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Created October 18, 2023 22:50
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BVH-accelerated ray tracing demo in pygame based on Ray Tracing in One Weekend series
Ray tracing demo with BVH structure
Based on
from __future__ import annotations
import random
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import copy
import math
import functools
import pygame
RGB_BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
def deg_to_rad(degrees):
"""Return degrees converted to radians"""
return degrees * (math.pi / 180)
def dot_product_vec3(a, b):
"""Return dot product of vec3"""
return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2]
def mag_vec3(v_3):
"""Return magnitude of vec3"""
return (v_3[0]*v_3[0] + v_3[1]*v_3[1] + v_3[2]*v_3[2]) ** 0.5
def mag_sq_vec3(v_3):
"""Return squared magnitude of vec3"""
return (v_3[0]*v_3[0] + v_3[1]*v_3[1] + v_3[2]*v_3[2])
def random_in_unit_sphere_vec3():
while True:
p = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1)]
if mag_sq_vec3(p) >= 1:
return p
def norm_vec3(v_3):
"""Return normalized vec3"""
mag = v_3[0]*v_3[0] + v_3[1]*v_3[1] + v_3[2]*v_3[2]
if mag == 0:
return [0, 0, 0]
mag = mag ** -0.5 # 1.0 / math.sqrt(mag)
return [v_3[0] * mag, v_3[1] * mag, v_3[2] * mag]
def random_unit_vector_vec3():
return norm_vec3(random_in_unit_sphere_vec3())
def near_zero_vec3(v : list):
s = 1e-8
return abs(v[0]) < s and abs(v[1]) < s and abs(v[2]) < s
def reflect_vec3(v : list, n : list):
dot_vn = dot_product_vec3(v, n)
return [v[i] - 2 * dot_vn * n[i] for i in range(3)]
def refract_vec3(uv : list, n : list, etai_over_etat : float):
minus_uv = [-uv[i] for i in range(3)]
cos_theta = min(dot_product_vec3(minus_uv, n), 1.0)
r_out_perp = [etai_over_etat * (uv[i] + cos_theta * n[i]) for i in range(3)]
r_out_perp_length_squared = mag_sq_vec3(r_out_perp)
k = -((abs(1 - r_out_perp_length_squared)) ** 0.5)
r_out_parallel = [n[i] * k for i in range(3)]
return [r_out_perp[i] + r_out_parallel[i] for i in range(3)]
def ray_sphere_intersect(r_orig3, r_dir3, sph_orig3, sph_r, t_min=0.001, t_max=10**6):
"""Return ray direction multi t if ray intersects sphere or None"""
oc = [r_orig3[0] - sph_orig3[0], r_orig3[1] - sph_orig3[1], r_orig3[2] - sph_orig3[2]]
a = r_dir3[0] * r_dir3[0] + r_dir3[1] * r_dir3[1] + r_dir3[2] * r_dir3[2]
b = oc[0] * r_dir3[0] + oc[1] * r_dir3[1] + oc[2] * r_dir3[2]
c = oc[0] * oc[0] + oc[1] * oc[1] + oc[2] * oc[2] - sph_r * sph_r
discriminant = b * b - a * c
if discriminant > 0:
sqrt_discriminant = discriminant ** 0.5
temp_1 = (-b - sqrt_discriminant) / a
if temp_1 < t_max and temp_1 > t_min:
return temp_1
temp_2 = (-b + sqrt_discriminant) / a
if temp_2 < t_max and temp_2 > t_min:
return temp_2
return None
def cross_vec3(a, b):
"""Return vec3 result of cross product of 2 vec3's"""
return [a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1],
a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2],
a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]]
def random_in_unit_disk_vec3():
while True:
p = [random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1), 0]
if mag_sq_vec3(p) >= 1:
return p
# Interval is faster as simple lists instead of a class because we create so many of them
def make_interval(a = float('inf'), b = float('-inf')) -> list:
"""0 = min, 1 = max"""
return [a, b]
def make_interval_from_intervals(a : list, b : list) -> list:
return [min(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1])]
def interval_size(iv : list) -> float:
return iv[1] - iv[0]
def interval_expand(iv : list, delta : float) -> list:
padding = delta / 2
return [iv[0] - padding, iv[1] + padding]
def interval_contains(iv : list, x : float) -> bool:
return iv[0] <= x and x <= iv[1]
def interval_surrounds(iv : list, x : float) -> bool:
return iv[0] < x and x < iv[1]
def interval_clamp(iv : list, x : float) -> float:
if x < iv[0]:
return iv[0]
elif x > iv[1]:
return iv[1]
return x
INTERVAL_EMPTY = [float('inf'), float('-inf')]
INTERVAL_UNIVERSE = [float('-inf'), float('inf')]
class AABB:
"""The default AABB is empty, since intervals are empty by default"""
def __init__(self, ix = None, iy = None, iz = None) -> None:
if ix is None:
self.x = make_interval()
self.y = make_interval()
self.z = make_interval()
elif isinstance(ix, list): # intervals ix, iy, iz
if len(ix) == 2:
self.x = ix[:]
self.y = iy[:]
self.z = iz[:]
