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Created April 30, 2012 13:42
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BaseXYPlot subclass example
""" A plot made up of disconnected line segments.
import warnings
import numpy as np
from enthought.chaco.base_xy_plot import BaseXYPlot
from enthought.enable.api import black_color_trait, ColorTrait, LineStyle
from enthought.traits.api import Float, List, Str, on_trait_change
from enthought.traits.ui import api as tui
class SegmentPlot(BaseXYPlot):
""" A plot consisting of disconnected line segments.
# The color of the line.
color = black_color_trait
# The color to use to highlight the line when selected.
selected_color = ColorTrait("lightyellow")
# The style of the selected line.
selected_line_style = LineStyle("solid")
# The name of the key in self.metadata that holds the selection mask
metadata_name = Str("selections")
# The thickness of the line.
line_width = Float(1.0)
# The line dash style.
line_style = LineStyle
# Traits UI View for customizing the plot.
traits_view = tui.View(tui.Item("color", style="custom"), "line_width", "line_style",
buttons=["OK", "Cancel"])
# Private traits
# Cached list of non-NaN arrays of (x,y) data-space points; regardless of
# self.orientation, this is always stored as (index_pt, value_pt). This is
# different from the default BaseXYPlot definition.
_cached_data_pts = List
# Cached list of non-NaN arrays of (x,y) screen-space points.
_cached_screen_pts = List
def hittest(self, screen_pt, threshold=7.0):
# NotImplemented
return None
def get_screen_points(self):
return [self.map_screen(ary) for ary in self._cached_data_pts]
# Private methods; implements the BaseXYPlot stub methods
def _gather_points(self):
Collects the data points that are within the bounds of the plot and
caches them.
if self._cache_valid or not self.index or not self.value:
index = self.index.get_data()
value = self.value.get_data()
# Check to see if the data is completely outside the view region
for ds, rng in ((self.index, self.index_range), (self.value, self.value_range)):
low, high = ds.get_bounds()
if low > rng.high or high < rng.low:
if len(index) == 0 or len(value) == 0 or len(index) != len(value):
self._cached_data_pts = []
self._cache_valid = True
size_diff = len(value) - len(index)
if size_diff > 0:
warnings.warn('len(value) %d - len(index) %d = %d' \
% (len(value), len(index), size_diff))
index_max = len(index)
value = value[:index_max]
index_max = len(value)
index = index[:index_max]
if index_max % 2:
# We need an even number of points. Exclude the final one and
# continue.
warnings.warn('need an even number of points; got %d' % index_max)
index = index[:index_max-1]
value = value[:index_max-1]
# TODO: restore the functionality of rendering highlighted portions
# of the line
#selection = self.index.metadata.get(self.metadata_name, None)
#if selection is not None and type(selection) in (ndarray, list) and \
# len(selection) > 0:
# Exclude NaNs and Infs.
finite_mask = np.isfinite(value) & np.isfinite(index)
# Since the line segment ends are paired, we need to exclude the whole pair if
# one is not finite.
finite_mask[::2] &= finite_mask[1::2]
finite_mask[1::2] &= finite_mask[::2]
self._cached_data_pts = [np.column_stack([index[finite_mask],
self._cache_valid = True
def _render(self, gc, points, selected_points=None):
if len(points) == 0:
gc.clip_to_rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)
if selected_points is not None:
self._render_segments(gc, selected_points, self.selected_color_,
self.line_width+10.0, self.selected_line_style_)
# Render using the normal style
self._render_segments(gc, points, self.color_,
self.line_width, self.line_style_)
def _render_segments(self, gc, points, color, line_width, line_style):
for ary in points:
if len(ary) > 0:
gc.line_set(ary[::2], ary[1::2])
def _redraw(self):
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