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Last active March 28, 2023 17:27
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  • Save rkitover/2478fda87a47ba43fd2791a5f2a8b7c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rkitover/2478fda87a47ba43fd2791a5f2a8b7c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script to publish ps module
if (-not (test-path -pathtype leaf $_)) {
throw "Certificate file '$_' does not exist."
$erroractionpreference = 'stop'
$module = split-path -leaf $psscriptroot
$prep_dir = join-path $psscriptroot $module
$sources =
if (test-path $prep_dir) {
ri -r $prep_dir
mkdir $prep_dir | out-null
# Copy the sources.
$sources | %{
$dest = $prep_dir
if ($dir = split-path -parent $_) {
$dest = join-path $dest $dir
mkdir $dest | out-null
# Also convert from UNIX to DOS line endings.
gc $_ | set-content (join-path $dest (split-path -leaf $_))
if ($certificate) {
'Please enter the password for your code-signing certificate when prompted.'
$cert = get-pfxcertificate $certificate
$sources | ?{ $_ -match '\.ps[md]?1$' } | %{
$signing = set-authenticodesignature `
-filepath (join-path $prep_dir $_) `
-cert $cert `
-hash 'SHA256' `
-includechain 'all' `
-timestampserver ''
if ($signing.status -ne 'Valid') {
throw "Failed to sign file '$_'.`n status: $($signing.status)`n message: $($signing.statusmessage)"
import-module powershellget
if (-not $apikey) {
$apikey = read-host -maskinput "Enter PSGallery API key"
publish-psresource -path $prep_dir -repo psgallery -apikey $apikey -verbose
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