else: # ix = vec3, iy = vec3
# Treat the two points a and b as extrema for the bounding box, so we don't require a
# particular minimum/maximum coordinate order.
a = ix
b = iy
self.x = make_interval(min(a[0],b[0]), max(a[0],b[0]))
self.y = make_interval(min(a[1],b[1]), max(a[1],b[1]))
self.z = make_interval(min(a[2],b[2]), max(a[2],b[2]))
elif isinstance(ix, AABB):
self.x = make_interval_from_intervals(ix.x, iy.x)
self.y = make_interval_from_intervals(ix.y, iy.y)
self.z = make_interval_from_intervals(ix.z, iy.z)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"AABB({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.z})"
def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool:
return self.x == __value.x and self.y == __value.y and self.z == __value.z
def axis(self, n : int):
if n == 1:
return self.y
if n == 2:
return self.z
return self.x
def pad_to_minimums(self):
"""Adjust the AABB so that no side is narrower than some delta, padding if necessary"""
delta = 0.0001
if interval_size(self.x) < delta:
self.x = interval_expand(self.x, delta)
if interval_size(self.y) < delta:
self.y = interval_expand(self.y, delta)
if interval_size(self.z) < delta:
self.z = interval_expand(self.z, delta)
def hit(self, r : Ray, ray_t : list) -> bool:
for a,axis in zip([0, 1, 2], [self.x, self.y, self.z]):
r_dir = r.direction[a]
if r_dir:
invD = 1 / r_dir
invD = math.inf
orig = r.origin[a]
t0 = (axis[0] - orig) * invD
t1 = (axis[1] - orig) * invD
if invD < 0:
t1, t0 = t0, t1
if t0 > ray_t[0]:
ray_t[0] = t0
if t1 < ray_t[1]:
ray_t[1] = t1
if ray_t[1] <= ray_t[0]:
return False
return True
def longest_axis(self) -> int:
"""Returns the index of the longest axis of the bounding box"""
if interval_size(self.x) > interval_size(self.y):
return 0 if interval_size(self.x) > interval_size(self.z) else 2
return 1 if interval_size(self.y) > interval_size(self.z) else 2
def empty() -> AABB:
def universe() -> AABB:
class Ray:
def __init__(self, origin : list, direction : list) -> None:
self.origin = origin
self.direction = direction
def at(self, t):
return [self.origin[0] + t * self.direction[0],
self.origin[1] + t * self.direction[1],
self.origin[2] + t * self.direction[2]]
class HitRecord:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.hit_point = [0, 0, 0]
self.normal = [0, 0, 0]
self.t = 0.0
self.front_face = False
self.material = None
def copy(self, rec : HitRecord):
self.hit_point = copy.copy(rec.hit_point)
self.normal = copy.copy(rec.normal)
self.t = rec.t
self.front_face = rec.front_face
self.material = rec.material
def set_face_normal(self, r : Ray, outward_normal):
self.front_face = dot_product_vec3(r.direction, outward_normal) < 0
self.normal = outward_normal if self.front_face else [-outward_normal[i] for i in range(3)]
class Hittable:
def __init__(self) -> None:
def hit(self, r : Ray, ray_t : list, rec: HitRecord) -> bool:
return False
def bounding_box(self) -> AABB:
return None
class HittableList:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.objects : list(Hittable) = []
self.bbox = AABB()
def bounding_box(self) -> AABB:
return self.bbox
def add(self, object : Hittable) -> None:
self.bbox = AABB(self.bbox, object.bounding_box())
def hit(self, r : Ray, ray_t : list, rec: HitRecord) -> bool:
temp_rec = HitRecord()
hit_anything = False
closest_so_far = ray_t[1]
for object in self.objects:
