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Forked from j3tm0t0/
Created April 27, 2017 14:57
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VyOS EC2 customization

VyOS AMI Customization


comment-out followings

  • update_interface_config
    to prevent new interface is added when stop/start instance in EC2 classic or create imaage with existing interface

  • add_new_serial_if || log_failure_msg "can't add serial interfaces"
    no serial interface in EC2


see attached file.

# This script is called from /etc/rc.local on boot after the Vyatta
# configuration is fully applied. Any modifications done to work around
# unfixed bugs and implement enhancements which are not complete in the Vyatta
# system can be placed here.
# expand volume and enable swap if exists
resize2fs /dev/xvda1
[ -f /dev/xvda3 ] && swapon /dev/xvda3
# run once per instance
instanceId=$( curl -s )
[ -f /opt/vyatta/tmp/$instanceId ] && exit
# apply config from user-data
sudo -u vyos /usr/bin/expect << EOF
set timeout 60
spawn \$env(SHELL)
send "configure\r"
expect -re ".*# $"
send "merge \r"
expect {
"\[no\] " {send "Y\r"}
timeout {send_user "Error: timeout\n"; exit}
eof {send_user "Error: eof\n"; exit}
expect {
"Merge complete." {send "commit\r"}
timeout {send_user "Error: timeout\n"; exit}
eof {send_user "Error: eof\n"; exit}
expect -re ".*# $"
send "save\r"
expect -re ".*# $"
send "exit\r"
expect {
-re ":\[~/\]\[#$\] " {send "exit\r"}
timeout {send_user "timeout @3\n"; exit}
eof {send_user "eof @3\n"; exit}
# import ssh key from meta-data server
sudo -u vyos /usr/bin/expect << EOF
set timeout 30
spawn \$env(SHELL)
send "configure\r"
expect -re ".*# $"
send "loadkey vyos \r"
expect {
-re "### 100.0%.*# $" {send "set service ssh disable-password-authentication \r"}
timeout {send_user "timeout @1\n"; exit}
eof {send_user "eof @1\n"; exit}
expect -re ".*# $"
send "commit\r"
expect -re ".*# $"
send "save\r"
expect -re ".*# $"
send "exit\r"
expect {
-re ":\[~/\]\[#$\] " {send "cat ~vyos/.ssh/authorized_keys\r"}
timeout {send_user "timeout @2\n"; exit}
eof {send_user "eof @2\n"; exit}
expect {
-re ":\[~/\]\[#$\] " {send "exit\r"}
timeout {send_user "timeout @3\n"; exit}
eof {send_user "eof @3\n"; exit}
touch /opt/vyatta/tmp/$instanceId
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