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Created February 10, 2023 01:21
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  • Save rkdgusrnrlrl/d851937f336a86f2f0b1ff9355a8cbac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rkdgusrnrlrl/d851937f336a86f2f0b1ff9355a8cbac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git for-each-ref refs/heads/ --count=10 --format='%(refname:short)' --sort=committerdate | grep users
echo "delete that branches(y/n): "
read name
if [ $name == 'y' ]; then
git for-each-ref refs/heads/ --count=10 --format='%(refname:short)' --sort=committerdate | grep users | xargs git branch -D
echo "deleted branches"
echo "cencel delete branches"
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