if object.hit(r, make_interval(ray_t[0], closest_so_far), temp_rec):
hit_anything = True
closest_so_far = temp_rec.t
return hit_anything
class BvhNode(Hittable):
def box_compare(a : Hittable, b : Hittable, axis_index : int) -> bool:
return a.bounding_box().axis(axis_index)[0] < b.bounding_box().axis(axis_index)[0]
def box_x_compare(a : Hittable, b : Hittable) -> bool:
return BvhNode.box_compare(a, b, 0)
def box_y_compare(a : Hittable, b : Hittable) -> bool:
return BvhNode.box_compare(a, b, 1)
def box_z_compare(a : Hittable, b : Hittable) -> bool:
return BvhNode.box_compare(a, b, 2)
def __str__(self) -> str:
s = f"BvhNode({self.bbox})["
s += str(self.left) if self.left is not None else "-"
s += ","
s += str(self.right) if self.right is not None else "-"
s += "]"
return s
def __init__(self, src_objects_ : None, start : int = 0, end : int = 0) -> None:
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.bbox = AABB.empty()
if src_objects_ is None:
raise RuntimeError("Need argument")
elif isinstance(src_objects_, HittableList):
src_objects = src_objects_.objects
start = 0
end = len(src_objects)
src_objects = src_objects_
objects: list(Hittable) = copy.copy(src_objects)
for object_index in range(start, end):
self.bbox = AABB(self.bbox, objects[object_index].bounding_box())
axis = self.bbox.longest_axis()
comparator = None
if axis == 0:
comparator = BvhNode.box_x_compare
elif axis == 1:
comparator = BvhNode.box_y_compare
comparator = BvhNode.box_z_compare
object_span = end - start
if object_span == 1:
self.left = self.right = objects[start]
elif object_span == 2:
if comparator(objects[start], objects[start+1]):
self.left = objects[start]
self.right = objects[start + 1]
self.left = objects[start + 1]
self.right = objects[start]
objects[start:end] = sorted(objects[start:end], key=functools.cmp_to_key(comparator))
mid = start + object_span // 2
self.left = BvhNode(objects, start, mid)
self.right = BvhNode(objects, mid, end)
def bounding_box(self) -> AABB:
return self.bbox
def hit(self, r : Ray, ray_t : list, rec: HitRecord) -> bool:
if not self.bbox.hit(r, ray_t[:]):
return False
hit_left = False
if self.left:
hit_left = self.left.hit(r, ray_t[:], rec)
hit_right = False
if self.right:
hit_right = self.right.hit(r, make_interval(ray_t[0], rec.t if hit_left else ray_t[1]), rec)
return hit_left or hit_right
class Material:
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Return (is_scattered : bool, attenuation : vec3, scattered : Ray)
def scatter(self, r_in : Ray, rec : HitRecord):
class Lambertian(Material):
def __init__(self, albedo : list) -> None:
self.albedo = albedo
# Return (is_scattered : bool, attenuation : vec3, scattered : Ray)
def scatter(self, r_in : Ray, rec : HitRecord):
rand_v = random_unit_vector_vec3()
scatter_direction = [rec.normal[i] + rand_v[i] for i in range(3)]
# Catch degenerate scatter direction
if near_zero_vec3(scatter_direction):
scatter_direction = rec.normal
scattered = Ray(rec.hit_point, scatter_direction)
return (True, self.albedo, scattered)
class Metal(Material):
def __init__(self, albedo : list, fuzz : float) -> None:
self.albedo = albedo
self.fuzz = fuzz if fuzz < 1 else 1
# Return (is_scattered : bool, attenuation : vec3, scattered : Ray)
def scatter(self, r_in : Ray, rec : HitRecord):
norm_r_in_dir = norm_vec3(r_in.direction)
reflected = reflect_vec3(norm_r_in_dir, rec.normal)
rand_v = random_in_unit_sphere_vec3()
