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Last active July 11, 2024 16:59
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  • Save rkeithhill/4099bfd8420eed0e6dbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rkeithhill/4099bfd8420eed0e6dbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Removes duplicate and optionally short commands from your PSReadline history file
Optimizes your PSReadline history save file.
Optimizes your PSReadline history save file by removing duplicate
entries and optionally removing commands that are not longer than
a minimum length
C:\PS> Optimize-PSReadlineHistory
Removes all the duplicate commands.
C:\PS> Optimize-PSReadlineHistory -MinimumCommandLength 3
Removes all the duplicate commands and any commands less than 3 characters in length.
May 15, 2017 - fix bug in handling of multiline commands.
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
# Path to the PSReadline history file to optimize.
# If specified, any commands less than $MinimumCommandLength will be removed from the history file.
$MinimumCommandLength = 1,
# If specified, removes leading whitespace from the beginning of the command or the beginning of
# the first line of multiline commands.
# If specified, the check for other PowerShell processes is skipped. You can do this when you are operating on a
# copy of PSReadline history file.
if (!$SkipRunningPowerShellCheck -and ((Get-PSHostProcessInfo | Where-Object ProcessId -ne $pid).Count -gt 0)) {
throw "This command can only be run when other PowerShell hosts are not running. Other hosts may have PSReadline loaded."
if (!$HistoryPath) {
if (Get-Module PSReadline -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$HistoryPath = (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath
else {
throw "You must provide a value for the HistoryPath parameter."
Remove-Module PSReadline
if (Get-Module PSReadline -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
throw "Failed to remove the PSReadline module. This command can only be run when PSReadline is not loaded."
if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($HistoryPath)) {
$HistoryPath = Convert-Path $HistoryPath
$history = Get-Content -LiteralPath $HistoryPath -Encoding UTF8
$origFileSize = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $HistoryPath).Length
$strBld = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$commands = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] -ArgumentList $history.Length
$uniqCommands = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] -ArgumentList $history.Length
$comparer = if ($IsLinux) { [System.StringComparer]::Ordinal } else { [System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase }
$uniqCommandSet = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] -ArgumentList $comparer
$numCommands = 0
$numMinLengthCommandsRemoved = 0
$numMultilineCommands = 0
$whatIfMsg = if ($PSBoundParameters['WhatIf']) { 'WHAT IF: ' } else { '' }
$activityMsg = "${whatIfMsg}Optimizing $HistoryPath"
# Process multiline commands in the history file contents
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $history.Count; $i++) {
$percentComplete = [int](33 * (($i + 1) / $history.Count))
if ($percentComplete % 10 -eq 0) {
Write-Progress -Activity $activityMsg -Status "Processing multiline commands" -PercentComplete $percentComplete
$line = $history[$i].TrimEnd()
if ($line[-1] -eq '`') {
$null = $strBld.Append($line + [System.Environment]::NewLine)
else {
if ($strBld.Length -gt 0) {
$null = $strBld.Append($line)
$commandStr = $strBld.ToString()
$null = $strBld.Clear()
else {
$commandStr = $line
# Trim leading whitesapce if requested
if ($TrimLeadingWhitespace) {
$commandStr = $commandStr.TrimStart()
# This is where we filter out commands that are less than the specified minimum length
if ($commandStr.Length -ge $MinimumCommandLength) {
$null = $commands.Add($commandStr)
else {
# Walk the history file backwards so we preserve the most recent duplicate command
for ($i = $commands.Count - 1; $i -ge 0 ; $i--) {
$percentComplete = [int](33 + (33 * ($history.Count - 1 - $i) / $history.Count))
if ($percentComplete % 10 -eq 0) {
Write-Progress -Activity $activityMsg -Status "Removing duplicate commands" -PercentComplete $percentComplete
# This is where we check for a duplicate command
$commandStr = $commands[$i]
if (!$uniqCommandSet.Contains($commandStr)) {
$null = $uniqCommandSet.Add($commandStr)
$null = $uniqCommands.Add($commandStr)
$uniqCommandSet = $null
$numUniqCommands = $uniqCommands.Count
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($HistoryPath, "Optimize")) {
Copy-Item -LiteralPath $HistoryPath "${HistoryPath}.bak"
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $HistoryPath
$utf8NoBom = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new($false, $true)
$writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($HistoryPath, $false, $utf8NoBom)
try {
for ($i = $uniqCommands.Count - 1; $i -ge 0 ; $i--) {
$percentComplete = [int](66 + (34 * ($uniqCommands.Count - 1 - $i) / $uniqCommands.Count))
if ($percentComplete % 25 -eq 0) {
Write-Progress -Activity $activityMsg -Status "Saving optimized history" -PercentComplete $percentComplete
$line = $uniqCommands[$i]
finally {
if ($writer) { $writer.Dispose() }
$newFileSize = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $HistoryPath).Length
else {
# Estimate the resulting file size for -WhatIf
$newFileSize = 0
foreach ($command in $uniqCommands) {
$newFileSize += $command.Length + [System.Environment]::NewLine.Length
$strBld = $commands = $uniqCommands = $null
Write-Host "Removed $($numCommands - $numUniqCommands) duplicate commands."
if ($MinimumCommandLength -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Removed $numMinLengthCommandsRemoved commands with less than $MinimumCommandLength characters."
Write-Host "Number of commands reduced from $numCommands to $numUniqCommands."
Write-Host "Number of multiline commands $numMultilineCommands."
Write-Host ("History file size reduced from {0:F1} KB to {1:F1} KB." -f ($origFileSize / 1KB), ($newFileSize / 1KB))
Write-Progress -Activity $activityMsg -Completed
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