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Last active January 25, 2021 22:40
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  • Save rkeithhill/f8b33e776f81286f27bc02a07c2725b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rkeithhill/f8b33e776f81286f27bc02a07c2725b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Configures the PowerShell console settings (colors, fonts, buffer size, etc).
Sets the console settings to the specified values and color theme.
Sets the console settings to the specified values and color theme.
C:\PS> Configure-ConsoleSettings -Theme ConEmu -WindowSize 120,50 `
-FontFace Consolas -FontSize 12
Sets the colors to those used in ConEmu and sets the font and window size.
# Specify a color theme to choose from.
[ValidateSet('Default', 'ConEmu')]
# Specify the PowerShell arhitecture (x64 or x86). The default is x64.
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
$Architecture = 'x64',
# Specify the font face.
$FontFace = 'Consolas',
# Specify the font size.
[ValidateRange(5, 72)]
# If specified, makes the font bold.
# Specify the window size e.g. -WindowSize 120,50
# Specify the window's opacity in percentage 90 for 90%. Default is 100%
[ValidateRange(30, 100)]
$Opacity = 100
begin {
$themes = @{
Default = @{
BackgroundIndex = 0
ForegroundIndex = 7
ColorTable00 = 0x00000000 # Black
ColorTable01 = 0x00800000 # DarkBlue
ColorTable02 = 0x00008000 # DarkGreen
ColorTable03 = 0x00808000 # DarkCyan
ColorTable04 = 0x00000080 # DarkRed
ColorTable05 = 0x00800080 # DarkMagenta
ColorTable06 = 0x00008080 # DarkYellow
ColorTable07 = 0x00C0C0C0 # Gray
ColorTable08 = 0x00808080 # DarkGray
ColorTable09 = 0x00FF0000 # Blue
ColorTable10 = 0x0000FF00 # Green
ColorTable11 = 0x00FFFF00 # Cyan
ColorTable12 = 0x000000FF # Red
ColorTable13 = 0x00FF00FF # Magenta
ColorTable14 = 0X0000FFFF # Yellow
ColorTable15 = 0x00FFFFFF # White
ConEmu = @{
BackgroundIndex = 0
ForegroundIndex = 7
ColorTable00 = 0x00201700 # updated - Black
ColorTable01 = 0x00800000
ColorTable02 = 0x00008000
ColorTable03 = 0x00A0A000 # udpated - lightened up DarkCyan
ColorTable04 = 0x000000C0
ColorTable05 = 0x00800080
ColorTable06 = 0x00396070 # updated - DarkYellow
ColorTable07 = 0x00C0C0C0
ColorTable08 = 0x007D7C6F # updated - DarkGray
ColorTable09 = 0x00FF0000
ColorTable10 = 0x0000FF00
ColorTable11 = 0x00FFFF00
ColorTable12 = 0x000000c0
ColorTable13 = 0x00FF00FF
ColorTable14 = 0x0080CAE8 # updated - Yellow
ColorTable15 = 0x00FFFFFF
function MakeByte([ValidateRange(0,15)][int]$bgIndex, [ValidateRange(0,15)][int]$fgIndex) {
($bgIndex -shl 4) + $fgIndex
function MakeDword($left, $right) {
($left -shl 16) + $right
end {
$regKey = 'HKCU:\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe'
if ($Architecture -eq 'x86') {
$regKey = 'HKCU:\Console\%SystemRoot%_SysWOW64_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe'
#Remove-Item $regKey -EA SilentlyContinue
if (!(Test-Path $regKey)) {
New-Item $regKey > $null
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($regKey, "Applying theme $Theme")) {
foreach ($kvPair in $themes[$Theme].GetEnumerator()) {
if ($kvPair.Key -notmatch 'ColorTable\d\d') {
$PSCmdlet.WriteVerbose("Setting $($kvPair.Key) to $('0x{0:X8}' -f $kvPair.Value)")
New-ItemProperty -Path $regKey -Name $kvPair.Key -Type DWORD -Value $kvPair.Value -Force > $null
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('', "Setting fonts, buffer, screen size, etc")) {
New-ItemProperty $regKey FaceName -Type STRING -Value $FontFace -Force > $null
New-ItemProperty $regKey FontFamily -Type DWORD -Value 0x00000036 -Force > $null
New-ItemProperty $regKey FontWeight -Type DWORD -Value 0x00000190 -Force > $null
New-ItemProperty $regKey HistoryNoDup -Type DWORD -Value 0x00000000 -Force > $null
New-ItemProperty $regKey QuickEdit -Type DWORD -Value 0x00000001 -Force > $null
New-ItemProperty $regKey FilterOnPaste -Type DWORD -Value 0x00000001 -Force > $null
New-ItemProperty $regKey LineSelection -Type DWORD -Value 0x00000001 -Force > $null
$screenColors = MakeByte $themes[$Theme].BackgroundIndex $themes[$Theme].ForegroundIndex
New-ItemProperty $regKey ScreenColors -Type DWORD -Value $screenColors -Force > $null
if ($WindowSize) {
$windowSz = MakeDword $WindowSize[1] $WindowSize[0]
$bufferSz = MakeDword 9999 $WindowSize[0]
New-ItemProperty $regKey ScreenBufferSize -type DWORD -value $bufferSz -Force > $null
New-ItemProperty $regKey WindowSize -type DWORD -value $windowSz -Force > $null
if ($FontSize) {
$fontSz = MakeDword $FontSize 0
New-ItemProperty $regKey FontSize -type DWORD -value $fontSz -Force > $null
$fontWeight = MakeDword 0 0x190
if ($BoldFont) {
$fontWeight = MakeDword 0 0x2bc
New-ItemProperty $regKey FontWeight -type DWORD -value $fontWeight -Force > $null
$opacityVal = MakeDword 0 ([Math]::Ceiling(($Opacity / 100.0) * 256))
New-ItemProperty $regKey WindowAlpha -type DWORD -value $opacityVal -Force > $null
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Now if only I could figure out how to modify these settings in a shortcut (.lnk) file. :-(

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