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Created February 28, 2017 03:21
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module.exports = {
config: {
// default font size in pixels for all tabs
fontSize: 14,
// font family with optional fallbacks
fontFamily: 'Menlo, "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Lucida Console", monospace',
// terminal cursor background color and opacity (hex, rgb, hsl, hsv, hwb or cmyk)
cursorColor: 'rgba(248,28,229,0.8)',
// `BEAM` for |, `UNDERLINE` for _, `BLOCK` for █
cursorShape: 'BEAM',
// color of the text
foregroundColor: '#ededed',
// terminal background color
backgroundColor: '#0A0A0A',
// border color (window, tabs)
borderColor: '#333',
// custom css to embed in the main window
css: '',
// custom css to embed in the terminal window
termCSS: '',
// set to `true` if you're using a Linux set up
// that doesn't shows native menus
// default: `false` on Linux, `true` on Windows (ignored on macOS)
showHamburgerMenu: '',
// set to `false` if you want to hide the minimize, maximize and close buttons
// additionally, set to `'left'` if you want them on the left, like in Ubuntu
// default: `true` on windows and Linux (ignored on macOS)
showWindowControls: '',
// custom padding (css format, i.e.: `top right bottom left`)
padding: '12px 14px',
// the full list. if you're going to provide the full color palette,
// including the 6 x 6 color cubes and the grayscale map, just provide
// an array here instead of a color map object
colors: {
black: '#000000',
red: '#ff0000',
green: '#33ff00',
yellow: '#ffff00',
blue: '#0066ff',
magenta: '#cc00ff',
cyan: '#00ffff',
white: '#d0d0d0',
lightBlack: '#808080',
lightRed: '#ff0000',
lightGreen: '#33ff00',
lightYellow: '#ffff00',
lightBlue: '#0066ff',
lightMagenta: '#cc00ff',
lightCyan: '#00ffff',
lightWhite: '#ffffff'
// the shell to run when spawning a new session (i.e. /usr/local/bin/fish)
// if left empty, your system's login shell will be used by default
shell: '/usr/bin/zsh',
// for setting shell arguments (i.e. for using interactive shellArgs: ['-i'])
// by default ['--login'] will be used
shellArgs: ['--login'],
// for environment variables
env: {},
// set to false for no bell
bell: false,
// if true, selected text will automatically be copied to the clipboard
copyOnSelect: false
// URL to custom bell
// bellSoundURL: '',
// for advanced config flags please refer to
// a list of plugins to fetch and install from npm
// format: [@org/]project[#version]
// examples:
// `hyperpower`
// `@company/project`
// `project#1.0.1`
plugins: [
// in development, you can create a directory under
// `~/.hyper_plugins/local/` and include it here
// to load it and avoid it being `npm install`ed
localPlugins: []
execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
set autoread
set number
set expandtab
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set background=dark
let t_Co = 256
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
let g:airline_theme="base16"
let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files = 1
let g:ycm_use_ultisnips_completer = 1
let g:ycm_seed_identifiers_with_syntax = 1
let g:ycm_complete_in_comments = 1
let g:ycm_complete_in_strings = 1
let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_insertion = 1
let g:ycm_key_invoke_completion = '<S-Enter>'
map <C-m> :YcmCompleter GoTo<CR>
nmap <C-k> :YcmCompleter GetDoc<CR>
let g:rainbow_active = 1
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['jsxhint']
let g:syntastic_javascript_jsxhint_exec = 'jsx-jshint-wrapper'
source /home/rkkautsar/.zplug/init.zsh
export HOSTNAME=arch
export DISPLAY=:0
export REACT_EDITOR=subl
export HISTFILE=$HOME/.history
zplug "mafredri/zsh-async", on:sindresorhus/pure
# Theme
# zplug "themes/gozilla", from:oh-my-zsh
zplug 'sindresorhus/pure'
# Plugins
zplug "plugins/git", from:oh-my-zsh
zplug "plugins/wd", from:oh-my-zsh
# e.g., zsh-syntax-highlighting must be loaded
# after executing compinit command and sourcing other plugins
zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", nice:10
# Can manage local plugins
zplug "/home/rkkautsar/.zsh", from:local
# Install plugins if there are plugins that have not been installed
if ! zplug check --verbose; then
printf "Install? [y/N]: "
if read -q; then
echo; zplug install
# Then, source plugins and add commands to $PATH
zplug load
# source /usr/share/zsh/site-contrib/powerline.zsh
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
export NVM_DIR="/home/rkkautsar/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
# Shortcut
bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # Linux console
bindkey '\e[H' beginning-of-line # xterm
bindkey '\eOH' beginning-of-line # gnome-terminal
bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Linux console, xterm, gnome-terminal
bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Linux console, xterm, gnome-terminal
bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # Linux console
bindkey '\e[F' end-of-line # xterm
bindkey '\eOF' end-of-line # gnome-terminal
# Android
export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk # change with your SDK location
# Gem
# Composer
alias subl=subl3
alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
if [[ $TERMINIX_ID ]]; then
source /etc/profile.d/
transfer() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/\ncat /tmp/ | transfer"; return 1; fi
tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX ); if tty -s; then basefile=$(basename "$1" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/-/g'); curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$1" "$basefile" >> $tmpfile; else curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "$1" >> $tmpfile ; fi; cat $tmpfile; rm -f $tmpfile; }
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