reflected = [reflected[i] + self.fuzz * rand_v[i] for i in range(3)]
scattered = Ray(rec.hit_point, reflected)
return (dot_product_vec3(scattered.direction, rec.normal) > 0, self.albedo, scattered)
class Dielectric(Material):
def __init__(self, index_of_refraction : float) -> None:
self.index_of_refraction = index_of_refraction
def reflectance(cosine : float, ref_idx : float) -> float:
# Use Schlick's approximation for reflectance
r0 = (1-ref_idx) / (1+ref_idx)
r0 *= r0
return r0 + (1-r0) * ((1 - cosine) ** 5)
# Return (is_scattered : bool, attenuation : vec3, scattered : Ray)
def scatter(self, r_in : Ray, rec : HitRecord):
refraction_ratio = 1.0 / self.index_of_refraction if rec.front_face else self.index_of_refraction
unit_direction = norm_vec3(r_in.direction)
minus_unit_direction = [-unit_direction[i] for i in range(3)]
cos_theta = min(dot_product_vec3(minus_unit_direction, rec.normal), 1.0)
sin_theta = (1.0 - cos_theta ** 2) ** 0.5
cannot_refract = refraction_ratio * sin_theta > 1.0
if cannot_refract:
direction = reflect_vec3(unit_direction, rec.normal)
direction = refract_vec3(unit_direction, rec.normal, refraction_ratio)
scattered = Ray(rec.hit_point, direction)
return (True, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], scattered)
class Sphere(Hittable):
def __init__(self, center : list, radius : float, material : Material) -> None:
super().__init__() = center
self.radius = radius
self.material = material
self.bbox = AABB([center[i] - radius for i in range(3)], [center[i] + radius for i in range(3)])
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Sphere({},{self.radius},{self.bbox})"
def bounding_box(self) -> AABB:
return self.bbox
def hit(self, r : Ray, ray_t : list, rec: HitRecord) -> bool:
t = ray_sphere_intersect(r.origin, r.direction,, self.radius, ray_t[0], ray_t[1])
if t:
hit_point =
outward_normal = [(hit_point[i] -[i]) / self.radius for i in range(3)]
rec.hit_point = hit_point
rec.set_face_normal(r, outward_normal)
rec.t = t
rec.material = self.material
return True
return False
class Camera:
def __init__(self,
lookfrom : list,
lookat : list,
vup : list,
vfov : float, # vertical field-of-view in degrees
aspect_ratio : float,
aperture : float,
focus_dist : float) -> None:
theta = deg_to_rad(vfov)
h = math.tan(theta / 2)
viewport_height = 2.0 * h
viewport_width = aspect_ratio * viewport_height
self.w = norm_vec3([lookfrom[i] - lookat[i] for i in range(3)])
self.u = norm_vec3(cross_vec3(vup, self.w))
self.v = cross_vec3(self.w, self.u)
self.origin = lookfrom
self.horizontal = [focus_dist * viewport_width * self.u[i] for i in range(3)]
self.vertical = [focus_dist * viewport_height * self.v[i] for i in range(3)]
self.lower_left_corner = [self.origin[i] - self.horizontal[i]/2 - self.vertical[i]/2 - focus_dist * self.w[i] for i in range(3)]
self.lens_radius = aperture / 2
def get_ray(self, s : float, t : float):
rd = random_in_unit_disk_vec3()
rd = [self.lens_radius * rd[i] for i in range(3)]
offset = [self.u[i] * rd[0] + self.v[i] * rd[1] for i in range(3)]
origin = [self.origin[i] + offset[i] for i in range(3)]
direction = [self.lower_left_corner[i] + s * self.horizontal[i] + t * self.vertical[i] - self.origin[i] - offset[i] for i in range(3)]
return Ray(origin, direction)
def ray_color(r : Ray, world : Hittable, depth: int):
if depth <= 0:
return [0, 0, 0]
rec = HitRecord()
