active_scaffold_ext
4 surveyor
4 acts-as-dag
4 acts_as_proxy
4 integrum_ci
4 imanip
4 collectiveidea-delayed_job
4 transaction-simple
4 cgi_multipart_eof_fix
4 has_custom_fields
4 restore
4 is_porterable
4 urobot
4 qype_model_translations
4 acts_as_viewable
4 flash_messages_helper
4 google_static_maps
4 facebooker_hacks
4 acts_as_permissible
4 quickbooks_integration
4 assert_cookie
4 json_printer
4 acts_as_pollable
4 index_view
4 campaign_monitor
4 sqlite3-ruby
4 acts_as_blog
4 dialog_helper
4 comments_engine
4 addthis
4 resque-scheduler
4 attribute_strip
4 google-weather
4 easier-indexes
4 simple_private_messages
4 reform
4 jammit
4 fixture_replacement
4 lightbox_helper
4 wee_date_picker
4 global_preferences
4 yaml_mail_config
4 pingdom_status
4 fragment_cache_if
4 quicktime_helper
4 model_caching
4 acts_as_versioned_association
4 validates_not_profane
4 memcached_stores
4 twitter_oauth
4 useragent
4 will_paginate.git
4 acts-as-importable
4 vimeo
4 facebox
4 fixture-replacement
4 validates_existence_of
4 bitfields
4 sprockets-compressor
4 fixture_scenarios_builder
4 gproject_plugin
4 barby
4 display_flash_helper
4 dhtml-calendar
4 route_redirect
4 sexy_temp_passwords
4 localized_url_helpers
4 model_formatter
4 mechanize
4 ie_no_more
4 technoweenie-attachment_fu
4 ujs_sort_helper
4 pages
4 platform
4 jsonifier
4 acts_as_permalinkable
4 net-scp
4 action_controller_extensions
4 let_my_controller_go
4 doodle-ad-stub
4 focus_fu
4 extensions
4 yui_image_tag
4 ar_extractor
4 deliver_to_me
4 treetop
4 garb
4 standardista
4 sdbframework
4 cssformbuilder
4 pdf-writer
4 ChainSelects
4 in_place_editor
4 mainline
4 buena_vista
4 acts_as_enumerated
4 proxy_attributes
4 faster_from_xml
4 sprockets_on_heroku
4 form_helper_css
4 groups
4 usesguid
4 exception-notification
4 busy_ajax
4 extra_validations
4 javascripter
4 jQuery-Flash-Growlr
4 acts_as_categorizable
4 twenty_three_video
4 references
4 acts_as_tree_on_steroids
4 mecsms
4 yrails
4 simple_groups
4 newrelic-rpm
4 association-attributes
4 acts_as_flaggable
4 dynamic-attributes
4 heroku_asset_cacher
4 asset_packager_yui
4 has_states
4 named_scope
4 validations
4 row_version_migrations
4 moonshine_dj
4 app
4 ri_cal
4 linkedin
4 halpers
4 rails_cron
4 active_record_singleton
4 diff-lcs
4 rspec_validation_expectations
4 configurable_mailer
4 sortable-list
4 inline_css
4 facebooker_authentication
4 addressable
4 cucumber_culerity_step_definitions
4 acts_as_abusable
4 tag_extractor
4 remote_helpers
4 rathole
4 selectable_includes
4 nofollow_links
4 common_core_extensions
4 super_exception_notifier
4 concerns
4 searchable
4 daemon_controller
4 blog_engine
4 uploadify-s3
4 qadmin
4 easy_search
3 broadcast_policy
3 application_configuration
3 awesomeness
3 pdf_renderer
3 active_fulfillment
3 parse-user-agent
3 has_ip_column
3 ferret
3 resources
3 redmine_filter
3 activerecord-activesalesforce-adapter
3 cached_model
3 messagecenter_engine
3 soundmanager2
3 holidays
3 tumblr
3 upload_mock
3 acts_as_translated
3 as_paperclip_bridge_hack
3 sexy-temp-passwords
3 active_device
3 hornsby
3 money_column
3 refinery_settings
3 whowish_foundation
3 html_diff
3 mustache
3 acts_as_suggest
3 has_enum
3 twitter-text-rb
3 acts_as_audit
3 partial_dependencies
3 migration_model
3 common
3 locamoda-capistrano
3 rave_embed
3 rubyist-aasm
3 has_opengraph
3 amazon_ses
3 12_hour_time_select
3 imedidata_client
3 acts_as_deleted
3 currency_select
3 awesome_email
3 restfulx
3 less-rails
3 flash_message_conductor
