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Created February 27, 2015 03:47
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Project : Autocall Macros
Purpose : Import a sheet from an xls file via a SQL pass through query
Inputs : xls file
Outputs : SAS dataset
Notes : data - Dataset to be created.
path - Path to the xls worksheet to be imported.
sheet - Name of the worksheet to be imported.
where - optional where clause to limit data;
Sample : %sqlExcel(data=work.results, path="&ROOT\Results.xls", sheet='Results');
2015-02-18 RK Initial coding.
%macro sqlExcel(cmd,
%let cmd=%upcase(&CMD);
%if "&CMD" eq "LIST" %then %do;
libname _xlfile &PATH access=readonly;
proc datasets lib=_XLFILE nodetails;
libname _xlfile clear;
dm log 'show';
%goto exit;
data _null_;
format sheet range sheetrange $100.;
call missing(sheet, range);
%if &SHEET ne %then sheet=compress(&sheet,'''"$');; *** no quotes and no $ ***;
%if &RANGE ne %then range=compress(&range,'''"' );; *** no quotes, $ is okay ***;
*** if range contains `$`, assume it is the whole thing. ***;
if index(range, '$') then sheetrange=range;
else sheetrange=cats(sheet, '$', range);
call symput('source', cats('[', sheetrange, ']')); *** wrap source in square brackets ***;
proc sql;
connect to excel(path=&PATH mixed=&MIXED);
create table &DATA %if "&WHERE" ne "" %then %do; (where=(&WHERE)) %end; as
select * from connection to excel ( select * from &source );
disconnect from excel;
%mend sqlExcel;
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