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Created March 22, 2012 13:50
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# coding: utf-8
require 'sinatra'
disable :run
$working = []
$broken = []
$titles = ['Pattern', 'Current Regexp', 'Example', 'Should Be', 'Is Currently']
def self.should(route, match, *args)
compiled = get(route) { }.first
results = match.match(compiled).to_a[1..-1]
args = args.first if args == [nil] or Array == args.first
list = results == args ? $working : $broken
list << [route, compiled, match, args, results].map(&:inspect)
def self.display(list)
display_line = proc do |row|
cells =$widths).map { |cell, width| cell.ljust(width) }
puts " " + cells.join(" | ")
puts '-' + $ { |w| "-"*w }.join("-|-") + '-'
should '/', '/'
should '/foo', '/foo'
should '/:foo', '/foo', 'foo'
should '/:foo', '/foo?', nil
should '/:foo', '/foo/bar', nil
should '/:foo', '/foo%2Fbar', 'foo%2Fbar'
should '/:foo/:bar', '/foo/bar', 'foo', 'bar'
should '/:foo', '/', nil
should '/:foo', '/foo/', nil
should '/föö', '/f%C3%B6%C3%B6'
should '/hello/:person', '/hello/Frank', 'Frank'
should '/?:foo?/?:bar?', '/hello/world', 'hello', 'world'
should '/?:foo?/?:bar?', '/hello', 'hello', nil
should '/?:foo?/?:bar?', '/', nil, nil
should '/?:foo?/?:bar?', '', nil, nil
should '/*', '/', ''
should '/*', '/foo', 'foo'
should '/*', '/', ''
should '/*', '/foo/bar', 'foo/bar'
should '/:foo/*', '/foo/bar/baz', "foo", "bar/baz"
should '/:foo/:bar', '/', '', 'name'
should '/:file.:ext', '/pony.jpg', 'pony', 'jpg'
should '/:file.:ext', '/pony%2Ejpg', 'pony', 'jpg'
should '/:file.:ext', '/.jpg', nil
should '/', '/'
should '/', '/test0bar', nil
should '/test$/', '/test$/'
should '/te+st/', '/te+st/'
should '/te+st/', '/test/', nil
should '/te+st/', '/teeest/', nil
should '/test(bar)/', '/test(bar)/'
should '/path with spaces', '/path%20with%20spaces'
should '/path with spaces', '/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces'
should '/path with spaces', '/path+with+spaces'
should '/foo&bar', '/foo&bar'
should '/:foo/*', '/hello%20world/how%20are%20you', "hello%20world", "how%20are%20you"
should '/*/foo/*/*', '/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom', "bar", "bling", "baz/boom"
should '/*/foo/*/*', '/bar/foo/baz', nil
should '/:name.?:format?', '/foo', 'foo', nil
should '/:name.?:format?', '/', 'foo', 'bar'
should '/:name.?:format?', '/foo%2Ebar', 'foo', 'bar'
should '/:name.?:format?', '/.bar', '.bar', nil
should '/:user@?:host?', '/foo@bar', 'foo', 'bar'
should '/:user@?:host?', '/', '', 'bar'
should '/:user@?:host?', '/', 'foo', ''
$all = [$titles] + $working + $broken
$widths = $all.inject([0] * $all.first.size) { |s,e| { |c,n| [c,n.size].max }}
puts "", "Working", "=======", ""
display $working
puts "", "Broken", "======", ""
display $broken
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