3 super_delegate
3 tiny_mce_helper
3 devise_suspendable
3 oracle_ebs_authentication
3 rails_authorization_plugin
3 videos_engine
3 tab_fu
3 acts_as_flying_saucer
3 surveys
3 marshmallow
3 dirty_associations
3 radiograph
3 acts_as_rss
3 dynamic_session
3 validates_as_url
3 migration_custom_column_types
3 selenium
3 rack-debug
3 acts_as_obfuscated
3 socket-debugger
3 simple_config
3 object_try
3 searchable_picklist
3 entrails
3 resque-multi-job-forks
3 profile_photos
3 acts_as_renderer
3 dm-migrations
3 flextimes
3 polyglot
3 cdn_asset_path
3 tasks
3 presentation_object
3 feed_fetcher
3 redcloth-formatters-plain
3 gibberish_db
3 pagination
3 rails-log-analyzer
3 configula
3 inplace
3 topfunky_power_tools
3 profiles_engine
3 acts_as_statemachine
3 acts_as_moderated
3 useful_finders
3 libxml
3 paypal_adaptive
3 proxy
3 has_markup
3 class_table_inheritance
3 lipsiadmin
3 various_extensions
3 view_preferences
3 acts_as_sourceable
3 uploadify_rails
3 configatron-rails
3 acts_as_csvable
3 acts_as_recognizable
3 authentication_engine
3 extlib
3 soft_validations
3 ruby_template_handler
3 pingback_engine
3 job_fu
3 RubyInline
3 active_model
3 sub_list
3 dm-core
3 loofah
3 easy-prof
3 i18n_db
3 checkbox_select
3 locale
3 ngmoco-cache-money
3 refinery_dialogs
3 multi_db
3 shared
3 tabs_helper
3 images
3 partioprint
3 socialite
3 mysql_migration_optimizer
3 has_comments
3 calendar_builder
3 enumerated_attribute
3 inherits_from
3 wmd_on_rails
3 permanent_records
3 launching_soon
3 geocode
3 app_bootstrap
3 attachment_fu_regenerate_thumbnails
3 currency_exchange
3 authlogic_haapi
3 bcurren-ssl_requirement
3 sort_alphabetical
3 session_lifetime
3 friendly-identifier
3 paths_of_glory
3 sports_engine
3 acts_as_relatable
3 ruby-net-ldap
3 verification
3 mash
3 data_objects
3 rails_stats
3 um-admin
3 fliqz4r
3 acts_as_paranoid_simpler
3 parallel_test
3 acts_as_modified_edge
3 acts_as_slug
3 authlogic_facebook_koala
3 Magento
3 bundled_resource
3 encoding-dot-com
3 simply_bdd
3 active_poll
3 shamus
3 permission_system
3 backtweets_helper
3 string_ext
3 moonshine_mysql_slave
3 terryblr
3 inaccessible_attributes
3 geo_ip
3 indicator
3 date_helper_ja
3 ActsAsCSVable
3 braintree_ruby
3 validates_as_phone
3 gibberish_translate
3 migration_concordance
3 weakling
3 photos_engine
3 time_comparisons
3 schema_defining
3 shippinglogic
3 symbolize
3 simple_navigation
3 rails_on_pg
3 lucene_query
3 mkd
3 resque_mailer
3 cachable_model
3 association_collection_tools
3 maruku
3 db_console
3 validates_proper_liquid_syntax
3 doc
3 soft_delete
3 link_to_with_prompt
3 injection
3 delegate_belongs_to
3 acts_as_restricted_subdomain
3 s3_swf_upload
3 has_threaded_comments
3 enumlogic
3 colorbox-on-rails
3 lighthouse-api
3 less_reverse_captcha
3 multisite
3 apn_on_rails
3 acts_as_attachable
3 crud_generator
3 all_fixtures
3 acts_as_recommendable
3 hash_extension
3 mailbuild
3 my_tasks
3 rack-cache
3 nokogiri
3 scalable_acts_as_taggable
3 acts_as_trackable
3 data_loader
3 application-config
3 roxml
3 acts_as_noteable
3 bubble_association_validation_errors
3 PayPalWPSToolkit
3 zong_api
3 copy_to_clipboard
3 cache_money_initializer
3 cover
3 xml_validator
3 can_has_permalink
3 solr_index
3 dj_mailer
3 nginx_config_generator
3 urls_engine
3 less_authentication
3 rflickr
3 gettext_localize
3 git_plugins
3 heywatch
3 exception_handler
3 auto_admin
3 paypal_sdk
3 static_record_cache
3 activerecord_basewithouttable
3 contact_form
3 adaptive_pay
3 yui4rails
3 vegas
3 portablecontacts