if world.hit(r, make_interval(0.001, float("inf")), rec):
is_scattered, attenuation, scattered = rec.material.scatter(r, rec)
if is_scattered:
rec_color = ray_color(scattered, world, depth - 1)
return [attenuation[i] * rec_color[i] for i in range(3)]
return [0, 0, 0]
unit_direction = norm_vec3(r.direction)
t = 0.5 * (unit_direction[1] + 1)
mt = 1.0 - t
return [mt * 1.0 + t * 0.5, mt * 1.0 + t * 0.7, mt * 1.0 + t * 1.0]
def raytrace(surface):
pixel_data = [[[0 for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(SCR_WIDTH)] for _ in range(SCR_HEIGHT)]
def add_color(x, y, v):
pixel = pixel_data[y][x]
pixel[0] += v[0]
pixel[1] += v[1]
pixel[2] += v[2]
world = HittableList()
material_ground = Lambertian([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
world.add(Sphere([0, -1000, 0], 1000, material_ground))
for a in range(-3, 3):
for b in range(-3, 3):
choose_mat = random.random()
center = (a + 0.9 * random.random(), 0.2, b + 0.9 * random.random())
if mag_vec3([center[0] - 4, center[1] - 0.2, center[2] - 0]) > 0.9:
if choose_mat < 0.8:
albedo_1 = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
albedo_2 = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
albedo = [albedo_1[i] * albedo_2[i] for i in range(3)]
sphere_material = Lambertian(albedo)
world.add(Sphere(center, 0.2, sphere_material))
elif choose_mat < 0.95:
albedo = [random.uniform(0.5, 1), random.uniform(0.5, 1), random.uniform(0.5, 1)]
fuzz = random.uniform(0.5, 1)
sphere_material = Metal(albedo, fuzz)
world.add(Sphere(center, 0.2, sphere_material))
sphere_material = Dielectric(1.5)
world.add(Sphere(center, 0.2, sphere_material))
material1 = Dielectric(1.5)
world.add(Sphere([0, 1, 0], 1, material1))
material2 = Lambertian([0.4, 0.2, 0.1])
world.add(Sphere([-4, 1, 0], 1, material2))
material3 = Metal([0.7, 0.6, 0.5], 0.0)
world.add(Sphere([4, 1, 0], 1, material3))
bvh_world = BvhNode(world)
scene = HittableList()
# scene = world # comment out above and uncomment this to not use BVH
max_depth = 50
samples_per_pixel = 10
aspect_ratio = SCR_WIDTH / float(SCR_HEIGHT)
lookfrom = [13, 2, 3]
lookat = [0, 0, 0]
vup = [0, 1, 0]
dist_to_focus = 10.0
aperture = 0.1
cam = Camera(lookfrom, lookat, vup, 20, aspect_ratio, aperture, dist_to_focus)
for y in range(SCR_HEIGHT):
if y % 10 == 0:
print(f"Rendering line {y}...")
for x in range(SCR_WIDTH):
for _ in range(samples_per_pixel):
u = (x + random.random()) / float(SCR_WIDTH - 1)
v = (y + random.random()) / float(SCR_HEIGHT - 1)
r = cam.get_ray(u, v)
pixel_color = ray_color(r, scene, max_depth)
add_color(x, y, pixel_color)
scale = 1.0 / samples_per_pixel
for y in range(SCR_HEIGHT):
for x in range(SCR_WIDTH):
pixel = pixel_data[y][x]
gamma_pixel = [(scale * pixel[i]) ** 0.5 for i in range(3)]
color = [int(255 * gamma_pixel[i]) for i in range(3)]
surface.set_at((x, SCR_HEIGHT - 1 - y), color)
def main_function():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCR_SIZE)
pygame.display.set_caption("Ray tracing demo")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
offscreen = pygame.Surface(SCR_SIZE)
start = timer()
end = timer()
print(f"Render time {end - start} s")
frame = 0
done = False
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
done = True
screen.blit(offscreen, (0,0))
frame += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
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