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Last active June 24, 2022 22:25
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Extracting nucleotide sequence from ffn files following Roary
# Anuj Sharma #
# #
# 2022-05-18 #
# Reading the input parameters
unset -v ffn_dir
unset -v geneid_csv
while getopts "d:c:o:hv" opt; do
case "$opt" in
d) ffn_dir=$OPTARG;; # Directory containing ffns.
c) geneid_csv=$OPTARG;; # Path of presence/absence CSV.
o) out_dir=$OPTARG;;
h) echo "Usage: $0 -d ffn_directory -c presence_absence_csv [-o output file]" >&2 && exit 0;;
v) echo "$(basename $0): v0.2" >&2 && exit 0;;
*) echo "Extra arguments not used!" >&2
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# Exit if necessary input are not given
[[ -z "$ffn_dir" && -z "$geneid_csv" ]] && echo "Some input arguments missing." >&2 && exit 1
[[ -z "$ffn_dir" ]] && echo "Input ffn directory path missing." >&2 && exit 1
[[ -z "$geneid_csv" ]] && echo "Input geneID CSV path missing." >&2 && exit 1
# Make output directory.
mkdir -p $out_dir
# Read presence/absence CSV.
# Convert , to ~ is a workaround to prevent error from non-delimiter ,
cat $geneid_csv | sed 's/","/"~"/g' | {
# Ignore header
read -r
# Read row elements into array and iterate over it.
while IFS='~' read -ra gene
# Extract name for gene/gene group.
genename=$(echo "${gene[0]}" | tr -d '"')
# Parse outfut fasta name from gene name. Remove if existing.
output="$out_dir/$genename.fasta"; rm -rf $output
# Parse the gene loci for all genomes
# Remove carriage return if generated in windows
genelist=( $( echo "${gene[@]:14}" | tr -d '"' | tr -d '\r' ) )
# Iterate over individual loci
for i in "${genelist[@]}"
# Parse ffn file name from loci name
input="$ffn_dir/$(echo $i | awk -F ".fasta" '{print $1}').fasta_p.ffn"
# Extract right sequence from ffn based on seqID
awk -vRS=">" -vORS="" -vFS="\n" -vOFS="\n" -vID="$i" '(index($1, ID) != 0) {print ">"$0}' $input >> $output
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