3 acts_as_related
3 deferred_js_include
3 acts_as_scoped
3 acts_as_licensed
3 request_logger
3 svg_web
3 rounded_corners_helper
3 SolveMedia
3 array_extensions
3 css_parser
3 larrytheliquid-will_paginate
3 rails-html4
3 conditional_caching
3 restful_authorization
3 polymorphic_include
3 rr
3 summary
3 deploy_and_deliver
3 content
3 set_names_utf8
3 method_cache
3 highline
3 smart_field_constraints
3 caching_presenter
3 css_asset_tagger
3 busy_ajax_jquery
3 gcal4ruby
3 daily_deal
3 number_format
3 sfauthtoken
3 debug_sql
3 rghost_rails
3 acts_as_archival
3 production_data
3 jquery-autocomplete
3 peeves
3 qti_exporter
3 99translations
3 mail_gorilla
3 has_calendar
3 has_uuid
3 authenticate
3 flaggings
3 mootools-on-rails
3 filtered_column
3 http_client
3 archive-tar-minitar
3 emailthing_collector
3 phone
3 sunspot_autocomplete
3 localized_language_select
3 view_driver
3 paperclip_hacks
3 current_request
3 simple_menu
3 custom_resource_name
3 lenio_capistrano_tasks
3 simple_ldap_authenticator
3 sortable_by
3 map_layers
3 page_cache_test
3 payments
3 dry_scaffold
3 zoned
3 acts_as_fulltext_indexed
3 zencoder-rb
3 swf_upload
3 prawn-core
3 openid_consumer
3 has_easy
3 better_validates_numericality_of
3 akamai_cache_controller
3 log_buddy
3 watirworld
3 sanitize_field
3 google_custom_search
3 searchgasm
3 enum_column
3 mkd_i18n
3 courgette
3 lumberjack
3 fbframework
3 javascript_testing
3 scheduler
3 color
3 bluefocus_extensions
3 acts_as_appable
3 visual_partial
3 sape_system
3 simple_rss
3 tree
3 alert_grid
3 nilify_blanks
3 cross_domain_authentication
3 filtered_column_code_macro
3 ruby-saml
3 acts_as_archived
3 inverse_of
3 mkd_website
3 selenium_poetry
3 date_extensions
3 recurly-client-ruby
3 redirect_love
3 acts_without_database
3 dump
3 quirkey_tools
3 excellent
3 rails_widgets
3 device_atlas
3 xilence
3 retardase_inhibitor
3 campaign-monitor-ruby
3 expiring_memory_store
3 safemode
3 acts_as_albumable
3 adzap-ar_mailer
3 javan-whenever
3 hirb
3 acts_as_featurable
3 adheres_to_policy
3 validates_uniqueness_of_with_concurrency
3 google_translate
3 0.2.2
3 acts_as_named_id
3 attr_locked
3 will_paginate_search
3 edgesoft_no_cookie
3 has_slug
3 object-factory
3 acts_as_contactable
3 jquery_grid_for_rails
3 i18n_helpers
3 in_place_editable
3 time_select
3 moonshine_heartbeat
3 gmaps_on_rails
3 rails-i18n-updater
3 acts_as_billable
3 rspec_response_enhancer
3 activescaffoldexport
3 labeled_form_builder
3 diacritics_fu
3 body_matcher
3 dashboard
3 sevenscale_deploy
3 unobtrusive
3 acts_as_lockable
3 scrumdoc
3 dirty
3 activeupload
3 multi_field_group_by
3 google_ad_sense
3 param_protected
3 open_flash_chart_2_plugin
3 factory_haml_rspec_scaffold
3 array_ext
3 acts_as_activitable
3 action-mailer-queue
3 boolean_datetime_attribute
3 asset_proxy
3 fancy_errors
3 media
3 qcontent
3 labelify
3 html5-helpers
3 syntax
3 social_feed
3 lastfm
3 sentient_user
3 telesign
3 has_and_belongs_to_many_with_deferred_save
3 kablame
3 acts_as_permalink
3 sns
3 vapir
3 resource_on_demand
3 minimalcart
3 active_record_helpers
3 acts_as_state_machine_hacks
3 rfacebook_on_rails
3 time_picker
3 ar_extensions
3 links_engine
3 fixture_builder
3 trigger_happy
3 deployment_recipiez
3 no_peeping_toms
3 acts_as_solr_reloaded
3 text_area_with_auto_resize
3 active_record_uuid
3 google-geo
3 authorize
3 new_relic
3 seed_fu
3 efficient-sql
3 extensionless_format
3 siesta
3 conventional_validations
3 acts_as_active
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